Essential Conspiracy Thread


Boricua Guerrero
May 6, 2012
Philly #ByrdGang #TPC
Shasta County Supervisors All Vote to Explore Chemtrail Issue
by Dane Wigington - Jul 16, 2014
3 67

REDDING, California – The Shasta County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday afternoon to seek more information on “chemtrails” after nearly four hours of public comment on the issue.

Supervisor Pam Giacomini put the item on the agenda, and a number of so-called chemtrail experts addressed the panel, followed by dozens of speakers who blamed a host of personal and environmental ills on airplane exhaust.

Supervisor David Kehoe lauded Shasta County resident Dane Wigington’s efforts to put together the panel of speakers who addressed the board on the issue. He suggested a video be made for all elected officials to learn more about the issue.

“Let them see the passion we saw here today,” he said.

And that, in part, is what supervisors voted to do. A video of Tuesday’s presentation along with other information presented will be forwarded to state and federal agencies with jurisdictions related to air quality, transportation and the environment.

“We’re not only sending them information, we’re also asking them for a response — and that’s never happened before,” Chairman Les Baugh said after the meeting.

Activists claim the government is targeting populations with airplane exhaust laden with heavy metals added secretly to planes at airports and military bases. This effort, which activists also call “geo-engineering,” pollutes the earth and waterways when those metals eventually make their way back to earth.

In response to that concern, supervisors also voted to further research the capabilities of air quality testing currently taking place in the North State, particularly if techniques used at a test location in the Lassen Volcanic National Park can test for aluminum, barium and other heavy metals in question on the nano-level.

Resource Management Director Rick Simon said he would research what it would cost for the county to test for particles that small.

Supervisor Pam Giacomoni said it was important to listen to people’s concerns in the community and dig deeper when presented with compelling, fact-based information.

“They say they have a lot of science, they presented us a lot of information and I think it’s important for us to have that public discussion,” she said.

A panel of people involved in the movement to raise awareness of the geo-engineering conspiracy started the presentation, telling the board that airplane contrails harm human health and the environment.

“We have a contamination issue that is a danger to the public,” Wigington said.

Keynote speaker Matthew Sutton, a CEO with AECOM, did not show for the meeting, a fact Wigington pinned on a phone call made by Shasta County Resource Management Director Rick Simon. Simon said he called Sutton days before the supervisors’ meeting to make sure he knew AECOM was contracted with Shasta County to update the county’s general plan, but he was unsure if that affected his decision not to speak.

Other speakers touched on the conspiracy element behind the belief. Alan Buckman, a former meteorologist, told the supervisors, “We’ve been misled by the military industrial complex.”

Dozens of residents stepped up to the podium to address their concerns. They blamed a host of illnesses to “chemtrails,” including cancer, fibers growing out of their skin, general feelings of malaise, neurological problems and compromised immune systems.

Others ticked off environmental damage, including insects disappearing from one woman’s property, trees dying, aquatic insects dying off in water contaminated by aluminum, drought, wildfires and holes in the ozone layer.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue, supervisor Giacomini said it was an important discussion to have when brought up by so many of the people she represents.

Speakers were to include Wigington, of Bella Vista, who runs; Alan Buckman, formerly a biologist with California’s Department of Fish and Game; Francis Mangles, a retired biologist with the U.S. Forest Service; neurologist Hamid Rablee; former pilots Jeff Nelson, Russ Lazuka and Fred Meyer; Mark McCandlisk; and Earendil M. Spindelilus.



now thats fukking crazy

this is 2014 in the most developed country in history and a local government is going to investigate "chemtrails"


Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Reptilians And The Council Of 13

by Stewart A. Swerdlow

Excerpts from Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation

The leader of the Earths Illuminati is called the "Pindar". The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male. The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for "Pinnacle of the Draco", also known as the "Penis of the Dragon". Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear. The holder of this rank reports to the purebred Reptilian leader in the inner Earth.


