Essential Conspiracy Thread

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
UTTERLY FANTASTIC DISCLOSURE! Aliens Have Been Hiding at the Vatican and are Preparing to Show Themselves! End Times Alien Invasion Imminent! (Video) You REALLY Need to See This!


Karen Hudes, former Senior Attorney with the Central Bank System for 20 years Announces the Existence of a Second Species on Earth

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
10 Health Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be Real
March 23rd, 2014

The Fluoride In Our Water Is Really Bad For Us

It just isn’t “crazies on the Internet” that are warning about the fluoride in the water anymore.

These days, even Harvard is publishing studies about the harmful effects of fluoride…

A newly published study in Harvard’s The Lancet weighs in on the toxins causing autism and ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) say that along with these numerous environmental toxins, fluoridated water is adding to the higher incident of both cognitive and behavioral disorders.

But “cognitive and behavioral disorders” are far from the only things that we have to worry about when it comes to fluoride. Just consider the following

Even small amounts of fluoride consumed from tap water can damage your bones, teeth, brain, disrupt your thyroid function, lower IQ and/or cause cancer, according to evidence revealed in a groundbreaking 2006 National Research Council (NRC) fluoride report produced by a panel of experts who reviewed hundreds of published fluoride studies.

Do you want any of those things to happen to you?

If not, you might want to find out if there is fluoride in the water that you are drinking.

The Natural Health and Longevity Resource Center has published a list of 10 of the most significant health problems that scientific studies have discovered that fluoride causes…

1. Fluoride exposure disrupts the synthesis of collagen and leads to the breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin, cartilage, lungs, kidney and trachea.

2. Fluoride stimulates granule formation and oxygen consumption in white blood cells, but inhibits these processes when the white blood cell is challenged by a foreign agent in the blood.

3. Fluoride depletes the energy reserves and the ability of white blood cells to properly destroy foreign agents by the process of phagocytosis. As little as 0.2 ppm fluoride stimulates superoxide production in resting white blood cells, virtually abolishing phagocytosis. Even micro-molar amounts of fluoride, below 1 ppm, may seriously depress the ability of white blood cells to destroy pathogenic agents.

4. Fluoride confuses the immune system and causes it to attack the body’s own tissues, and increases the tumor growth rate in cancer prone individuals.

5. Fluoride inhibits antibody formation in the blood.

6. Fluoride depresses thyroid activity.

7. Fluorides have a disruptive effect on various tissues in the body.

8. Fluoride promotes development of bone cancer.

9. Fluorides cause premature aging of the human body.

10. Fluoride ingestion from mouth rinses and dentifrices in children is extremely hazardous to biological development, life span and general health.

For even more on all of this, please check out the following article: “15 Facts Most People Don’t Know About Fluoride“.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
US Jazz musicians were drafted into CIA’s MKULTRA

Jon Rappoport

by Jon Rappoport

March 24, 2014

Here is a bit of US history that shows the reach of the CIA’s infamous mind-control program, MKULTRA.

During the 1940s and 50s, it was common knowledge that musicians who were busted for drug use were shipped, or volunteered to go, to Lexington, Kentucky. Lex was the first Narcotics Farm and US Health Dept. drug treatment hospital in the US.

According to diverse sources, here’s a partial list of the reported “hundreds” of jazz musicians who went to Lex: Red Rodney, Sonny Rollins, Chet Baker, Sonny Stitt, Howard McGhee, Elvin Jones, Zoot Sims, Lee Morgan, Tadd Dameron, Stan Levey, Jackie McLean.

It’s also reported that Ray Charles was there, and William Burroughs, Peter Lorre, and Sammy Davis, Jr.

It was supposed to be a rehab center. A place for drying out.

But it was something else too. Lex was used by the CIA as one of its MKULTRA centers for experimentation on inmates.

The doctor in charge of this mind control program was Harris Isbell. Ironically, Isbell was, at the same time, a member of the FDA’s Advisory Committee on the Abuse of Depressant and Stimulant Drugs.

Isbell gave LSD and other psychedelics to inmates at Lex.

At Sandoz labs in Switzerland, Dr. Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD, also synthesized psilocybin from magic mushrooms. The CIA got some of this new synthetic from Hofmann and gave it to Isbell so he could try it out on inmates at Lex.

