Essential Conspiracy Thread


May 20, 2013
Here's a real conspiracy:the original owner of the Kenyan mall where all those people got killed last September was also a partner in the,(wait for it,drumroll) the WTC!! Yes ,dudes the Zioilluminati are also active in Africa.

"but one of the directors of the Westgate mall is one Israeli citizen,Frank Lowy. An Israeli with the same name had an interesting relationship with Larry Silverstein properties. Yes,the one and only Silverstein who owned the World Trade Complex and managed to double his insurance payout."
The world works by such plots,hidden agendas and conspiracies.
May 1, 2012
Here's a real conspiracy:the original owner of the Kenyan mall where all those people got killed last September was also a partner in the,(wait for it,drumroll) the WTC!! Yes ,dudes the Zioilluminati are also active in Africa.

"but one of the directors of the Westgate mall is one Israeli citizen,Frank Lowy. An Israeli with the same name had an interesting relationship with Larry Silverstein properties. Yes,the one and only Silverstein who owned the World Trade Complex and managed to double his insurance payout."
The world works by such plots,hidden agendas and conspiracies.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Market Newsletter Predicts Huge Population Die Off in 2020-2029 Among Young People Foolishly Addicted to Wifi & Microwave Devices

Notes from Ken Adachi, Editor
June 27, 2014

Market Newsletter Predicts Huge Population Die Off in 2020-2029 Among Young People Foolishly Addicted to Wifi & Microwave Devices (June 27, 2014)

I've written a number of articles since 2007 discussing the health damaging effects of exposure to high level microwave energy fields from the use of cell phones and Wifi devices. The greatest damage is experienced by young children and teenagers whose bodies have not yet grown to full size (smaller the body, greater the damage). I stated in many of those articles that a lot of young people are going to go to an early grave due to the cumulative effects of microwave damage to their DNA and cellular structures (calcification of cell walls). Today, I received a copy of a free market newsletter written by Manfred Zimmel in Austria who expresses the same concerns that I have expressed concerning the coming Wifi Plague --which is completely preventable if people simply WAKE up and stop using Wifi gadgets, especially smart phones (which just about every teenager now owns), that put out continuous high levels of microwave energy as long as the phone is turned on. Get rid of all Wifi devices and only use an old fashion cell phone that you keep 3 feet away from your body while talking over the speaker phone or use an air tube headset.

