Colin resigns from Kinda Funny Games effective immediately

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
A bit of lip service is supposed to convince us?

Especially when he tweets shyt like this:


Same guy said if given no other choice he'd vote for Trump over Hillary.

He's also gone on record in support of clear white supremacist/racists. And criticized black peoples protest of the same problems he's talking about here

He claims he's "socially liberal, and fiscally conservative" but he pretends to not realize that two are intrinsically connected. You go out voting for white supremacists in the name of "fiscal conservatism" they will continue their policies that harm black people.

You can't claim to understand the black plight in America then keep voting and supporting people that continue to enact damaging policy.

You see when the shyt hit the fan he ran directly to conservative radio white supremacists.

Those words are empty to me when his actions show he supports white supremacy for his own personal gain.

A lot of white folks do this. They pretend to play nice in public, but when it comes down to either supporting their own interests or supporting minority groups they always pick themselves. It's why trump is president right now
Are the other cacs in that shyt on that same bullshyt?
Only video ive seen was the one with Everett Lee's voice actor

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Did they really kick him off or did he just choose to leave so he can go spew his political BS without killing their business? I never heard the backstory...
He's said repeatedly he chose to leave.

Had another interview yesterday where he confirmed that nobody asked him to leave and it was his decision.

The other guys have said this as well.

Greg even said colin edited the apology letter for the tweet.

People are filling in their own narratives.

Greg and colin still live together.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
But with people like Colin you never hear them speak up to defend the oppressed groups, but they are quick to defend the white guys right to do the oppressing.
There are plenty of people here who use racial slurs like cac but have a problem with a white person saying nikka. In the real world a majority of people in general only really care about stuff that directly effects or applies to them or people like them. It's to the point where you can take the same exact logic and redirect it at something else and one moment a person cares and the next moment when that logic isn't directed at them they couldn't care less.

That's reality. It's like how republicans don't want Obamacare because they don't want their taxes raised to keep poor people insured. The attitude is fukk the poor I can afford my insurance and health care and that's all that matters.

Again I defend none of this I'm just saying it is what it is. The world is filled with selfish b*stards that lack empathy and many people can't picture life from another perspective.

You'll find that much of the stuff people claim to have a problem with their actual problem isn't the ignorant logic it's the target of said ignorant logic.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Did they really kick him off or did he just choose to leave so he can go spew his political BS without killing their business? I never heard the backstory...
They are claiming he wanted to leave.

But if he just wanted to leave there would be no need for them to have any kind of meeting.

They told him, his political views were hurting business, he doesn't want to shut up, so he had to go.

They won't say it like that but it's what happened.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
There are plenty of people here who use racial slurs like cac but have a problem with a white person saying nikka. In the real world a majority of people in general only really care about stuff that directly effects or applies to them or people like them. It's to the point where you can take the same exact logic and redirect it at something else and one moment a person cares and the next moment when that logic isn't directed at them they couldn't care less.

That's reality. It's like how republicans don't want Obamacare because they don't want their taxes raised to keep poor people insured. The attitude is fukk the poor I can afford my insurance and health care and that's all that matters.

Again I defend none of this I'm just saying it is what it is. The world is filled with selfish b*stards that lack empathy and many people can't picture life from another perspective.

You'll find that much of the stuff people claim to have a problem with their actual problem isn't the ignorant logic it's the target of said ignorant logic.
Stop quoting me to defend these cacs.:camby:


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Stop quoting me to defend these cacs.:camby:
I'm defending no one. That's just the mental gymnastics you go through to dissipate the cognitive dissonance of participating in an activity you say others are wrong for participating in.

*Show contempt and disdain for someone because of their race but get upset when they do the same to you*


May 6, 2012
There are plenty of people here who use racial slurs like cac but have a problem with a white person saying nikka.

*Show contempt and disdain for someone because of their race but get upset when they do the same to you*

Breh.. Just stop.

You're going the "reverse racism" route here. I'm half expecting you to follow up with a "You know what black people are the real racists" post here.

Like, you're really putting a real world racial slur on the same level as a term used mainly on The Coli. :wow:

Just hold hands and sing Kumbaya folks, the problem here is people are simply too mean to each other!
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I'm defending no one. That's just the mental gymnastics you go through to dissipate the cognitive dissonance of participating in an activity you say others are wrong for participating in.

*Show contempt and disdain for someone because of their race but get upset when they do the same to you*
I've never shown any disdain for anyone due to their skin.

Only their actions.

Again stop quoting me to defend these cacs.:martin:


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012


Breh.. Just stop.

You're going the "reverse racism" route here. I'm half expecting you to follow up with a "You know what black people are the real racists" post here.

