Ciara is trending on Twitter and catching flack for apparently being a hypocrite


May 21, 2012
:dwillhuh: just described me and my drawbacks in the dating world perfectly...
To add more to this thread :
I watched my income double in a weekend. I quit a crappy minimum wage job and walked into one that required more skills the very next day.

Same broads who would play me because I was riding the train or bus to work or spending all my time with my face in the books. Are now wondering if they can get a ride to so and so because their auction car broke down.



The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
And the nail was hit on the head regarding the difference between Black women and White/Asian women. They are told to go to college to find their husbands and when they graduate many are already engaged or married. Most of the young women I work are either engaged are married. The older ones are ringless or serial daters because of their careers or other reasons.
I went to a PWI and this is exactly what they do. The prudes and the girls that slept around ended up married at about the same rate. There was no clear difference. They just went to college to find husbands not to be "independent".


Jan 4, 2017
These driven career spinsters come with baggage and a level of entitlement that befuddles men on their level and repels men above em their tax bracket.

They take that abrasive energy into their relationships and instead of being docile and feminine they double down and try to lead/control you.

I won't even get into their level of debt

But why would any breh put up with this ? Let alone a successful one ?
This had to be quoted...
From my own personal experience.
I believed like everybody else pretty much believes. Find a woman who is educated, has alot going for her with her career, financially, yada yada yada...
I was dating these types all thru my early 20s to early 30s...
So i am well versed on this topic lol.
1st thing i noticed is that i had to date older, because a good looking woman in her 20s, no kids, with a good job... u might as well be dating a high school chik. U will be on a long list of other dikks she has compiled. But everything is all good cause " she pays her own bills"..
Older women were more reserved, calmer. more appreciative. They felt like I was a "come up" for them cause im younger and doing well too.
But here is the problem with them as well... it goes back to what alot of us have been saying. She is not going to be able to submit (play her natural role as a woman) to you because shes been making bank, surviving, and holding it down on her own for so long, how can she take a back seat to anybody now. And put her life in their hands. "Submitting..."
So now im mid 30s. And I've been telling my dudes that u got to find 1 with her head on straight, comes from decent family, but in her early 20s, if not like 19-20...
The world been telling dudes to find miss independent, and wife up single moms and shyt...
Nah, breh... Ill take a chik that doesnt have much and truely appreciates anything u do for her. Her just being around u, she learns what u like and dont like.
A female can have all the education, cars, houses and money in the world... but all a man really wants is for her to be cool and be loyal
Nov 18, 2016
This had to be quoted...
From my own personal experience.
I believed like everybody else pretty much believes. Find a woman who is educated, has alot going for her with her career, financially, yada yada yada...
I was dating these types all thru my early 20s to early 30s...
So i am well versed on this topic lol.
1st thing i noticed is that i had to date older, because a good looking woman in her 20s, no kids, with a good job... u might as well be dating a high school chik. U will be on a long list of other dikks she has compiled. But everything is all good cause " she pays her own bills"..
Older women were more reserved, calmer. more appreciative. They felt like I was a "come up" for them cause im younger and doing well too.
But here is the problem with them as well... it goes back to what alot of us have been saying. She is not going to be able to submit (play her natural role as a woman) to you because shes been making bank, surviving, and holding it down on her own for so long, how can she take a back seat to anybody now. And put her life in their hands. "Submitting..."
So now im mid 30s. And I've been telling my dudes that u got to find 1 with her head on straight, comes from decent family, but in her early 20s, if not like 19-20...
The world been telling dudes to find miss independent, and wife up single moms and shyt...
Nah, breh... Ill take a chik that doesnt have much and truely appreciates anything u do for her. Her just being around u, she learns what u like and dont like.
A female can have all the education, cars, houses and money in the world... but all a man really wants is for her to be cool and be loyal

