Coli centrists, what's so great about centrism: come in here and sell us on your political leaning


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
I think there are areas where Americans would embrace widespread change. But like might adoption models they don't look to do it all at once. When we launch new product features we don't just push them all out at once and say, "Hey, you'll love it once you get used to it." We know that when you make large wholesale changes people face pushback and long term adoptions rate suffer or people reject the product altogether. Practical example, Windows 8 and Windows 10 launches. Customers stuck with Windows XP and Windows 7. It's easier and more beneficial when making wholesale changes to fix the subsets that lead to an overall change of the whole and explain to people how to these changes are better.

No one has explained why that model doesn't apply to policy. Instead, it's just hand-waiving it away as incrementalism.

Of course not. Our governing system is broken and the institutions are functioning in the way that people were taught they should or in ways they did in the past when we saw more programs being pushed out. I don't think anyone disagree here.

It doesn't bother me that you're further left than I am. It also doesn't bother me that others are further right. Largely because there is overlap among policies we share and I think it's important for us to push for those changes. Hyper partisanship and a broken Senate are big obstacles for that goal.
Regarding the Overton window, I wonder what shift you're looking to see? We already see many programs are popular across the spectrum at this point, but there is little meaningful gain. What other perception are you looking for that will elicit a response that give you that outcome?

I push for the policies I care most about and on election day I make the practical decision on who will provide more good than bad. I aspect this is the norm despite the criticisms I see on display here.

I laugh at people who think that their views are the only things that matter because I know that isn't realistic and that's not reality. Most of these people here aren't here to discuss policy and it shows. As a result, the tone of our interaction has shifted in the 6 years that I've been here. I mean, what is this thread really? A guy made a thread, allegedly asking an honest question, only to make numerous posts before he even got a response talking shyt about the people he wants to engage. Then you all come in here wondering why people treat them with disdain. It's earned.
Just look at the response to my otherwise harmless quote: "I'm willing to sacrifice positions I don't care about as much to get the things I find more important" was met with the nonsensical take of "you want to kill people!"

That's goofy.

Sorry man, but this should be targeted to your fellow leftist posters. Most of the "pragmatists" here don't actually care what policies you adopt. Just don't act like people are engaging in active harm because they have different political views than you might on the same spectrum. Majority of the threads are neoliberal this, centrists that, blah blah blah. :pachaha:

As an intelligent, educated, successful person, I am happy enough in my life that the musings of HL doesn't affect my life because I know people don't actually act like this in real life when it's time to get the work done. You know this as well.

Come on man. We know that progressives aren't the group that pushed Biden over the top compared to Hillary.

Again, your progressives friends who need to persuade people to get the systemic change they want should take this advice. As I've said before, most of what I advocate for affects other people more than it does me. Either way my life isn't going to change much.

Voters ultimately bear responsibility. Elections have consequences.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
There isn’t one. But I’d argue that the “moderate” candidates would be more progressive than moderate 08 Obama and Clinton because of the shift in the Overton window.
Was this due to Bernie Sanders being persuasive?


Nov 19, 2016
Doesn’t the same apply the other way as well. If some people in here took a second to stop trying to shyt on people for not thinking exactly like them, they’d find out they have more in common then they’d expect and therefore should be working with them. But that’s too much like right.
I mean that's the overall point. Aside from me not blaming capitalism for every problem in the world, most of the proposals these guys are pushing for I agree with, but we never get there. :manny:


