Unfortunately every country has blood on their hands especially here in the states.spain has the blood of many africans and native americans
Unfortunately every country has blood on their hands especially here in the states.spain has the blood of many africans and native americans
I'm tired
Really tired
My coworkers are dying , one I was particularly close with at the East NY CMF bus depot (dude was only 53 years) which in turn SHUT DOWN the entire CMF for the next who the fukk knows when...
My brother in law who is a NYPD officer was diagnosed with Coronavirus , my ONLY sister wasn't diagnosed but has it , my niece (3 years old)has it but wasn't officially diagnosed
Its radio silence on the higher ups and union reps end and I'm keeping it real, if I wasn't making 100k a year from this place I would've been relocated , I'm just tired of this shyt.
Sorry for the too personal rant.
Germany will issue coronavirus antibody certificates to allow quarantined to re-enter society
Researchers to test thousands for immunity as Berlin plans exit strategy for pandemic lock down
David Chazan Paris 29 March 2020 • 4:59pm
The novel coronavirus SARS-COV-2, which causes the Covid-19 disease. Credit: NIAID/NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH HANDOUT/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
German researchers plan to introduce coronavirus ‘immunity certificates’ to facilitate a proper transition into post-lockdown life, as Chancellor Angela Merkel’s handling of the crisis has led to a boost in the polls.
Dr. Angela Merkel
Is your user name a joke? being racist isn’t good for anyoneTnat is just so WTFFFFFFF mannnnn
And read some of the comments
You have to click on comments.
Liberals saying oh dont judge he probably cleaned the bar code with his spit for the scanner.
Same ppl saying dont be racist against china im sure
Maryland stay at home order starts at 8pm violators face a 5k fine and 1 year in the pen
Yup these idiots in some parts of NY still in the streets....I'm hearing the trains are still fukking packedThat’s what I suggested NY should do a few days ago, but I suggested a $100-$500 fine.
Cuomo is fukkin up big time.
Yeah looking at our deaths, Italy, Spain and then China, something ain’t adding up.We really about to pass China in deaths, them lying fukks![]()
Somebody could kill him on live TV right now and the world would be relieved.Trump told people if you are dying go vote...please people take this seriously tell tour friends, family, exes everyone to vote like it means your families life on it..sadly some of us are going to learn about someone who died from this and could have been prevented if we didnt have this idiot in office talking about hoax......im deeply saddened about what is going on and what is going to happen