Preach brother


Jan 7, 2013
This had to be quoted...
From my own personal experience.
I believed like everybody else pretty much believes. Find a woman who is educated, has alot going for her with her career, financially, yada yada yada...
I was dating these types all thru my early 20s to early 30s...
So i am well versed on this topic lol.
1st thing i noticed is that i had to date older, because a good looking woman in her 20s, no kids, with a good job... u might as well be dating a high school chik. U will be on a long list of other dikks she has compiled. But everything is all good cause " she pays her own bills"..
Older women were more reserved, calmer. more appreciative. They felt like I was a "come up" for them cause im younger and doing well too.
But here is the problem with them as well... it goes back to what alot of us have been saying. She is not going to be able to submit (play her natural role as a woman) to you because shes been making bank, surviving, and holding it down on her own for so long, how can she take a back seat to anybody now. And put her life in their hands. "Submitting..."
So now im mid 30s. And I've been telling my dudes that u got to find 1 with her head on straight, comes from decent family, but in her early 20s, if not like 19-20...
The world been telling dudes to find miss independent, and wife up single moms and shyt...
Nah, breh... Ill take a chik that doesnt have much and truely appreciates anything u do for her. Her just being around u, she learns what u like and dont like.
A female can have all the education, cars, houses and money in the world... but all a man really wants is for her to be cool and be loyal

Thing is ...sooner or later she'll fall prey to the collective and turn into a naggin, p*ssy rationing, control freak.
Next thing you know you are blowing $XXX,XXX on vacations,shoes, bags just so she can stunt on her friends
and the thanks you get is more fights because she associates your kindness with making her friends feel bad.

If that doesn't make sense then congrats just got a taste of married life :mjlol:

If you want a successful marriage/long term prospect go to countries where women can't use the government
to strip you off your kids and wealth.

but off course n!ggas are believers and will walk right into this trap on some...she ain't like all the rest #teamus bullsh!t

Only to end up with another man coating your ex-wifes ass mounds while you contemplate
tongue kissing a barrel couped up in damn closet apartment with some cac hipster roommate

Get Married Brehs @Astroslik @Crayola Coyote
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Feb 8, 2015
It's not a mindset limited to hoodrats, breh.

You have educated women out here playing around in the mid-20s. Then, when they hit 30, they want to get serious about mating.

It doesn't work that way. A man reaching his peak at 30 is in no rush to settle down with a 30-year-old woman. He will take his time, which clashes with the clock she has running in her head.

Most 30+ women, who played around and are in a rush to marry, should target brehs in their late-30s and early 40s. Typically, those brehs will likely have a kid or two or will be divorced. But, they are more likely to marry quickly compared to brehs in their early 30s who have no baggage.


Met a cute 30 year old broad recently. Very bad. Thick coke bottle shape. Cool personality. 2 kids though. CANT DO IT. I could feel the freedom draining from my life being around her every extra minute. And she was feeling me hard. These chicks make themselves radioactive with their life choices. I would’ve seriously considered her if she ain’t have that baggage.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Wow, Ciara and Ayesha Curry sure know how to get under the skin of single chicks and single moms :mjlol:

Yea, Ciara had a child with Future out of wedlock, but they were engaged if I'm not mistaken. So, they were literally on the road to marriage. I would bet that a lot of the chicks responding are speaking from a place of never being engaged, much less married. Hell, I would wonder how many of the chicks actually have a boyfriend that claims them.

The funny thing is, women who are in solid relationships tend to be very comfortable being associated with "having a man." Of course, it seems that single women tend to despise what they don't have and tend to fall into the "I don't need a man to validate my worth."

But let those same chicks get a dude and they change their tune faster than a speeding bullet :sas1:

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Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
I think it's beyond that scrap...NOBODY remembers Ciara for her music. Her whole second act revolves solely around Russell. She made some money so it isn't like she was hurting in that regard but her future was looking pretty bleak if she wanted to go forward in music. The graveyard is filled with girls that used to be on the scene within the Beyonce era that nobody cares about anymore. Ciara found a young guy with money without children willing to involve himself in her tumultuous situation with her baby daddy...its rare. Out of respect for that she should understand to keep her advice to herself. She didn't do anything special she just stumbled upon a crisp $20 on the floor.



Jan 4, 2017
Thing is ...sooner or later she'll fall prey to the collective and turn into a naggin, p*ssy rationing, control freak.
Next thing you know you are blowing $XXX,XXX on vacations,shoes, bags just so she can stunt on her friends
and the thanks you get is more fights because she associates your kindness with making her friends feel bad.

