Left the city after new years before this took in effect. Wonder if it’s going to make things better. Parking sucked most garages charging $45 and up a night we paid $60 for suv. Hotel was charging 90 a night with no re entry just fukking terrible. New years in NYC was fun though.
the problem isnt people parking in Manhattan- or people commuting into Manhattan ( they are going to park their car and leave it someplace until they have to leave 8 to 9 hours later )
the problem is Uber and Lyft - there were nearly 80,000 to 100,000 of them and they just troll the streets in lower Manhattan all day -
but you know who isnt paying anything for their cars being in the zone all day driving around looking for fares??? UBER and Lyft.
and just a little FYI - most of these "take back our streets from cars" groups like Transportation Alternatives and Riders Alliance who supported and pushed for Congestion pricing
guess who they also get funded by .....
because if you need to use a car - and its inconvenient to use one of your own - you are forced to use whos service???