Colin resigns from Kinda Funny Games effective immediately


May 6, 2012
No what I said is those people are wrong and they are ignorant idiots but at the end of the day I respect people's ability to have an opinion even if I disagree with it.

No what you're doing is attempting to justify cac as some sort of acceptable word and that seems to be because it originated on the Coli?

At it's core all racist logic is the same. I am X and they are Y. Y is different than X so I dislike / disrespect Y because it's different. That's the heart of racist logic. You can take that same logic and apply it to weight, sex, sexual orientation, height, skin color whatever you like and the core logic is always the same. The history pomp and circumstance you seem to want to put around it is all irrelevant because at it's core and this is an inescapable fact it's all the same basic logic. If you ever pick up that logic you become no different than anyone else who does the same. This is regardless of the history behind whatever aspect of it you've adopted. You're talking about heavy energy and all that garbage. in the end please show me how the logic isn't how I've spelled it out in bold.

they are both one in the same. they are born from the same logic I've demonstrated. people engage in behavior they find detestable all the time. they play mind games with themselves to justify doing so. this is so they can feel ok with themselves.

perhaps it is but isn't cac a racial disparaging remark? it's a slur directed at a person's race. I mean if some white guy walked up to you and said "I only call the bad blacks ******s but you're cool" are you then gonna go ok I see that's cool or are you gonna look at him like are you fukking stupid? That's basically what you tried to pull here. "We only call the bad ones cacs." Still trying to justify what's being done.

And you can continue to condemn racism and racial slurs while at the same time attempting to justify it in cases you find acceptable. At some point hopefully the rest of the world realizes that ignorant individuals are just that. Individuals and they don't need to be lumped together in a racial slur because their ignorance has nothing to do with the rest of their race. You might look down on me but you'll never find me hurling insults at people to disrespect them by the color of their skin while saying hurling insults at people disrespecting them because of the color of their skin is wrong.

let me simplify it for you.

I quoted your post and "cac" isn't edited but "n1gger" is.

You're basically posting a bunch of "but what about white people" nonsense that has nothing to do with a fukking Coli term that has hardly any impact on anyone's life. You're literally going hard as fukk defending something that needs no defense.

Your whole argument is that people on here use "Cac" as a way to insult someone because of their skin color which is fukking stupid, nobody even knows what most folks on here look like/are.

Cracker has never been used routinely to:

●Deny a white person a seat at a lunch counter.

●Systematically deny whites the right to vote.

●Deny a white person a seat near the front of a bus.

●Crack the skulls of peaceful white protesters marching for equality.

●Blow up a church and kill four little white girls.

it clearly lacks the historical freight of the other.

You're trying your hardest to make the "cac" and "n1gger" equal.
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52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Using a racial term=/= being racist.

Stop playing dumb dummy:comeon:
So what you're saying is I can consistently use a slur that shows disdain for a person and that term targets them by the color of their skin but if I say I'm only using it because of their actions that doesn't equate at all to racism or consistently using one's race as disrespect? Is that correct?

I mean can you please put this into terms where some one stupid like me who simply doesn't use anyone's race as some sort of insult can understand? Because I'm wrong and you're right and in order to better myself I want to understand why I'm wrong. Why using someone's race as an insult is acceptable I mean.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012

let me simplify it for you.
And this is why these problems will never go away. None of the parties involved will ever admit fault. They will all continue to do what they do and feel it to be justifiable by saying to themselves it's ok to do this of feel this way the problem is with them. Even when confronted with the faulty logic they will either defend it, insult the person confronting them, or simply ignore any point made against them.

This is why I don't get worked up over white supremacist or people hating me because I'm black because ultimately everyone is too stubborn to ever admit fault and none of this is going anywhere anyway. Till humanity's last day of existence this stuff will be around and humans will hate and disrespect one another because of differences.

I shrug my shoulders at it and accept it as a part of life like death and taxes.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
So what you're saying is I can consistently use a slur that shows disdain for a person and that term targets them by the color of their skin but if I say I'm only using it because of their actions that doesn't equate at all to racism or consistently using one's race as disrespect? Is that correct?

I mean can you please put this into terms where some one stupid like me who simply doesn't use anyone's race as some sort of insult can understand? Because I'm wrong and you're right and in order to better myself I want to understand why I'm wrong. Why using someone's race as an insult is acceptable I mean.

Context matters.

Words don't equate to racism. Actions do.

Words don't create/sustain white supremacy. Actions do.

You can be racist as fukk and never use a "racial slur"

You can be not racist as fukk and still use "racial slurs"

Donald trump has never publicly used a racial slur, yet we all know he's racist as fukk

Jay Z uses racial slurs and we all know he loves nikkas.

Stop playing dumb in order to defend these cacs :comeon:


May 6, 2012
And this is why these problems will never go away. None of the parties involved will ever admit fault. They will all continue to do what they do and feel it to be justifiable by saying to themselves it's ok to do this of feel this way the problem is with them. Even when confronted with the faulty logic they will either defend it, insult the person confronting them, or simply ignore any point made against them.

This is why I don't get worked up over white supremacist or people hating me because I'm black because ultimately everyone is too stubborn to ever admit fault and none of this is going anywhere anyway. Till humanity's last day of existence this stuff will be around and humans will hate and disrespect one another because of differences.

I shrug my shoulders at it and accept it as a part of life like death and taxes.
The fact that you're just simply calling this whole subject a matter of people hating each other over differences tells me you have a lot of learning to do. You simply aren't very well read in this topic.