Excerpted from

Free Amanita Newsletter © Copyright Manfred Zimmel page 8 of 36

There will be 3 major contraction waves, interrupted by 2 brief recoveries (2015/16 & 2018/19): (a) 2014/15: without large global differences, similar to 2008 (b) 2017/18: major regional (war-related?) differences (c) 2020er: the final maximum bombshell with huge regional differences caused by many wars & epidemics. The most important yet hardest to estimate factor is the degree, speed & regional distribution of the world population reduction 2020-29 (10-50% on average?). Everyone with microwave wireless WMDs like WLAN/ Wi-Fi, cell phone (without a good protection) is a warrior in the biggest war of mankind against itself. That’s how the military of the year 2014 looks like: total ‘gleichschaltung’ (forcible coordination) of soldiers with highly dangerous microwave weapons, stirring the blood of every fascist…
4. population decline 2020-29: In 2009 it was forecast that the global life expectancy would top out in the coming years & then drop for a long time. This call has contradicted virtually every demographic call, so it was completely impossible in the standard way of thinking… And yet for the first time ever a major nation (Great Britain) released data in September 2013 that since 2010 the life expectancy of the oldest cohort has been declining by 1 year per year. It’s hardly a coincidence that this extra-ordinary news came 666 years after the biggest epidemics in history: Black Death 1347 (killed half of the European population). This is hardly a surprise, as Lyme disease/ borreliosis (miasm of destruction = syphilis reloaded) is the first major epidemic of the 3rd millennium. It is totally unknown that Lyme disease is not just transmitted by tics, but also from human to human ( link ): sexually, by breast-feeding… 1/3 of the US blood bottles are polluted with Lyme disease, as there are no controls at all. The Morgellons caused by chemtrails are another major factor. As usual, the crowd worries about just the wrong thing! Major epidemics are inevitable, as germs get extremely aggressive because of (microwave) pollution. Dr. Klinghardt has found out in lab tests that under EMF radiation germs of Lyme disease & fungi [mold] breed 600 times more (!) than without. Moreover, the amount & aggressiveness of their toxins [E.g. mold toxins] increases dramatically. Why is high frequency electromagnetic pollution so dangerous? Because it causes the ORANUR disease (ORgone Against NUclear Radiation), as described by Wilhelm Reich already 60 years ago. When the ‘good’ life energy (orgone) interacts with high frequency electromagnetic radiation, then DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) is created. This was experimentally validated in the 1950s (with a Geiger counter) & later researched by Prof. James DeMeo, who also developed the Saharasia theory.
Reich’s insights were so dangerous to the scientific establishment & the nuclear power mafia that his books were burned (!) by the FDA in the US & Reich himself was murdered in jail. A similar observation was made by Ric Weinman: radiation ruins the vital webbing, which can't be repaired with traditional methods. High frequency spectrum: * megahertz 106 = radio * gigahertz 109 = microwaves (cell phone, WLAN/ Wi-Fi) * exahertz 1018 = X-ray * zettahertz 1021 = radioactivity/ gamma rays
The physicist Barrie Trower has been a micro wave expert for the British military & secret services since 1960. He labels microwaves as the stealth weapon, tested & used against the population since Thatcher. Meanwhile the microwave warfare has been has been sophisticated & it is even possible to choose which physical or mental illnesses shall be produced. E.g. 6.6 resp. 6.66 hertz (number of the Beast!) produces sexual aggression, no wonder with 6 = sex ( Link ). Frequencies can both heal & make sick, the pioneer of frequency therapy is Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) who was terrorized by the FDA similar to Wilhelm Reich. Due to his expertise Trower demands life imprisonment for people who install WLAN/ Wi-Fi in educational institutions or other places where girls & young women spend a lot of their time ( Link ). The reason is that the radiation causes more or less irreversible genetic damage of the eggs in the ovaries, with the full effects not seen before the generation of the *grandchildren* - which is 30-60 years later ( Link ). Interestingly, the eggs already present in the ovaries at the birth of a baby girl are 10x more sensitive to radiation than the rest of the DNA. 15-20 year ago the biggest sterilization in the history of mankind began…

According to a study by Prof. Davoudi in Austria the cell phone use immediately deteriorates the sperm quality of men, too. But this is not a big problem because sperm is produced every day. Today’s contraception is with the cell phone. There are 3 sectors where the risks can’t be insured because the risks could be 'endless': nuclear power, genetic engineering & microwaves (mobile phones, WLAN/ Wi-Fi…). Which one of the these 3 is the most dangerous? Of course the one where the crowd is least aware of: microwaves – there is very little concern about it. This is even more surprising when we take into consideration that nearly 100% of the ‘rich’ world population is subject to EMF pollution 24/7. And everyone rich or poor is a victim of HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). It is hard to tell whether Frankenstein food or nuclear power will be more dangerous, which heavily depends upon political decisions. The bigger the danger, the less it is recognized by the crowd! GMO food faces most resistance but the danger is alleviated because it can be corrected with the aid of the Primeval Code ( Link ). Russia is fought so heavily by the illuminati because this nation stubbornly refuses to reduce its population with Frankenstein food, apart from many other maneuvers against the NWO.


Toxic Wifi Radiation Continues Even When Ipads, Ipods, etc Are Turned Off (May 17, 2014)

Slowly Waking Up in Toronto: " Could WiFi in schools be harming our kids?" (May 15, 2014)

The Dangers of Smart Meters & the Trojan Horse Called "Sustainable Development" (Agenda 21 subversion) April 24, 2013

WiFi & Cell Phones Pose a Much Greater Danger Than Most People Realize; Find Out the Facts (July 3, 2012

Inexpensive Method To Shield a Room Against Microwave Energy (Jan 9, 2012)

How can I shield my Smart meter? (July 15, 2011)

