I love the show but that's the one thing about the show that irked me is the constant retconning of stuff..even as a kid it had me

because it never made sense. Cory's personality in the first couple seasons is nothing like who they turned him into and while I understand the idea of changing as we grow, how does he go from being a smart kid but slacker more interested in sports and video games to being a neurotic guy who lacks an athletic bone in his body. They made him less cool and kept retconning when he and Topanga fell in love. I don't mind him being in love with the girl or their relationship because that happens but damn, don't tell me in the first season or first two that he can barely stand her and then tolerate her to being in love since they were 5. And somehow, Shawn went from living a life similar to Corey but having a dad who just lost his job and a mom and a sister, to being trailer park trash who has two half brothers but one of them never got mentioned again. Plus the Eric retcon, while funny, also never made sense to me.