The Pindar is represented by the gold cap on the pyramid. The next layer, or "eye", on the pyramid represents the 13 ruling families. They are as follows:
  • Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) - Pindar
  • Bruce
  • Cavendish (Kennedy)
  • De Medici
  • Hanover
  • Hapsburg
  • Krupp
  • Plantagenet
  • Rockefeller
  • Romanov
  • Sinclair (St. Clair)
  • Warburg (del Banco)
  • Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)



Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
You are now Breathing Ethylene Dibromide, Virally Mutated Molds, Nano-Particulates of Aluminum and Barium, and Polymer Fibers with Unidentified Bio-Active Material

This image showing a relatively pristine earth was taken during the Apollo Missions between 1969 and 1972. The earth floats like a beautiful blue and white jewel in space with no haze or luminosity covering it.

Compare it with the next few images of earth taken during the era of chemtrails. Shocking isn’t it?


LIFE IN THE TIME OF CHEMTRAILS 1997-2012: YOU ARE NOW BREATHING ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE, VIRALLY MUTATED MOLDS, NANO-PARTICULATES OF ALUMINUM AND BARIUM AND CATIONIC POLYMER FIBERS WITH UNIDENTIFIED BIO-ACTIVE MATERIAL: “We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes.” “Biologic components have been reported in airborne samples that include: modified molds, desiccated red blood cells and exotic strains of bacteria”


Do you have toxic levels of Barium and Aluminum in your blood? A number of people living in Arizona have discovered that they have blood levels of Aluminum or Barium 150 times higher than the amount considered safe. Many are experiencing the classic symptoms of Barium poisoning. See # 78, 79 & 80 for more Barium exposure information. Barium damages the immune system, causes dose-related muscle weakness up to total paralysis including the heart & lung muscles.

Arizona, like the rest of the country has experienced heavy chemtrailing since 1997. So there is good reason to suspect there may be widespread problem with toxic levels of Barium & aluminum in the U.S. population,


In 2003 life expectancy in the USA was 77.6 years. The drop to 69.3 years since 2003, a drop of over 8 years in less than 6 years, is startling information. This period of time just happens to coincide with a time when there has been non-stop spraying of chemtrails coast to coast on an almost daily basis. There is plenty of scientific research proving that any increase in airborne particulates causes a corresponding increase in the death rate of the exposed population so imo the chemtrails are a glaringly obvious factor in this significant drop in expected life span.



According to a report published 8/28/06 in The Idaho Observer recent lab reports found the following in samples of chemtrail fall-out: bacteria including anthrax and pneumonia, 9 chemicals including acetylcholine chloride, 26 heavy metals including arsenic, lead, barium, mercury and uranium, 4 molds and fungi, 7 viruses, 2 cancers, 2 vaccines and 2 sedatives.


An Arizona Doctor speaks out after finding high levels of Barium contamination in his patients:

“… patients are coming in with frequent headaches, sinus congestion, asthma and ear infections… I attribute this to the chemicals which our government is spraying in OUR air! … the “hair analysis” labs which I run on some of my patients are all indicating HIGH levels of Barium. My own hair analysis indicated high Barium levels… high levels of barium in our hair means either barium is being stored from digestion or the hair is being contaminated by an outside source[barium from chemtrails]. I am quite concerned with this violation of our environment by a government that denies it is occurring… One only has to step outside and look up at the sky to see our tax dollars at work”

Chemtrail aerosol fibers enlarged 60X above

“Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years. He has found that some of them contain bioactive materials, which can cause “serious skin lesions and diseases when absorbed into the skin.” He has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses. He says that trillions of fusarium (fungus)/virus mutated spores), which secrete a powerful mico-toxin, are part of the air we breathe.”

Jan Smith has been suffering from Morgellons/Nanotechnology disease for over 10 years now. Her impressive research and documentation has put her in the forefront of those working to unravel the mysteries of this horrifying new disease. The research and documentation presented at the link below is a must read. Please pass this information on to your doctors, congressional representatives and the media.


Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
You are now Breathing Ethylene Dibromide, Virally Mutated Molds, Nano-Particulates of Aluminum and Barium, and Polymer Fibers with Unidentified Bio-Active Material

This image showing a relatively pristine earth was taken during the Apollo Missions between 1969 and 1972. The earth floats like a beautiful blue and white jewel in space with no haze or luminosity covering it.

Compare it with the next few images of earth taken during the era of chemtrails. Shocking isn’t it?


