CM Punk shoots on part timers says he wants the same deal

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I feel where u coming from. I actually peeped how Punk employs the MMA style in his matches and i can somewhat applaud it. I jus was never really a fan of the shoot style being in wrestling and in my opinion Punk uses it in a sloppy way. And as much as we realize the big body obsession is superficial (and borderline homo) its essential to being a draw(smallest viable headliners were like HBK, Bret, Owen, Angle etc. and them bois went at least 230). And as good as he is on the mic (buddy's mic work against Rock and HHH was :krs: status) I don't think casual fans are trying to see a 6'0 180lbs on a good day superstar in no wrestling show. Now I stopped watching by the time he came in so I def need to peep more matches from him before I can accurately judge. At this point he's a an above average wrestler wit a good mouthpiece , he busted his ass from the indies and made it to the big leagues. But best in the world I jus can't get wit it

Whole heartedly,...
Cm punk is one of the handful of guys. Those being:


Who actually saved wrasslin.
Then re-instituted quality.
Plus, put the idea of watching media online as a staple of the internet.
So, real talk....
You need to brush up in what you missed.
As you missed one of the exact guys who saved wrasslin.

If not for punk,...
Like literally, there may not be have been any quality wrasslin.
Or wrasslin period after the old guard was job's and phased out.

also,...that awkward period in matches you talk about punk having.
Is one of the most realistic parts of his workrate.
As he actually has mastered the art of being ub the fray of a worked encounter.
To make it appear and have those awkward moments a real violent physical encounter can, will and does have generally.

So, I think you are just not well versed enough to speak bad on punk.

Punk is the cotdamn truth...
You not looking at no above average wrassler.
You looking at the makings of a guy who illustrating.
What you need to do,...
To be brought up against and made a relevant part of the discussion points of who may be the greatest of all time.

Punk is making a legacy.
That may not be listed as the goat.
Yet, he has the resume and real actualized high quality body of work.
Without no political brown nosing or bullshyt damning industry practices behind his success.
You are watching the proverbial little engine that could.

You can not front on that......

Art Barr

Art Barr

Art Barr


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
Whole heartedly,...
Cm punk is one of the handful of guys. Those being:


Who actually saved wrasslin.
Then re-instituted quality.
Plus, put the idea of watching media online as a staple of the internet.
So, real talk....
You need to brush up in what you missed.
As you missed one of the exact guys who saved wrasslin.

If not for punk,...
Like literally, there may not be have been any quality wrasslin.
Or wrasslin period after the old guard was job's and phased out.

also,...that awkward period in matches you talk about punk having.
Is one of the most realistic parts of his workrate.
As he actually has mastered the art of being ub the fray of a worked encounter.
To make it appear and have those awkward moments a real violent physical encounter can, will and does have generally.

So, I think you are just not well versed enough to speak bad on punk.

Punk is the cotdamn truth...
You not looking at no above average wrassler.
You looking at the makings of a guy who illustrating.
What you need to do,...
To be brought up against and made a relevant part of the discussion points of who may be the greatest of all time.

Punk is making a legacy.
That may not be listed as the goat.
Yet, he has the resume and real actualized high quality body of work.
Without no political brown nosing or bullshyt damning industry practices behind his success.
You are watching the proverbial little engine that could.

You can not front on that......

Art Barr

Art Barr

Art Barr