Thanks breh
It makes this whole thing even worse because motherfukkers obviously weren't washing their hands in the first place smh.
Thanks breh
I forgot to mention this days ago, but you don't need special antibacterial soap to get rid of COVID-19. I don't even know where that rumor started.
Maybe it never started, maybe people are just retarded like with the toilet paper. Which I still don't understand.
Anyway, COVID-19 is basically a bundle of protein and lipids....lipids are fatty acid. Plain ol soap tears apart lipids. It's like if you got a greasy pan, and put dish soap in it. Imagine the grease as COVID-19.
Anyway, I thought this would help the people that been stressing about not being able to find a specific type of soap.
How soap absolutely annihilates the coronavirus
Oh my God. I'm scared. probably shouldn't have ingested all those nuts.
Still won't be available to the public until maybe January at the earliest butSeptember damn. That’s actually good and bad at the same time. Good that they’re starting trials rather quickly and bad that it’s still far away.
“If I make it through this....”
“IF I make it through this...”
It’s ill that’s where our minds are right now. This is unlike any feeling I’ve ever had.
I know y’all might be tired of me using this Hunan Bus example but to me it’s the greatest real life example we can look too. They have closed caption TVs on the buses in China so it allowed them to see the transmission in real time.
I’ve been humble on this and respect everyone’s opinion but I’m convinced of the effectiveness and necessity of wearing a mask. Also of staying 2 feet from everyone you come in contact with, whether a random stranger, a friend picking something up from you or a cashier.
these folks did not wear masks and in this closed environment were exposed 14 FEET away!
The masks literally made all the difference
as a country we are not doing any contact tracing nor effective isolation methods. Folks with the disease are being sent home from overwhelmed ERs and the majority do not have masks to prevent the spread to others and many will go to the grocery store and run other little errands once they feel a little better especially if they haven’t been given a positive test result.
We are not doing the draconian shyt that China was and will never be able to and we are not even locking down on the level of Italy. The cards of this virus turn over in 2-3 week phases. If a person is infected it’s gonna be 2 weeks before they present symptoms worrisome enough to go to the hospital. Then once that card flips over, for those that have severe disease and are hospitalized, it’s another 2-3 weeks before they either beat the infection or die.
every day we do not shut shyt down and truly quarantine as a community, state, country.. we got 30 days of consequences to follow it. So it’s going to get worse for at least the next 4-6 weeks, and for a period of that time. exponentially so..
If you look at the deaths in the US, that number is doubling every 3 days
so i took a break from the 24 hr news this weekend. i feel a hella lot better but then i put on the news and saw the numbers.
i cannot believe there are people who i know that still support trump and/or coming up with excuses. i was told that our city (pittsburgh) wouldnt have cases if it wasnt a sanctuary city. i just sighed and pretended i didnt hear it. you cant argue with that type of logic.
i was talking to my dad and he was on one. but he said some shyt to me that had me cracking up. he said the euros that game in influx at the dawn of the country werent the affluent and succesful ones. majority were lower class and i said and. he goes along hte lines that alot of these cacs are stupid by genetics. i started dying then i thought to myself damn he might be right idk if its even possible. but i have yet to come up with a reason why some of these people are so gullible stupid and racist. Especially when facts are presented to them that they maybe wrong.