LIFE IN THE TIME OF CHEMTRAILS 1997-2012: YOU ARE NOW BREATHING ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE, VIRALLY MUTATED MOLDS, NANO-PARTICULATES OF ALUMINUM AND BARIUM AND CATIONIC POLYMER FIBERS WITH UNIDENTIFIED BIO-ACTIVE MATERIAL: “We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes.” “Biologic components have been reported in airborne samples that include: modified molds, desiccated red blood cells and exotic strains of bacteria”


Do you have toxic levels of Barium and Aluminum in your blood? A number of people living in Arizona have discovered that they have blood levels of Aluminum or Barium 150 times higher than the amount considered safe. Many are experiencing the classic symptoms of Barium poisoning. See # 78, 79 & 80 for more Barium exposure information. Barium damages the immune system, causes dose-related muscle weakness up to total paralysis including the heart & lung muscles.

Arizona, like the rest of the country has experienced heavy chemtrailing since 1997. So there is good reason to suspect there may be widespread problem with toxic levels of Barium & aluminum in the U.S. population,


In 2003 life expectancy in the USA was 77.6 years. The drop to 69.3 years since 2003, a drop of over 8 years in less than 6 years, is startling information. This period of time just happens to coincide with a time when there has been non-stop spraying of chemtrails coast to coast on an almost daily basis. There is plenty of scientific research proving that any increase in airborne particulates causes a corresponding increase in the death rate of the exposed population so imo the chemtrails are a glaringly obvious factor in this significant drop in expected life span.



According to a report published 8/28/06 in The Idaho Observer recent lab reports found the following in samples of chemtrail fall-out: bacteria including anthrax and pneumonia, 9 chemicals including acetylcholine chloride, 26 heavy metals including arsenic, lead, barium, mercury and uranium, 4 molds and fungi, 7 viruses, 2 cancers, 2 vaccines and 2 sedatives.


An Arizona Doctor speaks out after finding high levels of Barium contamination in his patients:

“… patients are coming in with frequent headaches, sinus congestion, asthma and ear infections… I attribute this to the chemicals which our government is spraying in OUR air! … the “hair analysis” labs which I run on some of my patients are all indicating HIGH levels of Barium. My own hair analysis indicated high Barium levels… high levels of barium in our hair means either barium is being stored from digestion or the hair is being contaminated by an outside source[barium from chemtrails]. I am quite concerned with this violation of our environment by a government that denies it is occurring… One only has to step outside and look up at the sky to see our tax dollars at work”

Chemtrail aerosol fibers enlarged 60X above

“Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years. He has found that some of them contain bioactive materials, which can cause “serious skin lesions and diseases when absorbed into the skin.” He has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses. He says that trillions of fusarium (fungus)/virus mutated spores), which secrete a powerful mico-toxin, are part of the air we breathe.”

Jan Smith has been suffering from Morgellons/Nanotechnology disease for over 10 years now. Her impressive research and documentation has put her in the forefront of those working to unravel the mysteries of this horrifying new disease. The research and documentation presented at the link below is a must read. Please pass this information on to your doctors, congressional representatives and the media.


Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013

good stuff yo ....

more con. theory ....

MH-17 and NATO Excercise “Breeze 2014″
Admin / 2 days ago
Beware of the Chameleon
By Wayne Madsen

The 10-day NATO exercise code named BREEZE 2014 has ended in Black Sea. The exercise, which included the use of electronic warfare and electronic intelligence aircraft such as the Boeing EA-18G Growler and the Boeing E3 Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), coincided with the shoot down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 in eastern Ukraine, some 40 miles from the Russian border. NATO ships and aircraft had the Donetsk and Luhansk regions under total radar and electronic surveillance.

MH-17 was shot down over a region where Russian-speaking separatist forces have been battling against the alliance of the Ukrainian armed forces and a private mercenary force answerable to a Ukrainian-Jewish billionaire oligarch.

The U.S. Army has revealed that the 10-day exercise involved «commercial traffic monitoring». Because of the sophistication of the electronic warfare and intelligence used during SEA BREEZE, it can be assumed that commercial traffic monitoring included monitoring the track of MH-17.

