Well he cried first. He did a shoot blasting Cody last year saying it should of been him vs Roman..that's when they created his fake title to pacify and shut him up. Sine kid keeps brining up the Rock's ego and all that weird shyt....the Rock understands this business and someone being undeniable with fans...he put over Bryan on the mic to kick start WM XXX. These maniacs in here swear he's some huge politican...lol.I just want to know what Seth did to piss off the WWE.
Lost three times to Cody including the third time to a one armed Cody in a cage.
Now post Royal Rumble they have this man, the #2 champ in the company, begging someone to fight him at WrestleMania.
Then they have Roman bury him and the title at the next Smackdown.
Now they once again bury Seth and the title at the press conference and have him standing there like a loser watching the Rock/Roman/Cody stuff unfold.
Might as well just throw that title in the trash with the 24/7 belt at this point.
Seth is in a very fukked up spot to me, regardless.