Maybe. Only because other races looks fade quicker. But typically a hood chick want a hood dude. It's all they know; all they can relate to
It's not a mindset limited to hoodrats, breh.
You have educated women out here playing around in the mid-20s. Then, when they hit 30, they want to get serious about mating.
It doesn't work that way. A man reaching his peak at 30 is in no rush to settle down with a 30-year-old woman. He will take his time, which clashes with the clock she has running in her head.
Most 30+ women, who played around and are in a rush to marry, should target brehs in their late-30s and early 40s. Typically, those brehs will likely have a kid or two or will be divorced. But, they are more likely to marry quickly compared to brehs in their early 30s who have no baggage.