COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)


Nov 12, 2014
There are a few brehs on here who said they own small businesses and I empathize with them and how they are feeling right now. I have an uncle in St Louis who owns a small business that my mom was mentioning yesterday she was worried about. I get it. @Family Man is one of the brehs who is real worried about this. Not @'ing you breh to call you out. Just letting people know there are real people here who have legitimate concerns.

But this is the reality: Before places started going in lockdown the market was already crashing because investors may only think about money but they are not stupid with their money. They know based on what we know this shyt is going to get worse period. You send people back to work, there will be a point where this gets so bad that the government is going to be like "oh shyt we have to pull this back again" anyways. 140+ dead yesterday compared to 119 or something the day before then only 49 the day before that. This shyt is about to be bad and next week or even maybe before the week is over we will have several hundred dying a day. This will get a point that even if they open stuff back up right now, the numbers are going to be so bad that the government can't ignore it.

The problem is that this is America and we don't have the discipline or politicians who will make the sacrifices needed to make sure this is handled smoothly like South Korea or Singapore. Again, unfortunately, this is a cultural problem and as Americans, we are very independent-minded and it makes things like this hard to combat. A competent government would be like "OK this is a pick your poison situation. We either hurt now or we hurt later". At least if you hurt now, you can starve the virus some degree and also minimize the burden on healthcare systems where we can keep down deaths and infections to some degree. A competent government would be talking universal income for the short term, loan freezes, money packages to small businesses to keep them afloat and mandatory lockdown for at last 2 weeks - month to starve this virus to some extent. We need to due huge programs that we never had to do in modern history and just ride this out like Italy did. Italy after a long lockdown is now seeing a decrease or leveling of deaths.

You tell people to act like nothing is happening, this will spiral out of control. When we reach 1000 deaths a day then people are going to wonder "WTF what happened :damn:?" and we are back at square one anyways and you've actually prolonged the problem because you failed to enact preventative measures.


DJ Paul's Arm

Dec 15, 2015
This is why social distancing is so important for at least the next month. You could have a room of 200 people with only one person infected. That person could infect 2 people in that room who could then go out to another crowded space and infect somebody else and so on. It’s very possible a lot of people have been exposed and didn’t even become infected but why take that risk?



Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012

They numbers jumped back up

I think people take for granted how severe 700+ people dying a day from one disease in one country really is.

Lets put it in context. In Italy, a country with a smaller population size of the US is seeing 700+ deaths a day from this and there is no telling if this is going to remain steady or might shoot up again like we saw it do yesterday.

Lets do a basic calculation of holding that steady for a year, in a country with a much smaller population than the US. 700*365 = 255500 deaths. This is ignoring a lot of variables btw like assuming this isn't seasonal or it won't come in phases as the Spanish Flu did.

For comparison, for the folks who say this isn't any worse than the flu, in the US over a year time period. This is how many are estimated to have died of the flu last year and annually since 2010.
"Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. "

Think about that. Italy with a population of 60 mill is seeing that rate of death. You can assume eventually we will reach that state or worse so our death numbers are going to exceed the flu several times over in time, unless something unexpected changes the course.

P.S. I realize I may be an annoying math nerd sometimes. Let me know if shyt is annoying.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
I think people take for granted how severe 700+ people dying a day from one disease in one country really is.

Lets put it in context. In Italy, a country with a smaller population size of the US is seeing 700+ deaths a day from this and there is no telling if this is going to remain steady or might shoot up again like we saw it do yesterday.

Lets do a basic calculation of holding that steady for a year, in a country with a much smaller population than the US. 700*365 = 255500 deaths. This is ignoring a lot of variables btw like assuming this isn't seasonal or it won't come in phases as the Spanish Flu did.

For comparison, for the folks who say this isn't any worse than the flu, in the US over a year time period. This is how many are estimated to have died of the flu last year and annually since 2010.

Think about that. Italy with a population of 60 mill is seeing that rate of death. You can assume eventually we will reach that state or worse so our death numbers are going to exceed the flu several times over in time, unless something unexpected changes the course.

P.S. I realize I may be an annoying math nerd sometimes. Let me know if shyt is annoying.
It makes you seriously wonder what China's real numbers are...

No way that 81K is legit...

I'd put it at no less than 200k and that's being conservative...