Apr 30, 2012
Doesn’t the same apply the other way as well. If some people in here took a second to stop trying to shyt on people for not thinking exactly like them, they’d find out they have more in common then they’d expect and therefore should be working with them. But that’s too much like right.
@Pressure. I’m on a call so I don’t have the time to respond in full but I think that there’s trolling on all sides. But I also think that when there’s also no attempt to distinguish real discussion from the usual. So like, someone may be dead ass serious and you’re trolling them the. They will just see you as a bad faith actor. I think there are posters who warrant your responses and those who don’t. As for it going both ways, I’m firmly against the rose twitter contingent who call people c00ns and ask why black folks don’t vote this or that way and always have been. At the same time, people talk differently on the internet than they do on real life. I leave some space for frustration. Like most of these guys ain’t built to talk to anyone like that in real life and the lack of connection to those people is part of the progressive movement’s problem. It doesn’t really exist within the areas it needs to reach people the most to actually shift the trajectory of the country (the Midwest and the South). That’s why I think @mastermind is right that they need to be involved in the community before anything else. Like I like Bernie but if you pull up in 2016 and tell people to vote for these policies with no evidence in their lives of the efficacy versus the church leader who had actually done some things - you’re not going to win. His stubbornness and refusal to engage in retail politics was part of his undoing.

What I do reject, however, is the notion that progressives just aren’t persuasive and are losing on policy grounds. Most people vote on vibes more than policy. Voting is an emotional decision as much as it’s a pragmatic one. It’s why big money and big name politicians can sway an election because of their power, familiarity and gravitas. The progressive movement is mirroring all the other movements in this country that are decades in the making. You have to control the state and local pillars of power and work your way up. There will be set backs but they’re largely on the right track. What I argue against and for is the ideas and the policies and the public imagination. I don’t think they should concede that losing an election means you lost the battle of ideas. Republicans didn’t with their silent majority argument and the third way never has. You can’t give up the space you occupy in the public consciousness and then you slowly accumulate power and people will be more primed to those ideas. Think about the idea of student debt cancellation, no progressives haven’t won in getting it done but they won the war of ideas to the point where op-eds had to come out against them. You have to fight back on that. That’s literally the only reason I argue on this board. This isn’t how I conduct politics in any way.

I don’t know if I answered pressure’s other post about the Overton window. I think we are at a point where progressive ideas are a part of the discussion, we are not at the point where there’s an overwhelming consensus that we have to take that route and any large scale change requires that sort of consensus. Reagan won 49 out of 50 states, that legitimized the conservative movement and began the process of dialing back the entire new deal and civil rights era accumulating into today. There was a time where even Nixon understood he needed a healthcare plan and an EPA. He was still operating from the liberal consensus.

To me, the Overton window is when we start ideas from the left and negotiate towards the center than starting from the right and negotiating towards the center. If you negotiate that way, your final result is much better. Even Sanders understood this - some just didn’t listen. He even said you don’t go in asking for half a loaf of bread - you ask for the whole thing and then maybe you end up with half but you’re in a better ending place.


Nov 19, 2016
But I also think that when there’s also no attempt to distinguish real discussion from the usual. So like, someone may be dead ass serious and you’re trolling them the. They will just see you as a bad faith actor. I think there are posters who warrant your responses and those who don’t.
Fair enough. :hubie:


Nov 19, 2016
Yes and the primary reason we don’t get there is capitalism you dunce
Most of the world practices some form of capitalism. Even the Nordic model, which folk often point to as proof positive of a better way.

If we can't even operate in reality then there's no point in having a discussion.



Apr 30, 2012
Was this due to Bernie Sanders being persuasive?
Yes. That and frustrated public. I said this before a few years ago but my only expectation for Sanders was that he would shift the Overton window and he has. I have criticisms of his campaign but no one can question that he was consequential.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Most of the world practices some form of capitalism.

Because the major capitalist powers repeatedly stomped it out with violence, bribed off their leaders, or attempted to punish them economically as much as possible whenever they tried any other way.

Do you even history breh?


Nov 19, 2016
Because the major capitalist powers repeatedly stomped it out with violence, bribed off their leaders, or attempted to punish them economically as much as possible whenever they tried any other way.

Do you even history breh?
Historically, most of the first world adopted some type of hybrid capitalist model, by choice.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Doesn’t the same apply the other way as well. If some people in here took a second to stop trying to shyt on people for not thinking exactly like them, they’d find out they have more in common then they’d expect and therefore should be working with them. But that’s too much like right.

Imagine thinking that there has been ANY significant policy in our lifetimes that didn't get passed because progressives refused to work with centrists.

Centrists repeatedly get their way because virtually the entire governing party is comprised of centrists (or, like some of you in the thread, centrists who pretend to be progressive on some issues). If they wished, the centrists in power could use their power to pass whatever aspects of progressive policy they wish, just like they pass neoliberal and capitalist agenda items, just like the Republicans pass their agenda when they have any degree of power. But they don't.

It's not like there's a lack of trying. When centrists (like Biden) run, progressives desperately try to figure out any one progressive policy they are willing to be reasonable on and try to work together with them at least on that policy. Yet every fukking time they manage to find centrists who refuse to budge on the issue and it goes nowhere. None of those items get blocked because progressives refuse to work, they get blocked because centrists refuse to work on them.

On the other hand, when progressives like Bernie run, there isn't the slightest attempt to find common ground, there isn't any admittance of, "I agree with him on 80% of his agenda", there's merely a constant barrage of insults and lies. "He's a socialist! He's basically a communist! He loves Russia! He loves Cuba! He's completely unelectable! He's not even a Democrat! GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!!"

It's wild as fukk to me that some of the centrist posters in here claim to have supported Elizabeth Warren, whose policy platform was 80% aligned with Bernie's and whose actionable policy platform was close to 100% aligned. Yet those same posters wouldn't admit "Sanders is almost the same as Warren, if he has a better chance than her I should support him." Instead they trashed Sanders, attacked him, attacked his supporters, posted every bit of hate they could, and openly rooted for Biden to win even though his record was the polar opposite of what Warren was calling for.

No serious person is going to remember how y'all talked about Bernie supporters on here in 2020 and be able to claim it was them who were refusing to find common ground.

Most of the "pragmatists" here don't actually care what policies you adopt. Just don't act like people are engaging in active harm because they have different political views than you might on the same spectrum. Majority of the threads are neoliberal this, centrists that, blah blah blah. :pachaha:

As an intelligent, educated, successful person, I am happy enough in my life that the musings of HL doesn't affect my life because I know people don't actually act like this in real life when it's time to get the work done. You know this as well.

No, in real life the progressives have no power so its "socialist this, communist that, extremist this, unelectable that" in an attempt to poison the well against every meaningful progressive shift that might actually impact the power of the wealthy in the slightest way.

And once again, when it comes to active harm, the strongest venom spewed here towards any group of people as a group were the attacks on Bernie supporters. I freely insult or condescend on various posters when they act in a manner that deserves it. But was there any point in the election that I labeled any other Democratic candidate's supporters with the broad allegations of sexism, racism, fascism, and so on that posters here used to attack Bernie supporters? It's extremely difficult to take y'all seriously on this tone policing bullshyt when you've been some of the biggest culprits.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Historically, most of the first world adopted some type of hybrid capitalist model, by choice.

Because "most of the first world" was run by wealthy capitalists who would benefit most from extremely uneven distribution of resources. It's not like the democratic masses were making those decisions regarding which economic system to follow, the decisions were entirely made by the elite with wealth at the top.

When elements of the West attempted their own socialist republics, they were immediately overthrown by violent military force:



Nostalgia Junkie
May 15, 2014
A centrist, once they finally own up to being one, will never claim centrism as 'great', nor will they try to sell it as such.

It's an approach that only the most practical, mature, adaptable, and rational people can lay claim to.

A centrist is formed by process of grueling ethical and moral decisions that only atlas himself can bear the weight of. True Story.


Nov 19, 2016
Because "most of the first world" was run by wealthy capitalists who would benefit most from extremely uneven distribution of resources. It's not like the democratic masses were making those decisions regarding which economic system to follow, the decisions were entirely made by the elite with wealth at the top.

When elements of the West attempted their own socialist republics, they were immediately overthrown by violent military force:

So what I've gathered is you don't have a model to successfully implement socialism in America.

And you are also disregarding stable healthy societies that practice some from of capitalism because that's just not what you want and you know what's best for everyone.