Guess there’s no escape from New York ..If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; but if the plague breaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place.

Guess there’s no escape from New York ..If you hear of an outbreak of plague in a land, do not enter it; but if the plague breaks out in a place while you are in it, do not leave that place.
$1.75 to wash and another $1.75 to dry. I got $5 left on my card. I wish I would have known they'd totally shut us out. Used to be able to get in by appointment. I got 1 more load I can wash and dry then I gotta track down a place I can get quarters at. maybe a laundromat or I can hit a bank drive through at work.Cot damn it costs that much to do 2 loads?
NYC looks like it has a significantly lower mortality rate than most of the other states. If you look at the mortality rate of Louisiana, Michigan, and Georgia is is alarmingly high. Hopefully it will decrease because that isn't a good sign. I wouldn't be suprised if the US has multiple Italy scenarios playing out all at once in about 2 or 3 weeks. This shaping up to be a real disaster.
Hopefully we'll see some advancements in treatments ASAP.
We had damn near 1000 people test positive for this just Saturday in Michigan. It's wild how quickly the number rises day to day.NYC looks like it has a significantly lower mortality rate than most of the other states. If you look at the mortality rate of Louisiana, Michigan, and Georgia is is alarmingly high. Hopefully it will decrease because that isn't a good sign. I wouldn't be suprised if the US has multiple Italy scenarios playing out all at once in about 2 or 3 weeks. This shaping up to be a real disaster.
Hopefully we'll see some advancements in treatments ASAP.