MKULTRA was a CIA program whose goal was to control minds…in part through the use of drugs.

Isbell worked at Lex from the 1940s through 1963. It is reported that in one experiment, Isbell gave LSD to 7 inmates for 77 consecutive days. At 4 times the normal dosage. That is a chemical hammer of incredible proportions.

To induce inmates to join this drug experiment, they were offered the drug of their choice, which in many cases was heroin. So at a facility dedicated to drying out and rehabbing addicts, addicts were subjected to MKULTRA experiments and THEN a re-establishment of their former habit.

Apparently as many as 800 different drugs were sent to Isbell by the CIA or CIA fronts to use on patients at Lex. Two of the fronts? The US Navy and the US National Institute of Mental Health.

In another MKULTRA experiment at Lex, nine men were strapped down on tables. They were injected with psilocybin. Lights were beamed at their eyes–a typical mind control component.

During Isbell’s tenure, no one knows how many separate experiments he ran on the inmates. No one knows what other mind-control programming he attempted to insert along with the drugs.

As I say, Lex was the main stop for drying out for NY jazz musicians. How many of them were taken into these MKULTRA programs?

As Martin Lee explains in his book, Acid Dreams, “It became an open secret…that if the [heroin] supply got tight [on the street], you could always commit yourself to Lexington, where heroin and morphine were doled out as payment if you volunteered for Isbell’s whacky drug experiments. (Small wonder Lexington had a return rate of 90%.)”

A June 15, 1999, Counterpunch article by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, “CIA’s Sidney Gottlieb: Pusher, Assassin & Pimp— US Official Poisoner Dies,” contains these quotes on Dr. Isbell:

“Gottlieb also funded the experiments of Dr. Harris Isbell. Isbell ran the Center for Addiction Research in Lexington, Kentucky. Passing through Isbell’s center was a captive group of human guinea pigs in the form of a steady stream of black heroin addicts. More than 800 different chemical compounds were shipped from Gottlieb to Lexington for testing on Isbell’s patients.

“Perhaps the most infamous experiment came when Isbell gave LSD to seven black men for seventy-seven straight days. Isbell’s research notes indicates that he gave the men ‘quadruple’ the ‘normal’ dosages. The doctor marveled at the men’s apparent tolerance to these remarkable amounts of LSD. Isbell wrote in his notes that ‘this type of behavior is to be expected in patients of this type.’

“In other Gottlieb-funded experiment at the Center, Isbell had nine black males strapped to tables, injected them with psylocybin, inserted rectal thermometers, had lights shown in their eyes to measure pupil dilation and had their joints whacked to test neural reactions.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions
Posted on December 22, 2013

Geo-engineering Produces Toxic Skies Everywhere Chemtrails Are Sprayed

*Originally posted at: The Health Coach | Education ~ Enlightenment ~ Empowerment

For those who have never heard of CHEMTRAILS, please click on the link below for a quick primer.

CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED)

For those who are aware that they have been exposed to this planetary scourge, now is the time to understand the profound correlations between your day-to-day health status and the incidence/intensity of regular chemtrailing of the skies overhead. Here is an excellent internet-based resource which may answer many questions and concerns about chemtrails, their fallout, as well as the broader geo-engineering agenda.

The numerous anecdotal and clinical observations which follow are the product of various healthcare professionals and practitioners, homeowners and homemakers, businessmen and businesswomen, farmers and meteorologists, etc. Because chemtrails affect every resident on the planet, many have catalogued or journaled the most common adverse health effects, which they inevitably produce. As a result, the world now has a growing body of anecdotal evidence which clearly illustrates their profound and deleterious effects on human life.

When the skies are toxic, the air we breathe is toxic.
What is more important than clean air in maintaining wellness?

What follows is a fairly exhaustive list of symptoms associated with chemtrail spraying. Each symptom has been identified by various individuals who have clocked their occurrence with the onset of chemtrails being laid down over their homes or businesses. This list has been organized in a descending order, with the most commonly experienced symptoms at the top.