WiFi Dangers

Scientific Papers Show Adverse Biological Effects + Damage to Health from Wi-Fi (Oct. 31, 2013)

Microwaves: The Radiation Poisoning of America (Oct. 8, 2007)

Cell Phones And Wireless Dangers - The Fundamentals (Oct 7, 2007)


Dec 30, 2013
saw this on another forum, thought y'all might be interested :nocacpls:

William Cooper, author of Behold A Pale Horse and a huge UFO and alien expert said that this whole UFO/alien thing is just a set up by the government to trick the people of the world into believe that we're being invaded by an aliens, thus uniting us as one world government. It's part of the new world order.

His story is interesting because for most of his life he was a huge UFO/alien shill, beginning with his career in the navy and air force where he was able to get his hands on top secret UFO documents. And then near the end of his life as he dug more and more into it he started seeing signs that it was all for show and that the evidence and documents he had seen while in the military had been a set up to get him or someone like him to go on a UFO crusade.

He also predicted that in the coming years more and more high level people would start speaking out about aliens and UFOs in an attempt to ready us for a false flag alien attack, which is what seems to happening.

He also died soon after he started talking about how it's all a setup, which he predicted would happen.

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
Let me briefly come out of retirement since I am disappointed in what this has become.

How do people feel about time line manipulation and potentially people at some point in the future going back in the past and changing significant events to produce a different outcome?

I feel like there are tons of major events in human history that made no sense whatsoever but were pivotal turning points that altered the course of history.

Spare me the bullshyt about someone going back to the beginning of the Earth and putting a bacteria in the atmosphere or some shyt. Whatever.

Im talking about more-so modern history. The Black Hand and Gavrilo Princip taking out Ferdinand. Hitler randomly not being shot in the head during WW1 when a British soldier had a gun to his head, or averting death when confronted by German police during the Beerhall Putsch. The Japanese randomly feeling brolic and bringing the US into the war (i know about the steel/oil embargoes, but im talking about the generals urging the bombing of pearl harbor despite major objections from with-in). Tesla giving away his patent to Westinghouse for AC electricity (!!) for free just to have him sell it to JP Morgan. Hitler going in on the Russian front when they could have probably taken out Britain. Lincoln and JFK assassinations (?). Even cultural stuff like the Tupac and Biggie assassinations(?), Bruce Lee's mysterious death, Bob Marley's death, John Lennon assassination (dude was obsessed with Jodie Foster wasnt he? :leostare:)

There are tons of other mysterious yet major shyt that has happened too, most of which completely defies logic. I am not saying necessarily that all, most or any of the above were manipulated..just bringing up some major moments. Also, I feel like if it was possible or is in the future, those capable of doing so wouldnt go too far in the past because things as major as WWI and WW2 were so formative for modern society that they should not have been stopped from happening.

It may be impossible to tell, since we wouldn't know the difference, but I feel like there is a possibility that the major PTB at some point re-did certain things for whatever reason. Plus, as there is growing evidence towards the universe being a simulation, it would be conceivable to have "saving points" and then just reboot the shyt and change it, let alone someone or society in the future realizing that shyt got so fukked up at a certain time that they should just go back and alter it. :manny:

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
Let me briefly come out of retirement since I am disappointed in what this has become.

How do people feel about time line manipulation and potentially people at some point in the future going back in the past and changing significant events to produce a different outcome?

I feel like there are tons of major events in human history that made no sense whatsoever but were pivotal turning points that altered the course of history.

Spare me the bullshyt about someone going back to the beginning of the Earth and putting a bacteria in the atmosphere or some shyt. Whatever.

