Ghostface Trillah
God-level poster
We don't let capitalism win here, otherwise your ass would still be a slave. We fight.
You're advocating a dangerous complacency that only benefits the super- wealthy. Of course, as individuals, we should try to find our way within the current capitalist system on a personal level, just so we can eat. But we should never actively advocate letting the situation stand.
We don't let capitalism win here? I got news for you. Capitalism has already won. Are jobs not being shipped overseas to the lowest bidder? Are people not having their education undervalued just to get a job? Are CEOs of companies getting more money for figuring out how to give less money to the employees?
Capitalism has already won. Ain't no fight to be had. Only person trying to rectify capitalism is Bernie Sanders and I heard that black people aren't voting for him because he doesn't believe in reparations so good luck with that.