As I told brotha
@2Quik4UHoes folks need to ignore the media and they hot takes for this series.
The difference in this series was all about the nuggets best player couldn't hide on defense. His white ass was gonna have to play defense for 7 games if it goes that far. And barkley, media kats, laker haters and lebron haters can hold his hand, cry about the refs and jerk him off all they want. But that ain't gonna make him be able to guard the paint, guard AD, bang with Dwight and stop lebron on pick and rolls and run down the court on transition defense.
And as shaq said I don't want to hear shyt about him being tired and all them other white boy excuses. Cause them excuses were never given to young (or old) Wilt or Lebron when they were expected to score all the points and guard everyone on the court.