Im talking about more-so modern history. The Black Hand and Gavrilo Princip taking out Ferdinand. Hitler randomly not being shot in the head during WW1 when a British soldier had a gun to his head, or averting death when confronted by German police during the Beerhall Putsch. The Japanese randomly feeling brolic and bringing the US into the war (i know about the steel/oil embargoes, but im talking about the generals urging the bombing of pearl harbor despite major objections from with-in). Tesla giving away his patent to Westinghouse for AC electricity (!!) for free just to have him sell it to JP Morgan. Hitler going in on the Russian front when they could have probably taken out Britain. Lincoln and JFK assassinations (?). Even cultural stuff like the Tupac and Biggie assassinations(?), Bruce Lee's mysterious death, Bob Marley's death, John Lennon assassination (dude was obsessed with Jodie Foster wasnt he? :leostare:)

There are tons of other mysterious yet major shyt that has happened too, most of which completely defies logic. I am not saying necessarily that all, most or any of the above were manipulated..just bringing up some major moments. Also, I feel like if it was possible or is in the future, those capable of doing so wouldnt go too far in the past because things as major as WWI and WW2 were so formative for modern society that they should not have been stopped from happening.

It may be impossible to tell, since we wouldn't know the difference, but I feel like there is a possibility that the major PTB at some point re-did certain things for whatever reason. Plus, as there is growing evidence towards the universe being a simulation, it would be conceivable to have "saving points" and then just reboot the shyt and change it, let alone someone or society in the future realizing that shyt got so fukked up at a certain time that they should just go back and alter it. :manny:

I think about it quite often, actually.

It's perfectly logical that ANY human would want to go back and kill Hitler. But the reason that so much "coincidence" and flat out foolishness follows dudes' life..... maybe ..... could you imagine if someone COMPETENT would have gotten their hands on the Nazi Regime?

Maybe we have to have Hitler because the alternative is far worse. Look at Himmler and Goebbels.

Think about how absurd it is that a nation built on the notion of the 6 foot 4 blue eyed blonde haired aryan ideal can be led by a barely 5 foot 10 hunchbacked black haired browned eyed gimp with one testicle who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. ALL THE TIME.

The rest of it, maybe we are being guided. Or stunted.

But if you look at how it balances out, on TOP of the "simulacrum" theory, it really does seem like more of a long term chess game.

The simulation theory negates the time travel one. Unless someone is pulling strings and clipping events at random. just to see what happens.I kinda think that in order to be running a simulation, you'd have to be out side of it. Like turning on a DreamCast.

Time travel, it would have to be not only part of the simulacrum, but playing the EXTREMELY long term game, because too much happens both good and bad. Or maybe I'm too short sighted to see how stuff like pruning the Tesla or Bruce Lee branch would make us grow taller.

Unless we simply wernt ready as a species for such a branch.

I want to go back in on my conspiracy theory shyt but it's draining :noah:

For me, it's just that....

We had too many 9/11s all of the sudden.

we spent a great deal of time....... exploring, if you will. Sacred geometry, frequency modulation, cymantics, astral projection, philosophical shyt, bouncing questions off each other, digging in the crates and comparing notes,etc etc....

all of the sudden it was like :lupe: sandy hook: :lupe: dark knight! :lupe: south carolina! :lupe: boston bombings! :lupe: school shootings! :lupe: colorado! :lupe: Where HAARP go!? :lupe: chicago!

it's all distracting

and you're right. very tiring. :to:

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
I think about it quite often, actually.

It's perfectly logical that ANY human would want to go back and kill Hitler. But the reason that so much "coincidence" and flat out foolishness follows dudes' life..... maybe ..... could you imagine if someone COMPETENT would have gotten their hands on the Nazi Regime?

Maybe we have to have Hitler because the alternative is far worse. Look at Himmler and Goebbels.

Think about how absurd it is that a nation built on the notion of the 6 foot 4 blue eyed blonde haired aryan ideal can be led by a barely 5 foot 10 hunchbacked black haired browned eyed gimp with one testicle who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. ALL THE TIME.

The rest of it, maybe we are being guided. Or stunted.

But if you look at how it balances out, on TOP of the "simulacrum" theory, it really does seem like more of a long term chess game.

The simulation theory negates the time travel one. Unless someone is pulling strings and clipping events at random. just to see what happens.I kinda think that in order to be running a simulation, you'd have to be out side of it. Like turning on a DreamCast.

Time travel, it would have to be not only part of the simulacrum, but playing the EXTREMELY long term game, because too much happens both good and bad. Or maybe I'm too short sighted to see how stuff like pruning the Tesla or Bruce Lee branch would make us grow taller.
Unless we simply wernt ready as a species for such a branch.