Like, you're really putting a real world racial slur on the same level as a term used mainly on The Coli. :wow:

Just hold hands and sing Kumbaya folks, the problem here is people are simply too mean to each other!
When did I say anything about reverse racism the concept is preposterous. there is no such thing racism is racism. all racist and people who use racial disparaging terms have some internal justification for doing so. it's all ignorance. many of these people will also be the first to tell you they aren't racist too as laughable as that is.

Real world racial slur vs Coli racial slur? Stop creating phantom layers of bullshyt here a racial slur is a racial slur. There's no such thing as a Coli racial slur. It's just a racial slur all the same.


May 6, 2012
When did I say anything about reverse racism the concept is preposterous. there is no such thing racism is racism. all racist and people who use racial disparaging terms have some internal justification for doing so. it's all ignorance. many of these people will also be the first to tell you they aren't racist too as laughable as that is.

Real world racial slur vs Coli racial slur? Stop creating phantom layers of bullshyt here a racial slur is a racial slur. There's no such thing as a Coli racial slur. It's just a racial slur all the same.
You've been whining throughout this whole thread trying to equate and equalize clear White Supremacy agenda as mere opinions and now you're already caping hard trying to simplify this whole topic down to name calling, especially so between a term coined and used exclusively on the Coli, a term that it's more known real world usage has hardly any impact to the person it's saaid to, to a racial slur that's been rampant for hundreds of years that clearly has a much heavier energy to it. To you though they're both one and the same and clearly we all just need to watch our mouths. You're saying it's preposterous but your posts says otherwise since you clearly think and you said yourself, that we show disdain and contempt for someone based on who they are just off the bat which again is dumb.

I bet if I said CAC is used on here to identify those who clearly agitate, play stupid and post disparaging things about non whites and basically shyt up the boards, you'd just counter that by saying people aren't respecting their opinion and can't handle opposite opinions, another dumb ass simplification.

I'm done here. You can continue defending and respecting the opinions of people who clearly don't have your best interest in mind and would like you removed in the name of respectability but I'm not here for that. :francis:
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52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
You've been whining throughout this whole thread trying to equate and equalize clear White Supremacy agenda as mere opinions
No what I said is those people are wrong and they are ignorant idiots but at the end of the day I respect people's ability to have an opinion even if I disagree with it.
you're already caping hard trying to simplify this whole topic down to name calling, especially so between a term coined and used exclusively on the Coli, a term that it's more known real world usage has hardly any impact to the person it's saaid to, to a racial slur that's been rampant for hundreds of years that clearly has a much heavier energy to it. To you though they're both one and the same and clearly we all just need to watch our mouths.
No what you're doing is attempting to justify cac as some sort of acceptable word and that seems to be because it originated on the Coli?

At it's core all racist logic is the same. I am X and they are Y. Y is different than X so I dislike / disrespect Y because it's different. That's the heart of racist logic. You can take that same logic and apply it to weight, sex, sexual orientation, height, skin color whatever you like and the core logic is always the same. The history pomp and circumstance you seem to want to put around it is all irrelevant because at it's core and this is an inescapable fact it's all the same basic logic. If you ever pick up that logic you become no different than anyone else who does the same. This is regardless of the history behind whatever aspect of it you've adopted. You're talking about heavy energy and all that garbage. in the end please show me how the logic isn't how I've spelled it out in bold.

To you though they're both one and the same and clearly we all just need to watch our mouths.
they are both one in the same. they are born from the same logic I've demonstrated. people engage in behavior they find detestable all the time. they play mind games with themselves to justify doing so. this is so they can feel ok with themselves.
I bet if I said CAC is used on here to identify those who clearly agitate, play stupid and post disparaging things about non whites and basically shyt up the boards, you'd just counter that by saying people aren't respecting their opinion and can't handle opposite opinions, another dumb ass simplification.
perhaps it is but isn't cac a racial disparaging remark? it's a slur directed at a person's race. I mean if some white guy walked up to you and said "I only call the bad blacks ******s but you're cool" are you then gonna go ok I see that's cool or are you gonna look at him like are you fukking stupid? That's basically what you tried to pull here. "We only call the bad ones cacs." Still trying to justify what's being done.
I'm done here. You can continue defending and respecting the opinions of people who clearly don't have your best interest in mind and would like you removed in the name of respectability but I'm not here for that. :francis:
And you can continue to condemn racism and racial slurs while at the same time attempting to justify it in cases you find acceptable. At some point hopefully the rest of the world realizes that ignorant individuals are just that. Individuals and they don't need to be lumped together in a racial slur because their ignorance has nothing to do with the rest of their race. You might look down on me but you'll never find me hurling insults at people to disrespect them by the color of their skin while saying hurling insults at people disrespecting them because of the color of their skin is wrong.