Combat Core (Created by Black game developer and Coli member MABManZ) (PC, Switch)

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Have you even read the thread bro?

Not yet but I'm adding a bunch of different hair before I release
I did, but you have to understand that other people don't really matter :ufdup:
I can tell you haven't played much Smash Bros. I have it on 64, GameCube, and Wii... so a couple things.
And I can tell you don't know wtf you talking about. See, I don't need to own them all still. I had them when they were relevant. Now a days? Bunch of bytch ass fakkits who are really nerdy claim that game :manny:
But when it first dropped, and 2nd game? Cool. But yeah, I know wtf I'm talking about when I described the games bruh. Thanks for trying to act like because you own them old ass games, you some expert over a nikka who been in "the game" for 30+yrs (Tru Story)
Smash is not truly a fighting game. Its premise is closer to king of the hill with the combat being used to facilitate pushing your enemy out of the contested area.
Thus, a skilled player can win entire matches without landing a blow. By out manuevering an unskilled opponent or using the terrain you can simply coerce your opponent (especially the ai) into falling outside the scope of the board (the objective).
The amount of damage taken decreases the characters density increasing the likelyhood with each blow that they will 'bounce' out of the desired zone into the outskirts of the board, losing the contest. Losing the contest results in immediate respawn until stock lives are exhausted or kill goal is reached. There is never a break in gameplay. And of course, as pointed out, its 2D.

This is not that.

In this you are required to batter your opponent in order to win in a round. Even when the time runs out, it only alters the stage... so you still have to finsh your oppoment.
It is a 3D battlefield with full range of motion (akin to Bushido Blade, not 8-way 2.5D like Tekken) and the camera is set isometric. These are in line with Powerstone, not Smash.

The character hud is placed similarly to smash I suppose, but little else.
I am sure there is some inspiration drawn from Smash, as it is the high water mark of arena combat games, but it is much more in the vein of Powerstone than Smash from what I have seen.
Bruh, thanks for breaking down what those games are. Like, this is 2015 and all, but do you :tu:
Anywayz, I called it a 3D Smash Brothers. You jive took the whole 3D comment and threw it out the window. And I never said identical to what a 3D smash would be. The gameplay from the looks of it is NOTHING like powerstone, I have a dreamcast and a bootleg disc. So I'm greater than you :steviej:

@MABManZ Ultimately its its own game. And it looks OK, but its got a ways to go if you wanna WIN at this. Like, the idea is great, people will rally behind the idea? But if you don't deliver, its just gonna be a pile of shyt
Its not past pile of shyt status yet, changing the hair styles up won't make a bit of difference.

And if you black, but you don't have any black characters yet? :smh:
I heard the comment about kickstarter and support. So what, so you mean sell-out?
I'm not saying you gotta have Balrog and some Afro guy as your leads. But you shying all the way away
What happened to dignity? Make a game with mostly black fighters, and that bytch will probably be a best seller. Who knows, you might be a trend setter. Or you can follow the trends that been set already :shaq2:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
@PS4 I'm not even going to respond to you (aside from this) if you gonna claim the game has zero black people when there's obviously 2 on the front page. Repping your bootleg pirated Power Stone doesn't give you any respect, either.
So there are 2 you say? Let me check the first page again...

Ok, we got the least visible character, Afro Confidence :blessed:
Then I guess the other nigruh is a cyborg ninja or maybe one of them white girls that is 1/16th black?
Look bruh, I'm only hitting you with that truth. You forcing black people in the game, you don't want that
You associate yourself with other races, its a shame, but the pudding is the proof bruh.

So I'm not even gonna get into it with you about self worth/etc. That's for another day

For now, its all about the gameplay baby!!! And right now, its no powerstone :mj:
My only real comment that about the gameplay, you need to make your game be FUN.
There are tons of fighting games out there that are shyt. And there are a few that are actually really FUN and nobody gives a shyt about. You know why that is? Because today's gamer is all about trends, fads
Not really about content. So you have to make your game COOL somehow. Right now, looks like its a wannabe type game. It would grab my eye, I'd see the trailer, then I'd go "humpf... whats for lunch :manny:"

Adding some color would go a LONG way into making your game unique. Lets not make a big deal about this spyder :ufdup: You gotta add more YOU to this game. We played the Japanese version of this already in our subconscious. As your rep grows bigga.. stay large. But keep your workers under pressure and try to get the dough ALL. Never make mistakes, always come correct (Tru Story) you gonna have to step up to get your rep up :francis:


May 21, 2015
@PS4 clearly you didn't read the thread and my response on char designs.