Past NATO-Ukraine exercises in Crimea were called SEA BREEZE. This year’s annual SEA BREEZE exercise with Ukraine, approved by the rump Ukrainian Parliament, is clouded in mystery with the Pentagon saying “it was only in the planning stage and we can’t announce dates yet“. However, 200 U.S. Army personnel normally assigned to bases in Germany were in Ukraine during the time of the MH-17 fly-over. They were participating in NATO exercise RAPID TRIDENT II. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense led the exercise.

BREEZE included the AEGIS-class guided missile cruiser USS Vela Gulf. AEGIS cruisers’ AN/SPY 1 radar has the ability to track all aircraft over a large region. For example, the AEGIS test center in Moorestown, New Jersey, was able to see the Boeing 747 TWA Flight 800 when it disappeared from radar screens in 1996 near East Moriches Bay, Long Island. According to Lockheed Martin personnel who operated the AEGIS test center in New Jersey, the Navy ordered the SPY 1 radar turned off for «maintenance» shortly before the downing of TWA 800.

From the Black Sea, the Vela Gulf was able to track Malaysian Airlines 17 over the Black Sea and any missiles fired at the plane. U.S. AWACS electronic intelligence (ELINT) aircraft were also flying over the Black Sea region at the time of the MH-17 flyover of Ukraine. Growler aircraft have the capability to jam radar systems in all surface-to-air threats.

The announcement of U.S. BREEZE and RAPID TRIDENT II military maneuvers came on May 21, 2014, and were announced on the website operated by Vice President Joe Biden’s office. Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is a newly-named director of the Ukrainian natural gas and oil company Burisma Holdings, Ltd., owned by Ihor Kolomoisky, the Ukrainian-Israeli mafia oligarch, whose is known as the Chameleon. Kolomoisky has raised his own mercenary army, complete with the BUK missiles allegedly used in the shoot down of MH-17. Kolomoisky, the Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast in eastern Ukraine, has threatened terrorist attacks against Russian-speaking officials in eastern Ukraine, including assassinations.


Ihor Kolomoisky

Burisma is a typical RUIM [Russian - Ukrainian - Israeli - Mafia] operation, with subsidiaries in such tax havens as Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands. It is part of Kolomoisky’s large umbrella corporation called Privat Group.

Kolomoisky, estimated to be the second-richest person in Ukraine, also has strong connections inside Kiev’s Borispol International Airport, where it has been reported that Ukrainian Interior Ministry troops stormed the air traffic control tower shortly before MH-17 was shot down. A Spanish air traffic controller, who possessed knowledge of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry’s involvement in the shoot down of MH-17, reportedly had his life threatened by people he described as Maidan troops, a reference to the Maidan Square uprising that toppled the Ukrainian government earlier this year. The Spanish controller, identified only as ‘Carlos’, understood that the shoot down of MH-17 was carried out by supporters of former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov. Kolomoisky is a political ally of Tymoshenko and Avakov.

Kolomoisky, until 2012, owned Aerosvit Airlines, which used Borispol as a hub, and Donbassaero, which was based out of Donetsk Airport. Aerosvit leased all of its planes, including a Boeing 767, from Boeing Capital. After filing for bankruptcy, Aerosvit and Donbassaero ceased flying in April 2013. Among other Kolomoisky airlines, Skyways Express, based out of Stockholm Arland Airport; City Express, based at Gothenburg, Sweden Airport; and Cimber Sterling, based out of Sønderborg and Copenhagen Kastrup Airports in Denmark, all filed for bankruptcy in 2012. Kolomoisky continues to be active in commercial aviation. His Private Group owns Dniproavia, which is based at Dnipropetrovsk Airport. Kolomoisky’s aviation and Israeli security contacts gives him carte blanche access to secure airport facilities in Europe and around the world.

