Ive taken a break from wondering what stupid people will do in 2020 tbh. I plan on worrying about that when I get ready to start canvassing again. The way I see it though, the GOP will be living or dying by Trump, and Trump appeal isn't widespread. I havent looked at any sort of evidence to make an informed opinion, but America is a mess with shyt constantly going wrong. Trump consistently handles these situations backwards, fukking up public opinion. All the drama he has dealt with this year has been shyt of his own doing, he hasn't even had to run the natural disaster/shooting/racially charged event circuit yet. It doesn't feel likely that the house will flip back in 2 years because the Dems didn't know what to do with a rabid dog

Senate is what has me worried. We are fast approaching a place where bandaid solutions won't cut it at all, and at that point its too late. I feel bad for everyone saying they're tired, all this is only the beginning