Cornel west deliverin that ether as usual..,


Aug 12, 2012
:whoa: That's blasphemy Clinton da Gawd :troll:

This is why we as Blacks don't have anything we forgot what good medicine tastes like, most of these kids aren't old enough to see Clinton's damage first hand they just reaped a good economy (which did bot really benefit US to the same extent) and said fukk it.

Clinton dont' ask don't tell repealed, Defense of Marriage act about to get repealed most likely when Supreme Court makes their "decision" in June.

Having his "baby" welfare reform being tweaked by his Democratic successor. Repealing Glass Steagle, letting Bin Laden loose with his boy Zawahiri.

I mean the guy's once of the Gawds, how can you hate on NAFTA? HE built a bridge to the 21st century :troll:

Lol at people forgetting that the dot com bubble was a huge part as to why the economy got so damn good. Not saying Clinton was not still going to have alot of jobs created, but if i recall i dont' even think he invested in the dot com bubble to get that much credit for it...

Not investing in it the way Obama is trying to do with energy.

By the way some people in here should remember Clinton's speech from the DNC months ago when he started talking about how in 1994/1995 he was almost in the same position with the economy(check the unemployment numbers from those years). Not as bad as us like he said but very close percentages,etc.

Now if it has been gradually getting better for the past 33 months each month......why in the hell would it out of the blue get worse again and we would "not be playing the Obama card in 2016" as the previous poster said?

As for the things you guys are talking about, if you look back on all his previous interviews, he has said like anyone else he believes the drug war has been a failure and thinks the laws should be decriminilized, but doesn't necessarily believe legalization is the problem.

Now obviously I think it should be legalization instead of decriminilization and I disagree with him about that, but my point is that he did not rule out anything like other presidents would do. I know he remembers that interview he gave in January 2004(and the other one he gave last year also in Latin America), so I doubt he is not going to do "anything" in his second term related to marijuana.....especially since he did something with crack/coke in his 1st term.

My gut tells me he is going to come to his senses and push for legalization at some point. I don't know if he will do this before or after the midterms.

Also the "three strike" rule is already going down in several states already.

Personally I would like to see him bring back that "Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Families Act" that he wrote when he was a senator and tweak some things in it in terms of child support. That would definitely help especially black fathers(if he adds other proposals to it)

I think if he sticks to his word about making a push for fixing early childhood education that would also be a big help.

Another Note:

People need to look up what civil rights means and learn to stop picturing race in their mind when they hear the term. If like he said in his speech today fights for woman's rights(Paycheck Fairness Act), immigration(Dream Act), LBGT(Respect For Marriage Act)......these are technically "civil rights" issues. I mean how slow can you be? As I just said civil rights doesn't always refer to race......or black people like some of you guys believe.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Yeah Obama being our president, is an inspiration for the black youth. Gives them a false sense of hope. Reality is this country is fukked up and having a black president doesn't change a got damn thing. nikkaz is still out here being persecuted.
As a whole black people are better off than we have ever been in america. Yes we still have a lot of problems that need to be addressed. But now more than ever economic opportunities are available for black people. The hope is real and greatness is attainable. We just have to work hard and raise our kids to work even harder.

this entire thread is about Obama being a civil rights champion :snoop:

Where do you think the original "what has Obama done with regard to civil rights" question comes from. Like I said, you're being 100% dishonest because never in a million years would you highlight the Medicare Part D act as helping black people. That was my point from the very beginning. My opening line was "lets keep it funky, you'd be calling obamacare romney care if this were still the election." I'm highlighting that you're a front runner.

It being a 90s plan has EVERYTHING to do with this. Its the crux of my argument. If this was not Obama's plan, you would NOT approve of it. If this weren't a democratic plan, you would NOT approve of it.

My argument was never based on obamacare NOT doing anything for black ppl. It was on you being dishonest about how supportive you are of the document. If this thread was, "yo in hindsight Romney may actually have cared about the 47%." And I laid out the Romney care law, you would not have made one single post in here qualifying that claim with "Yeah he was def putting on a front to win the election, but you're right, he's done a considerable amount for civil rights." That is, my point.

It's going to be wild in 2016 when we can no longer play the Obama card and actually have to agree with someone's philosophies to vote for em.

Your making a lot of assumptions about me. You are too concerned with politics and who said what. I am concerned with what actually has/can be done in our communities. Any way you cut it black people overwhelmingly need support when it comes to healthcare. Obamacare gives us SOME of that support and is a step in the right direction. That's it, all this extra stuff your talking is nonsense and a distraction from what should be being discussed.