Glad to see such a great response. Lets work under the assumption of the simulacrum theory or timeline manipulation being true.

1. Thats why I think Hitler was allowed to live and do what he did. I bet some decisions were altered, but most of which were calculated to allow him to keep control long enough to fukk it up. I agree totally on that and even something not mentioned like their attempt of bombing him in the meeting room could have been manipulated to have the bomb be put in the wrong location etc. Under competent leadership, the Nazis would be controlling Europe and perhaps more via economics. South America was largely sympathetic for whatever reason as well. The alternative to Hitler after the movement was cemented and before key military fukk ups would have ensured their success. Even Stalin didnt really want all that much beef and was shocked that Hitler targeted him instead of other capitalist nations more at the time (GB). He retaliated so hard back essentially because he was hot headed and stubborn as fukk and was offended to the utmost degree that Hitler would try to go there.

2. It really makes no sense how ALL the dominoes fell in order for Hitler, literally every step of the way. Less than impossible and makes it very very hard to believe. I also think that there was a CIA mole or two within the Nazi hierarchy based on books I have read. I read a de-classified secret services book on him written in the 40s and some of the personal stuff they were aware of makes the alternative also impossible. Wouldnt be surprised if it was actually HW Bush. He ended up being CIA director, was in tons of presidential administrations, his family got in trouble for financing the Nazis and was a WW2 vet. There have been some (albeit dubious) sources claiming he either doubled as a German (George Scherff), that also happened to be related to a Tesla lab assistant. The ties are there. Enter in the fact that he was in Skull and Bones, Scherff( whos details are murky and essentially scrubbed from history) was one of the 2 people who visited Tesla in NYC right before he died, and that there is a picture with him seated with Mengele and it just multiplies exponentially.

3. If the simulation theory is true, then that is, in fact, most likely to be true. Makes it less likely to me than time travel manipulation to be honest but the possibility remains. Could just be some mind control shyt via advanced tech too, but I am unsure if they were capable of this during that time. Especially if you rule out the possibility of different, more advanced species other than humans being involved...which is fair to do because that seems even more far fetched.

4. It definitely is the extremely long term game. JP Morgan was close to being finished as a business man. His dad closed the door on him financing any electricity ventures after Edison failed miserably...then his dad "mysteriously" died shortly thereafter. Morgan got all his dad's funds and had the power to go forward. JP had a smear campaign trying to ruin Westinghouse and it worked to nearly bring Westinghouse's stock to crash. Because Tesla was so determined, he then signed away his patent to AC ELECTRICITY and destroyed his contract with Westinghouse to get royalties from it so Westinghouse had enough cash to make a brilliant display of AC at the Chicago science fair which earned him the Niagara Falls contract. Then, JP Morgan threatened law suits on Westinghouse...Westinghouse, knowing that he wouldnt have the funds to do the Niagara contract and fight off the law-suits simultaneously, sold the company and all patents to Morgan. Do you know how much fukking money that earned JP Morgan then and in the long run? He was then able to buy out Carnegie for incredible money and had a steel monopoly that built America.

5. Pruning the Tesla branch was incredibly important. Dude was on pace to have wireless tech for the planet and could provide electricity essentially for free for the nation and eventually the world. He actually did so for a town I believe briefly. There was no money in any of that and would have also put Morgan under. Eventually, JP Morgan Bank had a share of the Federal Reserve and fingerprints everywhere. Add in to the fact that McKinley got assassinated fairly randomly...Teddy Roosevelt came to the Presidency with the express desire to end monopolies...seems counter-intuitive but it forced the mega-powers to ally and sub division their shyt out which allowed the tentacles to grow.

6. The Bruce Lee branch (and 2pac etc) were minor examples. Perhaps not manipulated much or at all, but some of those guys were getting so popular that they could have been seen as big enough trouble makers to the status quo to get ex'ed out.

And yes, it is tiring as fukk. I very rarely, if at all, look up new info. This was all off the top of my head. I just wanted to give the thread some fresh air.
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