Christians: Howcome u ignore Jesus's prediction of Prophet Muhammad?

Mr swag

We Out Here
Apr 30, 2012
The Well Respected Uptown,Virginia
Didn't the bible say that we all are gods?

Is it not possible for Jesus to be describing God with those statements, attributing it to not only himself but to everyone he spoke to also?

If God created him, you and I, then surely we all are Gods, therefore when he speaks like that he isn't just talking about himself, correct?

Basically there was no separation between God, Jesus and every human being.

No, jesus kept saying "I'm"

So god sent jesus to preach love

But sends Muhammad to go village to village murdering women and children. Talk about the change of heart :skip:

That's why Islam is the devils religion.


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9

It doesnt get anymore clearcut then that now does it?, but its sad to say that Islam isnt a legit branch of the Abrahamic religions.

"Your father Abraham rejoiced as he looked forward to my coming. He saw it and was glad." The Jews replied, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.”
John 8:52

If you notice, Jesus states himself to be the great "I AM"
That is the same title given to Moses through God from the revelations given via the burning bush back in the Old Testament period.

"Moses said to God, "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what shall I tell them?" God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
Exodus 3:13-14

If anything, if Abraham were to see "Muhammaed aka The greatest false prophet there ever was aka a child molester aka a deranged murder" he would probably ball his fist and spit in his face
Your attempt to insult the greatest man to walk this plant shows me you in your heart know that that quote from Romans is false, you and I both know the bible is a widely changed book. From king James to coptics, to Catholic to Greek to Russian renditions, and you know it is illogical for a man to be god and god to be a man, in sense if you believe that you do not believe in one god, which disqualifies you from being a believer in Christ who preached the same thing the original jews did, one god. On the day of judgement the prophets Moses Jesus and etc will stand besides the prophet Muhammad, inshallah you will see the truth so you too can be close by.

Christians on the run in every subforum :salute:

Mashallah brother but we are not trying to have them on the run, but to show them what the true path and message of God is.


Jun 8, 2012
If that's the case then why couldn't the spirit of truth mentioned in the OP be Muhammad?

"but but but, no it's the holy spirit"

Muhammad was a believer and you state that the holy spirit resides in every believer.

Why are you guys not willing to acknowledge Muhammad as a true prophet of God?

And please don't compare something tangible like the branches of government to something intangible such as Gods, spirits and ghosts

Lets keep fairytales separate from real life bro

if my man muhammad believes in Jesus the son of God the one who died and rose again then ascended to heaven and is on the right hand of God.

then by all means my man muhammad is therefore a christian. and would therefore be a profit. if thats the case. either all books that muslims are currently reading are lying on muhammad, or muhammad is lying on God. one or the other.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Man don't yall have some sort of atheistic philosophy you can ruminate over? Ya'll keep asking the same questions over and over. If you don't want to believe, don't believe. It's like some of ya'll cats are too afraid to just not believe by yourselves and feel the need to convince others to not believe with you. We answer this question for you and 2 days later you'll be back with another riddle.

Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
if my man muhammad believes in Jesus the son of God the one who died and rose again then ascended to heaven and is on the right hand of God.

then by all means my man muhammad is therefore a christian. and would therefore be a profit. if thats the case. either all books that muslims are currently reading are lying on muhammad, or muhammad is lying on God. one or the other.

What does believe in mean? Believe that Jesus was God himself? and that u can only go to heaven by believing that Jesus is God and died for our sins? (which is blasemphy)

He acknowledged his existence existence and that he was a special kind of prophet/most important of God's prophets. So yeah, he believed Jesus was a great man apparently.

Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
Man don't yall have some sort of atheistic philosophy you can ruminate over? Ya'll keep asking the same questions over and over. If you don't want to believe, don't believe. It's like some of ya'll cats are too afraid to just not believe by yourselves and feel the need to convince others to not believe with you. We answer this question for you and 2 days later you'll be back with another riddle.

yooooo, I already addressed this but lemme do it one mo' gain...

i can be interested in this sh1t without actually subscribing to the beliefs

just like people can be interested in the lore and history of Marvel, DC comic characters while still be able to acknowledge that it's fiction.

I'm fascinated by a wide range of subjects ranging from religion, mythology, philosophy and science. Just like any inquiring mind that isn't brain washed by a specific religion should be. I'm sorry if it bothers you.

so please eat a d1ck and have a cup of tea my friend



Playa from the Himalayas #ByrdGang
Jul 9, 2012
They aren't Muslims... they are part of their own religion called Shi"ism... it is totally different from Sunni Islam, which is the original and real Islam.

The first part is your opinion. Many people would disagree with you. The second part is wrong. Not totally different.


Jun 8, 2012
What does believe in mean? Believe that Jesus was God himself? and that u can only go to heaven by believing that Jesus is God and died for our sins? (which is blasemphy)

He acknowledged his existence existence and that he was a special kind of prophet/most important of God's prophets. So yeah, he believed Jesus was a great man apparently.

well then he doesnt believe in the same Jesus that they speak of in the HOLY bible. he doesnt believe in the Jesus that was prophesied in the O.T.

so no he doesnt believe. because like you said, he thought that was blasphemy. its only blasphemy if Jesus was a man and only a man like you and me. its only blasphemy if jesus wasnt born to a virgin. its only blasphemy if Jesus didnt have the power to do all the miracles he did. its only blasphemy if Jesus was hung on that cross, died, and stayed dead. the fact that that once hu-man, rose again. made him into what was prophesied, made him into what he told his followers who he was. it made him into the SON of GOD in the spirit. not just a special disciple . muhammad is in the grave. So is buddha, we've even found king tut and his descendants. but no one has ever found JESUS CHRIST in a grave.


Playa from the Himalayas #ByrdGang
Jul 9, 2012
yooooo, I already addressed this but lemme do it one mo' gain...

i can be interested in this sh1t without actually subscribing to the beliefs

just like people can be interested in the lore and history of Marvel, DC comic characters while still be able to acknowledge that it's fiction.

I'm fascinated by a wide range of subjects ranging from religion, mythology, philosophy and science. Just like any inquiring mind that isn't brain washed by a specific religion should be. I'm sorry if it bothers you.

so please eat a d1ck and have a cup of tea my friend


The difference is that no one can deny Marvel and DC comics as being fiction. If they do believe it is real obviously they have some sort of mental problem. With religion you can shout about how crazy it is all you want and claim that it is fiction all you want. What you can't do is, prove it not to be the truth. Nobody can. When you bring subjects up like this you are discussing peoples beliefs. People are not willing to have intelligent discourse with someone whos main purpose is to poke holes in what they believe in under the guise of "trying to understand". There is no benefit to that. You claim to want to understand but understanding this might be a little out of your league.