You need to pick up a book or two about this.

because you've clearly demonstrated that you simply lack perspective and are somewhat ignorant about the subject.

The whole thread, you've clearly ignored and just made Boogie and Jon's whole narrative about being of a different opinion and then tried to frame it as others who don't feel that way need to respect their opinion. I should respect someone's opinion that would rather see me on the bottom of the totem pole?

Like, I'm baffled as to how "Oh people just need to admit faults and are too stubborn." is what came to your mind.

Basically a person who's apart of a dominant class and has the power and or upper hand in oppressing someone in various parts of their lives directly and inadvertently is almost as bad as someone who calls said person a "cac".


You don't have to tell me nothing more. You clearly have your mind made up. Racism is just black people and white people and others calling each other bad names and hating each other because of skin color. That's all it ever was.
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Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
And this is why these problems will never go away. None of the parties involved will ever admit fault. They will all continue to do what they do and feel it to be justifiable by saying to themselves it's ok to do this of feel this way the problem is with them. Even when confronted with the faulty logic they will either defend it, insult the person confronting them, or simply ignore any point made against them.

This is why I don't get worked up over white supremacist or people hating me because I'm black because ultimately everyone is too stubborn to ever admit fault and none of this is going anywhere anyway. Till humanity's last day of existence this stuff will be around and humans will hate and disrespect one another because of differences.

I shrug my shoulders at it and accept it as a part of life like death and taxes.

breh one of the parties involved doesn't even think their at fault, so why fukk would they ever admit fault :gucci:


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
breh one of the parties involved doesn't even think their at fault, so why fukk would they ever admit fault :gucci:
It's not that they don't think they're at fault it's that even if you show them they are at fault they simply won't accept it. At a racist's core is a bunch of beliefs stacked up on bullshyt. In theory if pointed out it should collapse but through shear stubbornness and will power they won't let it. They will not abandon these beliefs even if you point out how foolish they are. Granted a few of them have life changing experiences and see how dumb things are but most just go back into their shell and when they reemerge later they are the same.

If I as a back male point out that another black male is dead ass wrong for calling a white man a cac and essentially using their race as some sort of insult I'm all types of shyt, I'm a tap dancing fool. I'm a white supremacist defender and apologist. But notice I'm never called wrong directly. I guess if me not putting racial slurs and racism directed at my own race on some type of pedestal vs racism and racial slurs directed at another race is unusual to most but that's just the way I see the world. It's not necessarily more of an injustice because it applies or is directed at me.


May 6, 2012
It's not that they don't think they're at fault it's that even if you show them they are at fault they simply won't accept it. At a racist's core is a bunch of beliefs stacked up on bullshyt. In theory if pointed out it should collapse but through shear stubbornness and will power they won't let it. They will not abandon these beliefs even if you point out how foolish they are. Granted a few of them have life changing experiences and see how dumb things are but most just go back into their shell and when they reemerge later they are the same.

If I as a back male point out that another black male is dead ass wrong for calling a white man a cac and essentially using their race as some sort of insult I'm all types of shyt, I'm a tap dancing fool. I'm a white supremacist defender and apologist. But notice I'm never called wrong directly. I guess if me not putting racial slurs and racism directed at my own race on some type of pedestal vs racism and racial slurs directed at another race is unusual to most but that's just the way I see the world. It's not necessarily more of an injustice because it applies or is directed at me.
You are wrong. If I call someone like Rudy Giuliani a CAC and you over here more concerned with the language that's used than the actions inadvertently harming people he hates because of his beliefs, I'd say you're a fool and are wrong for that. You are absolutely batting hard for something that isn't asking for your defense.

You are literally more concerned with the fact that some nikkas are tired of the bullshyt and calling out CACS for the bullshyt they've supported/support and continue to peddle instead of the reason people even feel like that.

Instead of trying to pick up a fukking book or something and understand the nuance and complexity of the issue, you just stuck on stupid going "oh but you're disrespecting white people because you called ____ a cac". :camby:

It's not necessarily more of an injustice because it applies or is directed at me
Holy shyt now name calling is an injustice now?? I didn't know "CAC" calling was this world wide injustice.

Not red lining, not over policing, not underfunding "minority" public schools, not bullshyt laws made to target specific people, not flooding cities with drugs/guns no, just good ole name calling is an injustice now.

I wasted way too much time in this thread talking to a brick wall. I'm outta here.

*ignores thread*
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52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
I wasted way too much time in this thread talking to a brick wall. I'm outta here.

*ignores thread*
My thoughts exactly. I just got told I'm wrong because I said it's wrong for a person to use another person's race as an insult. Furthermore because I said that that's wrong I'm supposed to be caping for people who engage in institutionalized racism and bigotry when I'm actually not.

I thought my points were you can call someone out for their bullshyt without hopping down in the mud with them and that people have a right to think and feel whatever they want about any subject as long as those thoughts are just thoughts and not enacted upon so if an ignorant idiot like JonTron wants to think I'm scum because I have brown skin he's entitled to that and as long as he's not fukking with me I really don't care what he thinks.

Somehow I went from that to a racist defender? When I've been consistently saying racism in all forms is wrong. There's too much strawmanning going on here for me so I'm done. I can't really say anything without someone trying to reinterpret what I said as me cosigning some group I'm not or trying to credit me with something I didn't say.

What I will say is this. Racist people feel very comfortable taking another human being's race and hurling it at them as if it's some sort of insult. So when I see someone using a word like cac there's an old saying that starts if it looks like a duck... If you don't want to be confused with being a racist hopefully you understand at some point that talking just like how they talk isn't a good idea.