youre not completely off base here...but i always considered it more of a creative problem there in wcw than a scheduling/timing problem because the lesser guys usually did get a fairly substantial amount of time to do something.
sure they werent elevated because the nwo never put them over outside of mysterio..but they at least were able to somewhat put themselves over..
the bolded gives more credence to part timers...its unfortunate and not ideal but creative sucks man so what we gonna do about it
ive like brocks storyline and now this taker storyline better than most full time stories...
obviously full time piff, again, ideally, is better for the product...but creative has proven to be so shytty that part timers would be better for the business.
In all actuality, the reason the full-timers are given low quality work full time is.
So cripple ache does not get lost in the shuffle and regulated to a non-caring fan interest parody role like slaughter, though.
As real talk,...
If not for the over politicized marketing and higher placement in the card because of his position family wise as a McMahon.
Nobody would really care if cripple ache came out like that.
That is why he is always across the ring from a draw that is infinitely larger than him.
On top of a way higher quality inring worker from workrate to promo.
Then, it is marketed to make him appear formidable.
When, the opposition he is opposite of needs no real introduction.
It was even like that during the attitude era as well.
Which is why when cripple ache got the chance to run the raw brand.
The interest totally dipped into the dismal numbers we have now.
The part-timers getting more shine is all his mechanical way of not getting overshadowed and lost in the shuffle.
Of a possible newer indie drawing star capitalizing on a higher quality run of skill and harder work.
Plus, a way to point to a spreadsheet to authenticate his fake relvence.
Incomparison, to the larger real self made legends of wrasslin.
It is no real mystery,....
It is just an amalgamted playbook of the goblin rules and 95wwf clique semantics and politics.
With full control all disguised to make cripple ache.
Look like a bigger draw on paper than he actually really is.
Which pits ache across ring against better higher quality workers in history.
So, he can create a false legacy using his stature in the company and family.
To appear as a higher company assets should something go awry, in the future.
Plus, to cement a company legacy regardless of the outcome inring or as a member of the McMahon family.
Anyone who knows administrative and political gamesmanship can easily see.
cripple ache positioning himself for the future and his revisionist legacy.
To appear larger and of higher quality than what he really is.
I just like the fact that the rock, Mick, taker, and Brock.
Have used this, to get larger dollars in a shorter schedule time frame.
By using cripple ache's own agenda against him for a larger payday.
Plus, to put in proper perspective they are higher talents than him as well.
When properly surveyed in history.
Past that aspect, though.
I do not appreciate the self grandiose brown nosing of cripple ache.
To cripple the sentiment and product of the wwe.
On a lower quality self pat on the back manner similar to vkm.
During the higher power and later on in the low quality inclusion of the entire McMahon family.
The shyt is damn near like the awful pre-cursor to the bullshyt low quality no talent marketing.
to create a fictional draw of nicki/paris Hilton to kourtney kardashian to capitalize on a porno with ray j.
The shyt is more of the awful aspects of the traveling low quality carni drawing rubrick.
That needs, checks and balances of high quality in place.
To prevent the destruction and decline of a draw.
Of which, cripple ache single-handidly ushered in.
That he tries in vein to distance and hide the facts in the spreadsheet from public perception and the general public.
From knowing about and recognizing.
Which is why the movesets are neutered and the lower quality smash mouth style has been implemented in the fed.
So, he does not get left behind inring.
Similar to the threat he felt.
When Jericho came into the wwf.
That he created a political coup to neutered Jericho's moveset.
All the way down to his punches.
which soon became a full blown company mantra, after the discoveryzone period.
To see if he had political power that could make his agenda successful.
After that ache used the applied knowledge of the Jericho blackballing.
To institute across the entire company, after he was successful in burying Jericho.
Who real talk, was and still is a higher talent and draw than cripple ache.
It is just the corporate coup to sabotage jericho.
Using goblin-based clique rules and company power has regulated Jericho.
To being a shade of what Jericho could really be to the wrasslin world and as a draw.
After it was proven ache could operate goblin clique rules, administratively.
All the way down to the corporate structure as policy.
He just continues to use his agenda.
As a veil that drives the entire company's direction.
the shyt is clear and plain as day.
Especially when you realize,..
This company has damaged their largest drawing promotion wrasslemania.
from sentiment and draw in every possible aspect.
Just to hide his errant damaging draw, and agenda.
Evidenced by them destroying the very reason and fan sentiment draw of what mania is and was about in the first place.
With the awful finish to mania2ooo.
Which was the exact reason.
Why wwf lost its mainstream booming draw over time to the point where we are, now.
Art Barr
Art Barr