• Headache
• Brain fog
• Fatigue
• Low energy
• Compromised immunity
• Disorientation
• Difficulty paying attention and concentrating
• Sinusitis
• Skin discomfort/irritation
• Joint pain
• Muscle pain
• Asthmatic (Breathing difficulties)
• Dizziness
• Insomnia
• Memory loss
• Eye problems (blurred or fuzzy vision)
• Nausea
• Liver problems
• Gallballder dysfunction
• Tinnitus (distant ringing in ears or high pitched sound after spraying)
• Neck pain
• Scratchy throat
• Allergy symptoms
• Hay fever out of season
• Flu-like symptoms
• Susceptibility to colds
• General weakness
• Anxiety
• Lightheaded or faint
• Depression
• Coughing
• Sneezing
• Shortness of breath
• Vertigo
• Anger/Rage/Frustration issues

Each of these symptoms is a normal occurrence in areas around the world where chemtrails have become a fact of life. Therefore, the first question one should ask themselves is the extent to which the “Chemtrail Coverup” is taking place right above them. The following essay may assist in that determination:

CHEMTRAILS: The Biggest Coverup of All Time

Chemtrails give new meaning to government coverups, don’t they?

Below is a list of some of the known chemicals found in a chemtrails. A ChemtrailCocktail is one that contains the basic ingredients such as barium chloride, aluminum oxide, synthetic polymers, bio-nano particles, and ethylene dibromide. An independent analysis of chemtrail fallout has conclusively identified many of these toxic chemicals:

Aluminum Oxide Particles
Bacilli and Molds
Barium Salts
Barium Titanates
Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells
Ethylene Dibromide
Enterobacter Cloacal
Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA)
Methyl Aluminum
Mold Spores
Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass
Nitrogen Trifluoride
Known as CHAFF)
Polymer Fibers
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Florescens
Radioactive Cesium
Radio Active Thorium
Serratia Marcscens
Sharp Titanium Shards
Sub-Micron Particles(Containing Live Biological Matter)
Unidentified Bacteria
Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins
~ List provided by

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013


May 7, 2012
saw this on another forum, thought y'all might be interested :nocacpls:

Former World Bank Senior Council, Karen Hudes has been making a lot of noise lately, and she recently said something she’s never said before. She said that a second species on Earth controls money and religion. Many people who have held positions to know things that the rest of us might not know have made some very shocking statements lately. For example, Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of National Defence recently said that there are at least “4 known alien species that have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.” You can read more about that here.

I am aware that just because somebody says something does not mean that it’s true, no matter what their background. At the same time, what she says corroborates with a lot of ancient historical facts, and modern day disclosures of other strange phenomenon, like UFOs, secret societies and more. For someone like this to gain credibility as a World Bank whistle-blower and then all of a sudden make a comment like this is quite shocking. Although, in her interview she did discredit the idea of extraterrestrials on the planet, which I definitely disagree with. There is an enormous amount of evidence out there to suggest we are not alone, and we have indeed been visited. For more information on that click here.

“These countries are not monolithic, there are forces f!ghting the corruption and there are forces that have totally been co-opted, and the way they act is treasonous to the people in those countries. The group that’s behind the network of control are the Jesuits, and there are also some groups behind them. One of these groups are hominids, they’re not human beings. They are very smart, they are not creative, they are mathematical. They had a much stronger force in the earlier ice-age. They have elongated skulls, they may produce offspring in mating with female humans, but that offspring is not fertile. We live in a world of secret societies, and secrets, and the information that ought to be public is not public.”

The quote above if from the show below. She starts speaking about it approximately 21 minutes into the program.

Karen held her senior position at the World Bank for twelve years before deciding to blow the whistle on the World Bank and corruption within it. She studies law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She est@blished the Non-Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar a##ociation and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law a##ociation.

These are shocking statements that come shortly after gaining attention for being a credible world bank whistleblower, stating that the world is in a “currency war,” that the Federal Reserve continues to print money like crazy, and if they keep going at the pace they are on, other countries will no longer accept this currency. She has been exposing criminal corruption that takes place at the highest levels of financial institutions. In 1999, she reported the corrupt take-over of the second largest bank in the Philippines. She’s exposed the collusion that takes place between financial institutions and various governments, and much much more.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
60 million USD claim against government of Sweden for failure to respond to citizens request for information on chemtrails

On April 1, 2014, charges were filed against the Swedish government and three of its agencies to the nation’s Chanceller of Justice for widespread and systematic violations of the much heralded “public principle” (“offentlighetsprincipen” similar to FOI). The violations occurred when the government failed to respond to over 4,000 citizen requests for information related to the ubiquitous spraying of aerosols over the country from aircrafts (a k a “chemtrailing”) that has been going on for several years.