Kolomoisky’s forces are armed with advanced weaponry, obtained both from Ukrainian weapons inventories and from purchases on the black market. Kolomoisky’s forces reportedly possess the BUK surface-to-air missile system said to have been used to shoot down MH-17. Kolomoisky’s forces, comprising Ukrainian regular military personnel; neo-Nazi units from west Ukraine, and foreign mercenaries, including Georgians, Romanians, and white supremacists from Sweden and Germany; and ex-Israel Defense Force Blue Helmet commandos, are mainly separated into four battalions: the Azov Battalion; the Aidar Battalion, the Donbass Battalion; and the 2,000-strong Dniepr-1 (or Dnipro-1) Battalion, which was responsible for the deadly May 1 fire-bombing of the trade union building in Odessa and the burning alive of people trapped inside the Mariupol Police Station on May 9. Dnipro-1 also maintains a 20,000-member reserve force.

At the heart of Kolomoisky’s Army is a Nazi Brownshirt-style force of ardent Kolomoisky loyalists who have used guns, iron bars, and batons to seize control of factories and offices in Ukraine that Kolomoisky has expropriated from so-called separatist sympathizers.

Some of the Georgians who serve in Kolomoisky’s Army have reportedly been trained in the use of BUK missile systems previously sold by Ukraine to Georgia under the presidency of Mikheil Saakashvili. Kolomoisky has utilized ex-President Saakashvili’s consulting services in Dnipropetrovsk in the military and political campaign against the breakaway people’s republics of Donetsk and Luhansk.

Kolomoisky placed a one million dollar bounty on Ukrainian Member of Parliament member Oleg Tsarev, who fled to Russia after being severely beaten by Ukrainian right-wingers in Kiev.

Kolomoisky chooses to «command» his army from the safety of Switzerland, far from the front lines and relatively safe from arrest if his ties to terrorist attacks are ever pursued by legitimate governmental authorities.Kolomoisky has a powerful «insurance policy» against any legal recriminations. He counts on the powerful Israel Lobby in the United States to support his cause. Kolomoisky has publicly spoken of Ukraine as the «second homeland» of the Jewish people. And with The Lobby in his corner, Kolomoisky has indirect access to the highest levels of power within the Department of Defense, NATO, and the U.S. Intelligence Community.

A Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777, the same type that was used by MH-17 and the still-missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370, which disappeared on March 8 while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, is stored in a hangar at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. The Boeing 777 in Israel, with serial number 28416, Malaysia registration tail numb 9M-MRI, was sold to GA Telesis, LLC of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on October 21, 2013. The Boeing 777 was re-registered with the United States tail number N105GT and first stored at Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees airport and on November 4, 2013, was transferred to Tel Aviv, where it was last spotted in a hangar.

GA Telesis was founded by its CEO, Abdol Moabery. GA Telesis, a global aircraft leasing firm, is now owned by Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Century Tokyo Leasing. Moabery, a former U.S. Naval officer, formerly worked for Aviation Systems International, Inc. as executive vice president and for C-S Aviation Services, Inc. as sales and marketing director. Both of Moabery’s former companies are partly-owned by George Soros, who is partly responsible for laying the groundwork for the Ukrainian coup that ousted President Viktor Yanukovych. C-S (Chatterjee-Soros) Aviation is co-owned by Purnenda Chatterjee, who runs the Chaterjee Group, an investment firm.

Chatterjee Group owns Winston Partners of Alexandria, Virginia, an investment firm co-founded by Marvin Bush, son of George H W Bush. Winston owns corporate entities in the Cayman Islands, Isle of Man, Curacao, and Delaware. One of the Winston entities, Winston Capital Fund, has another Bush family investor, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Interestingly, Marvin Bush has served as an adviser to HCC Insurance Holdings, Ltd, a re-insurer of the World Trade Center in New York. Marvin’s business dealings have also involved the purchase and leasing of commercial aircraft.

The executive chairman of GA Telesis Composite Repair Group, LLC, which would be responsible for retrofitting the Malaysian Boeing 777 in Tel Aviv is Aviv Tzur, an Israeli national who was previously the chairman of Ultimate Aircraft Composites (UAC), an Israeli-staffed firm that merged with GA Telesis. UAC, like GA Telesis, specializes in repairing and retrofitting aircraft. UAC also had contracts with the Israeli government.

