Couples Breaking Up During Corona Lockdown!!!


All Money In
May 8, 2012
South Memphis
Let be an a$$hole right quick ....

My mentor says "see a lot of you dudes really want to be "LOVED & ADORED" by a women without knowing what TYPE of compromise and sacrifice as a man you have to make therefore this is a completely different conversation . A lot of you sit back and see all these older folks that was to get her back in the day was an extreme compromise and alot of people held on together because they didn't have any were else to go. Many stay together on some business shyt but I'm not going to get into that because that would be some BLACK PILL shyt . You nikkas can barley take the redpill shyt "

BGS is cooking he dropped this video at the perfect time. He goes in on men and I love it. Tough love EVERY man needs to hear from my OG .

Dapped and repped for posting the Master Teacher's work


Jun 23, 2012
With all due respect I don't HAVE to be an athlete or super rich for the courts to award a women with alimony. You don't want to do this with a person that in the military and see this shyt all the time :ufdup:

The women were more than likely stay at home mothers and more than deserving of alimony. The are very rare cases where the couple isn't wealthy, the wife worked and gets awarded alimony.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Let be an a$$hole right quick ....

My mentor says "see a lot of you dudes really want to be "LOVED & ADORED" by a women without knowing what TYPE of compromise and sacrifice as a man you have to make therefore this is a completely different conversation . A lot of you sit back and see all these older folks that was to get her back in the day was an extreme compromise and alot of people held on together because they didn't have any were else to go. Many stay together on some business shyt but I'm not going to get into that because that would be some BLACK PILL shyt . You nikkas can barley take the redpill shyt "

BGS is cooking he dropped this video at the perfect time. He goes in on men and I love it. Tough love EVERY man needs to hear from my OG .

Took awhile to finally get to his point And I started to turn it off

Decided to listen and he made some good points

He contradicted the shyt out himself tho. He said red pill is about accepting shyt for what it is and playing with the hand you’re dealt. Then later on said it’s a blue pill fantasy for a man to expect a woman to accept him just the way he is without changing the cards he’s dealt.

And he kinda put women on a pedestal assuming u gotta be top notch to smash 8s and above

My first time watching or listening to one of these red blue pill vids so maybe I’m just not up on game

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
My Coli Brehs who are going through it with their significant other should hold their heads and stay firm. I believe better will come out of this for everyone involved and recommend best efforts to remain positive. In my personal experience, my marriage and relationship with my family has been remarkably better during this time so believe me when I say, its just a phase and you will see it through. I am aware that I am probably in the minority in saying that, however, some brehs and brehettes in the thread are giving quality advice on how to choose a better mate the next time around. Be well!

Tupac in a business suit telling dudes “don’t worry fellas, y’all ladies in good hands. This will all just pass thru :steviej:



All Money In
May 8, 2012
South Memphis
Took awhile to finally get to his point And I started to turn it off

Decided to listen and he made some good points

He contradicted the shyt out himself tho. He said red pill is about accepting shyt for what it is and playing with the hand you’re dealt. Then later on said it’s a blue pill fantasy for a man to expect a woman to accept him just the way he is without changing the cards he’s dealt.

And he kinda put women on a pedestal assuming u gotta be top notch to smash 8s and above

My first time watching or listening to one of these red blue pill vids so maybe I’m just not up on game

BGS is very layered.
You can't just take one point and run with it. He speaks on the problems and solutions that is known to come from men his age. Not only is he MGTOW, he is also black pill. Again not the run of the mill Content Creator.

It's like listening to a dad talk to his son basically. Trying to let him know what reality is and helping him to stop giving a fukk about the consequences of said reality.

Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
Now..let's be honest what are the % of females that can fit all to most of those requirements?

Real talk, if you include foreign women, I’d say 30 - 40%.

The problem is most men do exactly what they blame women for.

