How did he get tested? I know ppl with symptoms & their MD was like nah

Lol you tryna travel right now u crazyIf Trump opens the US back up on the 1st, i'm pretty sure Americans are gonna get banned from entering certain countries![]()
I think people take for granted how severe 700+ people dying a day from one disease in one country really is.
Lets put it in context. In Italy, a country with a smaller population size of the US is seeing 700+ deaths a day from this and there is no telling if this is going to remain steady or might shoot up again like we saw it do yesterday.
Lets do a basic calculation of holding that steady for a year, in a country with a much smaller population than the US. 700*365 = 255500 deaths. This is ignoring a lot of variables btw like assuming this isn't seasonal or it won't come in phases as the Spanish Flu did.
For comparison, for the folks who say this isn't any worse than the flu, in the US over a year time period. This is how many are estimated to have died of the flu last year and annually since 2010.
Think about that. Italy with a population of 60 mill is seeing that rate of death. You can assume eventually we will reach that state or worse so our death numbers are going to exceed the flu several times over in time, unless something unexpected changes the course.
P.S. I realize I may be an annoying math nerd sometimes. Let me know if shyt is annoying.
I think enough people would honestly tell him to fukk himself and protest inhumane work conditions. The economy will falter either way. fukknuts is going for the short dumb bait and is going to get whacked
My coworker got mild symptoms and went to urgent care (fatigue, headache, mild fever)How did he get tested? I know ppl with symptoms & their MD was like nah![]()
They numbers jumped back up
i thought they were at their peak!?!
Lol you tryna travel right now u crazy
If...?Don't know why any of yall are surprised at this shyt
At least this clues anyone in who was paying attention... if some serious serious shyt ever happens.. the usa will be completely fukked