The presence of a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 in Tel Aviv, the mysterious disappearance of a second Malaysian Boeing 777 on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, and the attack on yet a third Amsterdam-to-Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Boeing 777 over eastern Ukraine may be more than coincidental. Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport is a center for Israeli Mossad activity in Western Europe. Israeli-owned ICTS controls the security at Schiphol for passengers and cargo. It was ICTS that permitted Nigerian national Umar Farouk Abdulmutallah to slip past Schiphol’s normally stringent security on Christmas 2009 and board a Northwest Airlines Airbus bound for Detroit. While approaching Detroit, Abdulmutallah, who was permitted to board by ICTS in Amsterdam without a passport or U.S. visa, tried to detonate explosive materials sewn into his underpants.

The seizure of the air traffic control center at Borispol by allies of Kolomoisky shortly before the shooting down of MH-17 and Kolomoisky’s strong links to Israel, which benefited immensely from the downing of MH-17 because it drew the attention of the world’s media away from its ground invasion of Gaza, which began just as initial reports about the fate of MH-17 were being transmitted, may be the real story behind the loss of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 and the horrible deaths of its 298 passengers and crew.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Conspiracy fact or fiction so don't get thy panties in a bunch

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David Wilcock: “First The Cabal is Defeated, Then Disclosure”

Date: Tuesday, 22-Jul-2014 04:35:37

In Response To: Fulford Blurb: Bush Jr, Benjamin Netanyahu and Other Senior Nazionists To Be Arrested Soon (Jordon)Fulford Blurb: Bush Jr, Benjamin Netanyahu and Other Senior Nazionists To Be Arrested Soon


Wilcock comments on Fulford's new article:

Comment by dwilcock on July 22, 2014 @ 2:41 pm

A very interesting report this week. The signs are increasingly obvious that real change is occurring. We are seeing it happen “under the radar,” and my dream data corroborated that these latest stunts have created a “point of no return” for the Cabal. They were desperate as it was, but I’m having dream after dream saying they have really blown it by this latest round of violence. They have finally created the initiative for the rest of the world to pull together and end this.

The only major thing I would add to this that was not in Ben’s report is the subject of a major new update I’m working on now. I’m in Colorado this week shooting my two TV shows, Wisdom Teachings and the new Whistleblower, so I will probably be too distracted to publish before then, but here’s the short version.

Preston James and Gordon Duff at Veteran’s Today are both saying that a critical shift has occurred in the relationship between the benevolent human ETs helping us and the Cabal. The Cabal has been given a final ultimatum. I do believe some form of divine intervention is required to actually clean up this mess due to how entrenched the power structure truly is.

The Cabal banked for a long time (literally and figuratively) on the idea that ETs will only watch what happens but are forbidden to intervene. That may have been true in the past, but the rules changed as of late 2011 when the ETs started portaling out a total of 28 underground facilities that we know of. Ben spoke of this and I have covered it extensively in earlier articles on

This is only about 10 percent of what is there (~250), so it does appear that some sort of treaty was struck that halted the completion of this process. It began in August 2011 and continued through until about the following January or thereabouts.

This is only speculation, but the treaty may have included an agreement for disclosure to occur at a certain time, and for a benevolent stepping down of the Powers that Were. Despite the obvious technological superiority of the benevolent ETs, the pathos of the Cabal is such that they simply will dare them to make a move.

So according to James and Duff’s sources, the ETs have given the Cabal a final ultimatum. On the physical level I believe the creation of the BRICS bank not only creates an alternative infrastructure if the Cabal tries to torch the financial system — it also creates consent, on a spiritual level, for the ETs to intervene much more.

The ETs need our free-will permission to act. Until we were brave enough as a planet to step up and fight, and do something as tangible as to create this alternative financial infrastructure, the ETs couldn’t intervene as strongly as they can now that we’ve done the work.

It may still be some time before we understand the degree to which our extended family has assisted us through this whole process. However, another one of James and Duff’s key points is that there is a battle within the Cabal itself between older and younger members.

The younger members are not subscribing to the genocidal mindset and do not want to play along. These new leaks indicated that there have been positive moves made by the younger people to release all sorts of information that advances us as a planet.

I believe we are seeing this in the form of many stunning new leaps forward in the disclosure movement in mainstream media. There was a major advance on June 22nd, with three powerful stories that came out that same day or the day after, and there have been others since then. I watch content-aggregator news sites, so it was easy to see this happening.

