Lesnar was given credit for the Summerslam buyrate. That's what he's drawn. The rating stayed halfway decent when Rock wasn't there for at least one week and Lesnar was there. But that seemed more like the Undertaker in reality.
Lesnar was a significant draw after the Rock put him over in 2002...but he's really being paid what he's being paid because of him being a UFC Heavyweight champion and generating the highest UFC buyrate ever.
Punk was asked a question he answered it. There is nothing whiny about what he said. If anything, it was complimentary towards the part timers seeing that he needs to hustle even more to get where they are.
Not whiny..why was he projecting through the Miz? LOL. Doesn't even make sense. Still sound jealous over that guy getting the real main event in 2011 at WM 27 while he has to settle for a Undertaker job pre Rock/Cena II. He was praising part timers in January when he was champion during his interviews..now he thinks it's gonna burn him out doing his schedule and wants to be just like them even though he hasn't earned that special title of bringing in buyrates or attention to wrestling worldwide with just a mention of his name. They can announce CM Punk vs Cena again next week and it would still do small numbers as always without the Rock selling out that crowd by fans thinking he's gonna be there.
It's the rock lovers out there they can't stand the thought of a shot at rock
The Rock runs the show...PART TIME. What in the world are you talking about? You think CM Punk complaining on a "Mark Madden" show is supposed to change anything? LOL. Never. He can whine all he wants but apparently he doesn't have the balls to say it to Vince and that's why he's in a filler match.