shyt happens. I have been stuck on trains for various times over 20 plus years and will still take trains. This is not some thing that occurs daily and is much preferable than a massive amount of cars with only one occupant causing traffic.
But the massive amount of cars are Uber and FHV not single occupant commuters
That shyt you can see if you just stand by a bridge or tunnel esp on the east side of Manhattan there is very little traffic thats caused throughout the day- ppl who commute by car park thier car once they are where they need to be - they aren't cruising the streets for 8 hrs competing for people to hail them for rides - 2009 or 2010 when the Uber and FHV protested by going on strike for a day the streets were EMPTY
IN fact just as empty as you see the streets are now becuase there's none of the office workers or people in the city ( like tourists) to take FHVs so the traffic is nothing like it would be normally
And here is the thing- its a indication of the failure of our press and politicians on just how much of a grift this toll is
When it was first announced an important part of the toll program is that it had to make a billion dollars in order for it to exist by law - the rate was set at $23 - that shyt got bogged down and they cane up with a new rate of $15 - Then Hochul said she was stopping the program becuase economically the region and citizens just couldn't handle the additional expense ( really it was because the Dems saw that they were in danger of losing ) so she stops it- the Dems lose anyway a d miraculously 2 weeks later and 4 months after she stops it she says its gonna go ahead AND the new cost will be $ 9
Now here's the thing- the program HAS TO BY LAW make a Billion in tolls for them to have th programm but if the lowest price they said they could charge to get that billion was $23 how are they gonna get that billion at $9???
Noone has said what would happen if the program doesn't make the money or what would happen if it doesn't reduce traffic
What it does prove is that this was nothing more than a revenue stream to.plug the MTA hole which is fukked up becuase the MTA has shown no ability or actions to show they will reign in the financial mismanagement they have exhibited for the last 10 years or more and to try to maintain the equipment they have thats falling apart .WITH NO NEW EXPANSION in service which was what was promised with this Congestion Toll