Government | Armed Forces | Environmental Protection Agency |
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

Sweden’s “dirty half-dozen”: Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, Minister of Defence Karin Enström, Minister for the Environment Lena Ek, Environmental Protection Agency Director General Maria Agren, Commander in Chief Sverker Göransson,
and Director General for the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Lena Häll Eriksson.
Given the scale and systematic nature of the violations, as well as the number of victims (over 1,034 as of April 1, 2014), damages of 100,000 SEK (ca. 15,000 USD) per instance have been claimed. Since the number of known instances of failure to uphold the “public principle” is over 4,000, the Swedish government may face up to half a billion SEK (ca. 60 million USD) in total claims.

Homepage of the claim

Box 2308


Starting on February 11, 2014 – i.e. seven weeks or 49 days ago – the Government (Ministry of the Environment), the Armed Forces, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and other government agencies have been approached with a demand for answers and action plans concerning the threat to human health as well as the entire ecosystem posed by the aerosol spraying of the sky over Sweden that occur on a daily basis.

The only official body that acted in accordance with the “public principle” and actually responded to the request was Sweden’s Civil Aviation Authority.

We therefore now file charges against the Government, the Armed Forces, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute for violations against the “public principle”.

The charges include a claim for each agency for 100,000 SEK for each person, i.e. a total of 400 000 for undersigned.

The ongoing aerosol spraying over Sweden could hardly take place without Government consent and knowledge of aforementioned agencies and we reserve the right to further damages claims against these, as well as other so far unidentified entities, when the extent and coverup of the spraying has been confirmed.



1. Request for information from the Government (Ministry of the Environment), the Armed Forces, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, and Sweden’s Civil Aviation Authority:

The original request (2014-02-11):

Dear elected official, civil servant,
The one contemporary societal issue that perhaps best epitomizes the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is the stunningly massive aerosol spraying program government agencies and elected officials in Sweden quietly allow to continue to happen and which the media simply refuses to touch.

Given the many alarming reports about what chemicals the aerosols are actually made up of, as well as the harmful effects they have on humans and the ecosystem it is now time for an immediate halt to the spraying, followed by a public and intellectually honest discussion where all the facts are presented to the public.

Your response, including a proposal for action-plan is expected within three weeks.

Please reply to the sender CC

The homepage of this petition:


Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
The Truth About Fluoride Becoming More Widely Known

April 1, 2014 | By WakingTimes

Fluoride is a poisonous substance added to many municipal water supplies across the US, Canada, and elsewhere without the permission of the residents. Is there a model that communities can follow to remove it from their water supply? The short answer to this question is yes.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Friday, April 04, 2014
Chemtrails: An Integral Part Of The Great Starvation

When I was a child, I knew that the elite preferred to use starvation to nuclear weapons because those Hydrogen bombs killed rich people. Starvation was a great weapon in their opinion because it only struck down poor people. I had estimated at that time that at least 2 to 3 million Americans had died from starvation during the Great Depression. I have since learned that between 3 and 7 million Americans actually did starve to death. Of late I have been writing of the Great Starvation which is what I have called the next Great Depression because it will starve at least 10 million Americans to death and kill a billion people overseas.
Of course these deaths and suffering need not be if we had worldwide Debt Cancellation and monetary reform.
Today I want to specifically include Chemtrails on the list of programs designed by the elite to starve 10 million Americans to death. Chemtrails are also being used to degrade the health of Americans so many of them will be too sick to resist the Evil that passes for their government. And, when the plagues are released, the hungry and the sick will have a lowered resistance to diseases created for them in labs.
I also said when I was in high school that America would face a rising National Security State because Wall Street was stealing our pensions, savings and paychecks. This was long before they blew up the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City and the World Trade Center Towers on 911.
Chemtrails spray 20 million tons of aluminum oxide, barium oxide and strontium oxide on human beings, plants, trees and the water we all must drink. These metal oxides have been linked to several human, plant and animal diseases.
Aluminum oxide raises the ph level of soil depleting the soil of micro-organisms needed for organic gardening. Trees are dying. Aluminum oxide is an accelerant for forest fires.

Ozone is depleted by aluminum oxide. Cosmic rays are blocked by Ozone.