If that doesn't make sense then congrats just got a taste of married life :mjlol:

If you want a successful marriage/long term prospect go to countries where women can't use the government
to strip you off your kids and wealth.

but off course n!ggas are believers and will walk right into this trap on some...she ain't like all the rest #teamus bullsh!t

Only to end up with another man coating your ex-wifes ass mounds while you contemplate
tongue kissing a barrel couped up in damn closet apartment with some cac hipster roommate

Get Married Brehs
Heres the thing tho...
You cant just do this with any young lady...
Or like you said... the shyt will turn out just like that.
Again, she has to already be raised a certain way.
Men have to understand somethn and its going to sound offensive as shyt... but women are always still little girls. They are always looking for "Daddy".
And women are like sponges, they absorb every experience theyve ever had. and learn from every Daddy theyve been around...either an actual father, older brother, uncles, boyfriends, fukk buddies, etc...
So if you catch this women too late, your dealing with all the info and experiences these other daddies have given her.
But if u find 1 from a good home, and she accepts you as her "Daddy" (you can tell this because they hang on every word u say, and start taking ur style)... Then she is going to be how you need her to be. and all those problems you stated, shouldnt happen because she thinks just how u think. and understands what u tell her.
I know alot of what i said sounds actually like a Pimp and a Hoe type of bond... and the crazy thing is thats the reason why it works... Its a natural dynamic that men and women have... but Pimps just use their influence for a negative purpose


Sep 23, 2014
My wife head got big when I wi
fed her up. Its how they supposed to feel and them hoes hatin on Twitter gone be on Ciara shyt soon as somebody put a ring on it. They need to stop frontin


Jan 7, 2013
Heres the thing tho...
You cant just do this with any young lady...
Or like you said... the shyt will turn out just like that.
Again, she has to already be raised a certain way.
Men have to understand somethn and its going to sound offensive as shyt... but women are always still little girls. They are always looking for "Daddy".
And women are like sponges, they absorb every experience theyve ever had. and learn from every Daddy theyve been around...either an actual father, older brother, uncles, boyfriends, fukk buddies, etc...
So if you catch this women too late, your dealing with all the info and experiences these other daddies have given her.
But if u find 1 from a good home, and she accepts you as her "Daddy" (you can tell this because they hang on every word u say, and start taking ur style)... Then she is going to be how you need her to be. and all those problems you stated, shouldnt happen because she thinks just how u think. and understands what u tell her.
I know alot of what i said sounds actually like a Pimp and a Hoe type of bond... and the crazy thing is thats the reason why it works... Its a natural dynamic that men and women have... but Pimps just use their influence for a negative purpose

Women will never think how we think because they "feel" through everything in life
I think what you mean is setting boundaries and having your woman in check

but they will never stop testing you ... why do you think men die off quicker ?

Breh no offense but women are the masters of manipulation. So that "special" one
won't show her true colors until she's sure she has you hooked and by then it will be
too late . A better suggestion would be "act like you are hooked" and see if/how she

If she stays the same. Congrats you lucked out ...just keep passing her little tests till you hit the bucket

If the p*ssy rationing starts and the naggin compounds...



All Star
Apr 19, 2017
women can talk all day about "what a real man is" but soon as a dude makes one comment towards how women should act they lose their shyt


Jun 22, 2012
This had to be quoted...
From my own personal experience.
I believed like everybody else pretty much believes. Find a woman who is educated, has alot going for her with her career, financially, yada yada yada...
I was dating these types all thru my early 20s to early 30s...
So i am well versed on this topic lol.
1st thing i noticed is that i had to date older, because a good looking woman in her 20s, no kids, with a good job... u might as well be dating a high school chik. U will be on a long list of other dikks she has compiled. But everything is all good cause " she pays her own bills"..
Older women were more reserved, calmer. more appreciative. They felt like I was a "come up" for them cause im younger and doing well too.
But here is the problem with them as well... it goes back to what alot of us have been saying. She is not going to be able to submit (play her natural role as a woman) to you because shes been making bank, surviving, and holding it down on her own for so long, how can she take a back seat to anybody now. And put her life in their hands. "Submitting..."
So now im mid 30s. And I've been telling my dudes that u got to find 1 with her head on straight, comes from decent family, but in her early 20s, if not like 19-20...
The world been telling dudes to find miss independent, and wife up single moms and shyt...
Nah, breh... Ill take a chik that doesnt have much and truely appreciates anything u do for her. Her just being around u, she learns what u like and dont like.
A female can have all the education, cars, houses and money in the world... but all a man really wants is for her to be cool and be loyal
