At the moment the people dying likely caught this pre-lockdowns. They will likely slow the growth or reverse it. Problem in several republican governors didn't go along with the lockdowns so who knows.
Lets be honest, even in non-red states outside of California, the lockdown has been really half-assed. We aren't doing what Italy is doing where people are basically forbidden from leaving the house and have to get permission to get the essentials or get fined and arrested if violating.
In a blue-state, if I can still go down to the store and crowd in between a bunch of people to grab groceries, that isn't a good enough lockdown. American's aren't going to tolerate a massive lockdown with out massive justification first and that means more death is required before it gets to that point.

and even then it will still be a challenge. Supposedly in Italy they still have folks who don't want to obey the lockdown. Imagine Americans under those circumstances. Americans do not like being told what to do.