The videos below present some interesting facts.
The parents of a young girl who was raised on an organic farm in Maui, Hawaii had her hair analyzed. Her hair proved she was poisoned by aluminum.
There are 160 Geoengineering patents. A defender of Geoengineering (Chemtrails) admitted two billion people could have their food sources interrupted while we are Geoengineering the planet. Rephrased in standard American this becomes ‘We are willing to starve a couple of billion people to death to conduct our scientific experiment.’
It is claimed Chemtrail combats Global Warming. I personally believe we are beginning a period of Global Cooling much like the Maunder Minimum. Scientists say spraying 20 million tons of aluminum into the atmosphere does cool the planet during the day but it traps heat at night so Chemtrails are ineffective in countering Global Warming.
Chemtrails are said to be part of weather modification. This causes droughts which bankrupt small farmers and send food prices higher all to the benefit of speculators and the GMO seed companies. Monsanto has a drought resistant GMO corn. In the videos below organic farmers say that Chemtrails will put them out of business forcing them to raise GMO crops.
One in ten American teenagers by their 19th birthday have livers functioning no better than senior citizens. This is thought to be due to the rapid increase of GMO High Fructose Corn Syrup in the US diet. A degradation in the functioning of the human liver can only aid the elite in their plans to reduce the population of planet earth.
Several European nations have recently banned GMO food. The European Union Commission overruled the member states and have allowed GMO food. Chemtrails can kill plants and reduce organic food production to force the Europeans to accept GMO food. Weather modification has caused droughts in Africa and Latin America which will also force those nations to accept GMO food.

GMO food fed to animals in labs causes tumors and reduces fertility in the first generation. By the third generation the few remaining lab animals are sterile runts with undersized organs and hair growing out of their mouths.

We the people of Planet Earth deserve the right to say No to GMO food and to Chemtrails.
The elite have had hundreds of studies conducted at their Foundations and at select Universities telling us that we need to reduce the world’s population to a billion or so. The mysterious Georgia Guidestones monument says we need to reduce the total world population to 500 million. Since I believe there are a few hundred million more Chinese people than their government admits, I take that to mean there is a well organized group in this world that wants to kill 7 billion human beings.
I ask them this: ‘By what right do you justify killing 7 billion people?’
Previously, I have written of the Epicyte corporation which spliced a protein that causes sterility into GMO corn. By what right do they sterilize people who eat corn? The government of the United States has intentionally added cancer viruses and other contaminants to the vaccines they require us to take. The German military refused vaccines given to the general public and successfully received cleaner versions normally reserved for high level politicians.
The food in America is laced with dangerous chemicals that are often banned in other countries. Bisphenol is a plastic used to line cans. It causes cancer and is an estrogen mimicker. It raises estrogen levels in men and women which causes cancer and sterilizes us without our consent.
These additives, the Chemtrails, the radiation from Fukushima, the vaccines and the coming spike in food prices at a time when the dollar is set to collapse will challenge our immune systems. The combination of poor health, the consumption of GMO food, contaminated vaccines and starvation will make billions of people susceptible to a coming series of plagues. MIT released a study saying that when the dollar collapses a half billion people die from starvation and riots and that a few billion will die from plagues.
The question is: why do they want us dead?
Please understand this: Wall Street and the City of London have stolen all of your pensions and savings. The coming currency crash will cut wages in half in the United States and Great Britain. The elite knows that the people will come after them demanding the return of the tens of trillions of dollars they stole from them. The Bankers have designed the National Security State to prevent effective opposition from forming. But they also know when the economy crashes and the Great Starvation begins people will have nothing left to lose. How can you threaten a man or woman with fines and jail if they have no food for their children? The bankers and their friends have decided that instead of allowing reform they will kill us by the billions.
And that is why they are poisoning our vaccines, our food and our water. That is why they are spraying the skies.
They want you and your family and your friends dead.
If you are unfamiliar with my writings, please consider the following:
Video: GMO Ticking Time Bomb, The Bankers Want You Sterilized And Then Dead
Video: The Sinaloa Mexican Drug Cartel Is A CIA Subsidiary
Eddie Reborn Into A World With Debt Cancellation
How And Why An American Military Coup Could Save The World
The Russo-Chinese Pincer Movement Against The US Treasury and The FED
This video goes into Chemtrails in some detail.