We overlook and treat quality women bad in our youth for that big booty Instagram hoe and some quick nuts.
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Lamar Givens

Spitting truth you can’t handle
Nov 20, 2016
All of this goes out the window once you get married
She can have all of these traits, wake up one day no longer feeling the marriage, and then divorce
Or she can cheat and ask for divorce
People always put out their best during the honey moon phase or pre-marriage, especially women desperate for marriage
But your post is wisdom

My wife and I have been together for 10 years and married for 6.

My wife knows at the first hint/sign of cheating I’m gone.

I’m not asking any questions, don’t need to know why she cheated; I’m leaving and she would never hear or see me again :yeshrug:

Everything I shared with y’all in my original post my wife and her family have all those qualities.

She is from the Deep South, good old Louisiana yellabone and comes from a family of 8.

Parents were married till her father died. All of her siblings have stable and high paying careers and dishonoring the family name is not to be tolerated.

One of the first things my wife said when we talked about marriage was that she did not believe in divorce except for adultery.

Anything in life especially relationships have risks but you can definitely minimize those risks by hedging your bets and moving accordingly.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
BGS is very layered.
You can't just take one point and run with it. He speaks on the problems and solutions that is known to come from men his age. Not only is he MGTOW, he is also black pill. Again not the run of the mill Content Creator.

It's like listening to a dad talk to his son basically. Trying to let him know what reality is and helping him to stop giving a fukk about the consequences of said reality.

I don’t know breh

I mean he made some good points

But I don’t rock with that MGTOW shyt :hubie:

Plus he was saying a man can’t get the real affection and Love he want from women without sex then goes on to say he can walk in the room and get women excited just off his presence. He can get the Love and affection he need from that and doesn’t need sex :stopitslime:

I’m all for accepting shyt for what is is no sugar coating

But not getting p*ssy fukks with a dude mind as is evident with his contradictions

If he really wanna be red pill keep it all the way 100
Nov 18, 2016
My wife and I have been together for 10 years and married for 6.

My wife knows at the first hint/sign of cheating I’m gone.

I’m not asking any questions, don’t need to know why she cheated; I’m leaving and she would never hear or see me again :yeshrug:

Everything I shared with y’all in my original post my wife and her family have all those qualities.

She is from the Deep South, good old Louisiana yellabone and comes from a family of 8.

Parents were married till her father died. All of her siblings have stable and high paying careers and dishonoring the family name is not to be tolerated.

One of the first things my wife said when we talked about marriage was that she did not believe in divorce except for adultery.

Anything in life especially relationships have risks but you can definitely minimize those risks by hedging your bets and moving accordingly.

But I'm not willing to take that risk in terms of marriage
Wifey can turn into divorcee at the drop of a hat and the man usually pays for it
All it takes is for her to cheat, turn into a different person, or change her mind

My entire existence would become making sure wifey doesn't become unhappy to the point where she wants a divorce
Even if it were on a subconscious level
Some women know this and use it against men dangling the marriage and the kids over their head, telling them what to do, giving him rules and ultimatums, being a prude in bed while being defiled by her work husband, withholding sex tempting a man to cheat which would lead to divorce, etc.
And the woman may have not been like this AT ALL before the marriage
That sounds miserable

People get into relationships with people who BECOME someone they don't like sometimes because people can change
This can happen in marriage but the man can't just leave
At least if I'm not married and the love of my life turns into someone I don't want to be with, I can just leave
With marriage, that becomes a lot harder and a lot of men become STUCK with their spouse because they would rather stay married than go through divorce and deal with court despite being miserable
I could say all this and still end up married somehow :dead:
But I just can't see myself giving power to a woman like that by signing those papers
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Dec 29, 2016
I have had the same roll of tissue in my bathroom for a month now. She stayed over 5 days 2 months back and we went through 3 rolls. Fam, Ive had the same roll of paper towels on my counter since December. After moving out, I quickly realized how wasteful most people are, especially women. Obviously tissue is a little different, but women are a fukking expense.

Admit to not wiping your ass properly brehs :scust: