Straight up called Barr ugly.
Sounds like a win for liberalsstop investigating me or no laws will be passed?
Yeah, I think that's obstruction and impeachable in itself...
The GOP is completely compromised so where does that really leave us?
Sorry folks, no new bridges, no new roads until the Dems do what I tell them to do.stop investigating me or no laws will be passed?
Yeah, I think that's obstruction and impeachable in itself...
The GOP is completely compromised so where does that really leave us?
I remember a teacher explaining this to us in school when we were younger. Both countries been doing this since the cold war. The fact they are still doing this
New York's state legislature has passed a bill permitting tax officials to turn over Trump's state returns to any one of three congressional committees …
14:12 - 22 May 2019