What I don't understand is there is not one national politician you can pick out that has done more for, or spoken out for minorities and the middle class more than Obama, yet Obama is the one that deserves the criticism:mindblown: we should be putting our energy behind him, that's the only way he can do more than he's doing. I'm not in his head, I don't know if he genuinely cares or not, but the rest of the politicians damn sure don't care so why is it we attack Obama?


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
Yeah Obama being our president, is an inspiration for the black youth. Gives them a false sense of hope. Reality is this country is fukked up and having a black president doesn't change a got damn thing. nikkaz is still out here being persecuted.

My father gave up hope and hung himself cause a that shyt you talking! And I aint going out like that!


custom user title
May 9, 2012
Dude is becoming a pain in the ass. Dudes like him and Tavis Smiley, constantly up dudes crotches. Let the man breathe damn.

"classic projection of his own comfortably ensconced life at Harvard and Princeton Universities" and that West "offers thin criticism of President Obama and stunning insight into the delicate ego of the self-appointed black leadership class

^Melissa Harris Perry

MHP was on point but she starting to seem like she's dikk-riding Obama.


custom user title
May 9, 2012
That quote says it all. If anything, dudes like West should feel like guilty because they're picking up the self-appointed "black leadership" role and using it for shyt like this.

yup. Self-appointed leaders have a lot of explaining to do. MLK wasn't perfect and he was actually pretty flawed in my opinion. I feel the whole integration push was premature. I'm not an expert on the civil rights period in history but I can't help but feel much more could and should have been done to prepare Blacks before hand.


custom user title
May 9, 2012
He has appoint's kind of hypocritical for a drone bombing, corporate loving president to use the bible of a man who fought and died speaking against economic/social inequality, poverty and the unjust killing of innocents in the name of military action to be sworn into an office where said politician plans to continue bombing with little regard for collateral damage and circle jerking the corporate elite while doing as little as possible for the needy in this country.

There's some much contradiction and hypocrisy in America's doesn't start with Obama.

The Real

May 8, 2012
"classic projection of his own comfortably ensconced life at Harvard and Princeton Universities" and that West "offers thin criticism of President Obama and stunning insight into the delicate ego of the self-appointed black leadership class

^Melissa Harris Perry


How does wanting a president who does the things that King called on previous presidents to do count as "projection?" When was the last time West had the power to change foreign policy, domestic policy, or fundamentally restructure American society? When was the last time he created laws or gave out passes that widened the economic gap? When was the last time he ordered drone strikes or engaged in Neocon military operations? When was the last time he eroded habeas corpus?

The only thin criticism here is Perry's. She literally avoided every, specific thing he said in favor of this weak attempt at psychoanalysis. Nothing about West's position in life falsifies the words he spoke in that video... but then that's why she completely avoided addressing them.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
As a whole black people are better off than we have ever been in america. Yes we still have a lot of problems that need to be addressed. But now more than ever economic opportunities are available for black people. The hope is real and greatness is attainable. We just have to work hard and raise our kids to work even harder.

Your making a lot of assumptions about me. You are too concerned with politics and who said what. I am concerned with what actually has/can be done in our communities. Any way you cut it black people overwhelmingly need support when it comes to healthcare. Obamacare gives us SOME of that support and is a step in the right direction. That's it, all this extra stuff your talking is nonsense and a distraction from what should be being discussed.

What I don't understand is there is not one national politician you can pick out that has done more for, or spoken out for minorities and the middle class more than Obama, yet Obama is the one that deserves the criticism:mindblown: we should be putting our energy behind him, that's the only way he can do more than he's doing. I'm not in his head, I don't know if he genuinely cares or not, but the rest of the politicians damn sure don't care so why is it we attack Obama?

"We" attack everyone. What politician does not receive criticism.

Obama is a moderate. Therefore he's going to get tons of hate from both sides. We won't get behind him and push him 100% because we don't believe in his policies. Case in point Obamacare. You seem to forget that democrats didn't even agree with Obamacare. Everyone seems to forget how Obamacare actually went down. How the public option, which is what the dems wanted and the electorate wanted was removed from the table. That's where the criticism comes from. We're having revisionist history here. I see your "point" on criticism. But it's not unfounded.

This can be extended to the bank fallout. Obama is a moderate. Instead of using the crisis as an opportunity to restructure the banking industry, he used it as an opportunity to push through healthcare (here you could argue for either or). They waltzed away free, unemployment stayed shyt, profits hit the roof, the middle class was washed. The electorate was ready to ride on the banking industry b. His popularity was at an all time HIGH from 2008-2010. Ppl seem to forget this. He controlled the story and the narrative. Dude, look at the gains the friggin tea party made during this time. The dems had no focal leadership because they disagreed with the White House on everything. That's where the criticism comes from.