I do believe, therefore, that the formula of “first the Cabal is defeated, then disclosure” will hold true. Any type of significant breaking of the facade will soon have the effect of a truth avalanche, where people will begin questioning everything they thought they knew.

This is a truly exciting time, as the things Ben, Neil Keenan and many others have been saying are coming to fruition now. The latest NSA leaks reveal the massive extent to which the Cabal has manufactured opposition to people doing what we’re doing online. We have no way of knowing how widespread this is.

I can comfortably estimate that as many as 75 jobs have been created in the past just through my work alone and the attacks that are being done. I know there was a pool in the CIA of who in this field would be snuffed out first and I was at the highest levels of the list for some time.

I understand people need to feed their families, but if they realized the murderous planet-destroying machine they are enabling by doing this, they would be horrified and drop it completely.

Now the proof is there. Tangible data points are increasingly replacing insider rumors and, in my case, intuitive data through a reliable source I’ve cultivated over 21 years of recording dreams every day. It’s a very exciting time!

- David Wilcock


Jul 2, 2014
I posted this interview in the dreams thread in TLR

TL;DR summary:

- Paulides is a Sasquatch advocate but this is an unrelated project and he avoids speculating on what's behind it

- He compiled research revealing clusters of missing persons cases, many of which in National Parks and National Forests

- Many of these cases are highly unusual and have eerie similarities including: People inexplicably disappearing without a trace, bodies being found in completely illogical places and situations, dogs being brought in to track them but acting scared to pick up the trail, and kids being found telling tales about bears/giant wolves taking them off.

- Perhaps the most disturbing part: When going through Freedom of Information Act requests, which are usually just a formality, Paulides has been met with lack of cooperation and even hostility from the higher ups in the National Park system.

I'm not normally a conspiracy nut ... but I'm really starting to think there's something they don't want us to know.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
a long interesting read .... too much to copy and paste ...enjoy

sheeple welcome

Alien Agenda V: World Zios Play Russian Roulette With Alien ETs

by Preston James Ph.D

Have Ruling Super-elite Deviants set up a Secret Cell of Nuclear Weapon Scientists to covertly and quickly develop advanced Nuclear Devices they can then deploy to depopulate America by 90%, in order to avoid a threatened 100% Depopulation ” Reset” by Alien ETs which would include themselves?

Note: This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Space War matters and Alien ET visitors.

If you have not examined all the evidence of such matters that was presented in previous Secret Space War articles, you are probably wasting your valuable time reading this and it will seem like nonsense to you.

You are not allowed to know this information by the Powers That Be (PTB). They don’t really care what you believe as long as it is plausibly deniable, but they have taken extreme measures to make sure you cannot know these things for sure by controlling the USG, the Judiciary, the Major Mass Media and the Educational System.

The particular Alien ET group which allegedly made this Ultimatum in the first place which was communicated to this exclusive group by a spokesman is believed to be the Dracos.

This Ultimatum was reported by an insider and corroborated by another.


Georgia Guidestones which allegedly recite the Alien Agenda for Planet Earth in eight different languages and contain the “New Ten Commandments” that Alien ETs plan to institute after their Global Population Reduction or “Reset.”


Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
New Laura Eisenhower! ET’s, Mars Travel And Much More – Laura Magdalene Eisenhower Tells All In This New Video!
Sunday, July 27, 2014 7:27

Mars colony whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower joins Dr. Bernard Alvarez in the newly released video below for a fascinating conversation that connects the dots on global extraterrestrial treaties, off-planet travel, and bombshell new information coming forth about the ‘new world order’. Warning us that over 60 years ago, both President Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler chose to align themselves with ‘darker greys’, Eisenhower shares with us the untold and still-censored history of our planet that THEY’D rather we not find out.
Eisenhower also shares with us how we as human beings can use the ultimate power of the human spirit to deal with all of the negative events that are now happening upon our planet Earth.
Though this long video isn’t for everyone, it is a perfect new addition for those who desire to learn about these long held mysteries. Eisenhower joins Dr. Alvarez shortly after the two minute mark.

Sacred Earth Knowledge - Laura Eisenhower (The justBernard Show)