I don't have any "workers" the game is made by me, and clearly you haven't even played the free demo I put out to see if it's fun or not. You claiming the game plays more like Smash like Power Stone is ridiculous :what: I don't know how you can comment on gameplay.

Not really gonna take your bait here clearly you have no interest in what I got to show:snoop:

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
@MABManZ, don't mind the trolls. Just focus on talking about your game and its features because you'll get lost at arguing back and forth with posters who are only here for the sake of arguing.


Apr 30, 2014
His name is 'PS4'. He migth be upset that this game isn't on the PS4. That's some crazy shyt when you think about it though. Grown ass men taking the console fanboy shyt too far.
His name is PS4, but he's actually the head XBox stan on here :snoop:

Makes no sense like most of his posts :francis:

There are clearly 4-5 black characters being discussed on the first page alone

That Afro Confidence line was hot though :ehh:

@GoldenGlove @Liu Kang can we get this nikka out of here :camby:

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
His name is PS4, but he's actually the head XBox stan on here :snoop:

Makes no sense like most of his posts :francis:

There are clearly 4-5 black characters being discussed on the first page alone

That Afro Confidence line was hot though :ehh:

@GoldenGlove @Liu Kang can we get this nikka out of here :camby:
I only mod HL unfortunately.
@Liquid may be of help too if necessary.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
@PS4 clearly you didn't read the thread and my response on char designs.

I don't have any "workers" the game is made by me, and clearly you haven't even played the free demo I put out to see if it's fun or not. You claiming the game plays more like Smash like Power Stone is ridiculous :what: I don't know how you can comment on gameplay.

Not really gonna take your bait here clearly you have no interest in what I got to show:snoop:
1.) The last few lines I wrote are lyrics to a gangstar song :ufdup:

2.) I'll try out the free demo later :handshake:

3.) I never claimed the game played like any game. I said it "looks like" it plays like a 3D Smash
There is no 3D smash, so I'm going off of what I would imagine a 3D smash playing like. But even then, I didn't mean identically. Lets not deal too much into hyperboles :cmon:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
His name is PS4, but he's actually the head XBox stan on here :snoop:

Makes no sense like most of his posts :francis:

There are clearly 4-5 black characters being discussed on the first page alone

That Afro Confidence line was hot though :ehh:

@GoldenGlove @Liu Kang can we get this nikka out of here :camby:
Hold up :what:

Just cuz you on nuts right now bruh. Great, hes making a game. Give the nikka some real criticism instead of just smiling and go "So you got this c00n shyt up, radical :blessed:"

Like, most of you been too scared to say what you really feel. Last thing homey needs NOW is a bunch of yes men. Not trying to destroy, not trying to argue. You nikkaz can cry all you want, and if the game is ASS?
He'll look back, and he'll remember the very REAL points I pointed out (that were overlooked)
We all gamers here right? Then we all have an idea what a good fun game would be like. Is this man at the finish line? I know he's not finished, I also know he's not gonna just magically reach the finish line with this awesome product. So help by dropping some real input, and if he is too egotistical to handle constructive criticism? :yeshrug:


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Hadn't thought about HUD options really, the UI is still unfinished! But having options for changing placement/hiding it should not be difficult, so hopefully I'll get around to it!

As for modding, the game is built in Unity and doesn't have much native modding features in the engine, I'd have to write it all myself. Unfortunately I really don't have the expertise or time to invest in adding real mod support

That is true. Unity is pretty closed, despite being a very good engine.
I only mention modding because the pillars that keep games around outside of the gameplay are all due to its level of fan support. Modding, Cosplay, Fan-Fic, as someone already alluded to- Rule 34, basically fan involvement.

As for the hud though, if you have the time, consider it. It will also allow you (and others) to release clean promos of the fighting like you see in commercial game trailers.

What's the name of your group? The name they are gonna put on the box as the developer of the game I mean. Cause your name is just you... so what do you all collectively call yourselves?