The pipebomb promo is what got me back to watching wrestling daily now tbh. I stopped watching WWE back in '03 or '04 (yes, guys I missed the Ruthless Aggression era, I'm pissed) then a friend of mine told me that Rock is coming back for Wrestlemania 27. So I tuned in the Raw when The Rock "came back", it was all cool, but I was kinda disappointed when I found out that he was only gonna be a host for Wrestlemania 27 despite the cool ending when he Rock Bottom'd John Cena with Miz (wow, Miz really mainevented Wrestlemania? That's crazy lol - and the Nas Hate Me Now post WM celebration promo was dope lol) retaining the championship. I wasn't really a huge fan of Punk at first, I be seeing his segments here and there, and I actually thought his character/gimmick was being a emo wrestler for some reason (I didn't really do my Indy search report back then). I did notice that he was a solid talker, and thought he was a decent "heel guy". I was skipping some Raws here and there so I decided to watch the Raw when the pipebomb happened. And my was really mindblowing and really changed my perspective of wrestling in general. It really got me back interested in wrestling again since Monday Night Wars. Even though the Summer of Punk era came to a shytty end (Triple H vs Punk at NOC 2011), I started checking other wrestling companies that Punk named in his promo, and that was the end of that lol. TL;DR Punk's promo got me interested in wrestling again.