I just texted this to my mom. She is thankfully on the I'll quit if you don't give me adequate protection train. Yesterday, she worked her first 12-hour shift in the past few weeks and said she got her an N95 mask from the nurse or worker who was in charge of watching over the supplies that were locked up. She said the woman was on the verge of tears out of fear of losing her job because the administration is setting strict requirements to get the mask but eventually was convinced to provide my mom with one. She said that it doesn't make sense since there were literally hundreds of masks and people like her who deal with people's airways are really at high risks and should be given this protection.
She also said that now the administration is also asking for some people who don't usually work in the ICUs, to work in them that have positive patients, but at the same time still being stingy with PPE. She said if she is forced to do this she will quit. I asked her why not just supply everyone at least just one mask and tell them to be responsible for doing stuff to extend the life of the masks and only replace them after they have worn that one out and in the meantime, they can focus on building up their stock. She said it was a good idea. Hopefully, she can use her position to convince these "Board members" or whoever she said is in charge to start thinking of this.
I told her to fukking quit at the first sign they want her to do something unsafe and she seems to be on board with that thinking already. I saw that thread on that one nurse and people chastising her for her choice. These people doing the chastising have the luxury of not worrying about being a high-risk situation and bringing it home to their family, in addition, putting their own health in danger.

Folks judging that woman for that can go fukk themselves.