So what I've gathered is you don't have a model to successfully implement socialism in America.
It's a joy to watch how smoothly you shift to the next goalpost every time one of your claims gets shot down.
We are an reasonably democratic society to a degree, certainly moreso than we were hundreds of years ago when these economic systems were implemented, far moreso even than 150 and 100 years ago when socialism got its largest previous movements. If a large enough component of the American population supports socialism, it can be implemented. But it will take an extensive process of combating not just the rich capitalist boosters who currently benefit from inequality and don't wish to see it go away, but also decades of pro-capitalist propaganda in education, politics, and media that has done everything possible to poison every American against any attempt to change shyt for the better.
That's why we discuss this shyt. That's why we support people openly talking about socialism. That's why we talk about shifting the Overton Window. And that's why we shyt so hard on wealthy people, who absolutely benefit from capitalist inequalities and don't care if they remain. The majority of Americans, especially the majority of Black Americans, can learn that wealthy capitalists are not on their side.
And you are also disregarding stable healthy societies that practice some from of capitalism because that's just not what you want and you know what's best for everyone.
There is no such thing. There is not a single capitalist society on Earth that is using resources sustainably or is on a path to use resources sustainably. Not even remotely close. Under capitalist principles it's literally not possible unless serious measures are taken that by any reasonable definition are socialist.
This doesn't even come from socialist ideology. I've never been particularly enveloped in any sort of socialist community, I've hardly read any socialist literature. It comes from looking at the reality of what environmental devastation, labor force abuse, and extreme wealth inequalities are doing to the world and working backwards from there. If you devote any serious part of your life to any of those issues, it becomes increasingly difficult to imagine a future where capitalism, where ANY form of capitalism as currently practiced, leads us to anything other than a horrific dystopia.