Thats why folks are blinded from the good Obama has done. Because the good always seemed to come at the expense of the better. Every win, just seemed like a shift to the center. Look at the latest debt ceiling talks. 400k is now the new 250k. Obama supporters look at it like, "yeah we got republicans to cave on taxes." Ppl looking at it objectively say, "No you had them crawling (again), they just waited til the tax cuts expired, agreed to 400k, and save face by calling it a pay cut while making you concede on your 250k philosophy."

Now if we're talking about the credit rating fiasco. No one can blame him for that. And nobody did. Ultimately I usually blame his failures on the electorate outside of NY, but he doesn't give them anything to work with so its a share of the blame.

Do ya see my point? Hopefully you do.
May 1, 2012
while doing as little as possible for the needy in this country.

in several states, thanks to the institution of provisions within obama's affordable care act, millions of poor people can now avail themselves of healthcare that was previously unattainable.

that's fact. your cac talking points, spread by right-wingers wholly disinterested in working on behalf of the needy you speak, are not supported by the reality of obama's first term.

fukk the rest of your drivel.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
MHP was on point but she starting to seem like she's dikk-riding Obama.

MHP never tears apart Cornels points. She just says flowery ad hominem responses to Cornels alleged motivations.

She's a tool. I wonder what people like her think will happen to her when Obama is no longer President. MSNBC will politely show her and the rest of the Obama proxies the door.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
"We" attack everyone. What politician does not receive criticism.

Obama is a moderate. Therefore he's going to get tons of hate from both sides. We won't get behind him and push him 100% because we don't believe in his policies. Case in point Obamacare. You seem to forget that democrats didn't even agree with Obamacare. Everyone seems to forget how Obamacare actually went down. How the public option, which is what the dems wanted and the electorate wanted was removed from the table. That's where the criticism comes from. We're having revisionist history here. I see your "point" on criticism. But it's not unfounded.

This can be extended to the bank fallout. Obama is a moderate. Instead of using the crisis as an opportunity to restructure the banking industry, he used it as an opportunity to push through healthcare (here you could argue for either or). They waltzed away free, unemployment stayed shyt, profits hit the roof, the middle class was washed. The electorate was ready to ride on the banking industry b. His popularity was at an all time HIGH from 2008-2010. Ppl seem to forget this. He controlled the story and the narrative. Dude, look at the gains the friggin tea party made during this time. The dems had no focal leadership because they disagreed with the White House on everything. That's where the criticism comes from.

Thats why folks are blinded from the good Obama has done. Because the good always seemed to come at the expense of the better. Every win, just seemed like a shift to the center. Look at the latest debt ceiling talks. 400k is now the new 250k. Obama supporters look at it like, "yeah we got republicans to cave on taxes." Ppl looking at it objectively say, "No you had them crawling (again), they just waited til the tax cuts expired, agreed to 400k, and save face by calling it a pay cut while making you concede on your 250k philosophy."

Now if we're talking about the credit rating fiasco. No one can blame him for that. And nobody did. Ultimately I usually blame his failures on the electorate outside of NY, but he doesn't give them anything to work with so its a share of the blame.

Do ya see my point? Hopefully you do.
I do see your point, but I'm not concerned with this republican vs democrat fight. I don't care who's a democrat or a moderate. In fact maybe a moderate is what we need because he seems to be the only one that wants to get stuff done. The rest of the republicans and democrats just want to fight over nonsense and point fingers at each other when it all goes to shyt. I'd take a compromise every time if we are actualing getting things done and moving in the right direction. But that's just my opinion:manny:

I've said plenty of times that his presidency hasn't been perfect. There is nothing wrong with making real policy criticisms as you did in this post. My problem is with all the "Obama don't care about black people" talk.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
I do see your point, but I'm not concerned with this republican vs democrat fight. I don't care who's a democrat or a moderate. In fact maybe a moderate is what we need because he seems to be the only one that wants to get stuff done. The rest of the republicans and democrats just want to fight over nonsense and point fingers at each other when it all goes to shyt. I'd take a compromise every time if we are actualing getting things done and moving in the right direction. But that's just my opinion:manny:

I've said plenty of times that his presidency hasn't been perfect. There is nothing wrong with making real policy criticisms as you did in this post. My problem is with all the "Obama don't care about black people" talk.

And here is where you respond to people not in this thread.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
And here is where you respond to people not in this thread.

:what: the conversation started because dude asked me what has Obama done for civil rights and for black people specifically. And if we are speaking about Cornell west, he is one of the main ones that perpetrates the "Obama don't care about black people" dialog. I was just giving my opinion and not directing it at anybody in particular.