Christians: Howcome u ignore Jesus's prediction of Prophet Muhammad?

Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
well then he doesnt believe in the same Jesus that they speak of in the HOLY bible. he doesnt believe in the Jesus that was prophesied in the O.T.

so no he doesnt believe. because like you said, he thought that was blasphemy. its only blasphemy if Jesus was a man and only a man like you and me. its only blasphemy if jesus wasnt born to a virgin. its only blasphemy if Jesus didnt have the power to do all the miracles he did. its only blasphemy if Jesus was hung on that cross, died, and stayed dead. the fact that that once hu-man, rose again. made him into what was prophesied, made him into what he told his followers who he was. it made him into the SON of GOD in the spirit. not just a special disciple . muhammad is in the grave. So is buddha, we've even found king tut and his descendants. but no one has ever found JESUS CHRIST in a grave.

Muslims acknowledge that Mary was a virgin, that Jesus performed miracles, that Jesus ascended into heaven from the cross.

The only thing they have beef with is that Jesus was God himself.

and no one has ever found Spartacus's grave or many of the people from that era, doesn't mean they miraculously ascended to heaven


Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
The difference is that no one can deny Marvel and DC comics as being fiction. If they do believe it is real obviously they have some sort of mental problem. With religion you can shout about how crazy it is all you want and claim that it is fiction all you want. What you can't do is, prove it not to be the truth. Nobody can. When you bring subjects up like this you are discussing peoples beliefs. People are not willing to have intelligent discourse with someone whos main purpose is to poke holes in what they believe in under the guise of "trying to understand". There is no benefit to that. You claim to want to understand but understanding this might be a little out of your league.

You couldn't be more wrong, they're about equal in terms of lack of evidence, the only difference is that billions of people think one is true..... but this thread isn't about that, and I don't want to go there in this thread because it would be off topic

Again, I'm sorry if you're offended but I really don't give a f*ck, I'm not allowed to engage in debate or ask questions about something because I don't believe in it? How stupid is that. Nothing is scared. And nobody is poking holes in anything, I'm simply trying to bring the Islamic perspective to the table. I don't give a damn about emotional reactions. You won't find solutions to problems (Palestine/Israel for example) if everyone sits in their comfy little churches/mosque with zero dialogue in an attempt to find common ground.

That's how it works in science, if you have an idea/hypothesis then its SUPPOSED to be scrutinized, and if it passes rigorous testing and retesting only then does it become a legitimate theory.

Again, I'm not addressing this anymore, if you're really offended then just know that deep down inside the demon in me is going :umad: because I gives zero fuks about your feelings bro

I'm not even a muslim, and from my outsider perspective it looks as if he's describing Muhammad, however this could very well be because I don't have a cat in the bag and I'm not blinded by faith/indoctrination of something that says the opposite. I have no Holy trinity concept clouding my reasoning skills. I have nothing to give up or lose by acknowledging that he was describing Muhammad, Christians do. (and it could be affecting the way they respond/react to his thread)


- You guys say It's not Muhammad...It's "the holy spirit" which dwells through the heart of men/believers

- Muhammad is a man/believer of God so why couldn't it be him? Why is that not possible?

A christian has everything to lose by acknowledging that it could be Muhammad (and a new book to pick up) so I can understand the hostility. (and since when does the writings of Paul become more important than the 4 gospels? Are you Christians or followers of Paul? I'm of course addressing those of u who bring up Acts and everything that comes after the Gospels)



Playa from the Himalayas #ByrdGang
Jul 9, 2012
You couldn't be more wrong, they're about equal in terms of lack of evidence, the only difference is that billions of people think one is true..... but this thread isn't about that, and I don't want to go there in this thread because it would be off topic

Again, I'm sorry if you're offended but I really don't give a f*ck, I'm not allowed to engage in debate or ask question about something because I don't believe in it? How stupid is that. Nothing is scared. And nobody is poking holes in anything, I'm simply trying to bring the Islamic perspective to the table. You won't find solutions to problems (Palestine/Israel for example) if everyone sits in their comfy little churches/mosque with zero dialogue in an attempt to find common ground.

That's how it works in science, if you have an idea/hypothesis then its SUPPOSED to be scrutinized, and if it passes rigorous testing and retesting only then does it become a legitimate theory.

Again, I'm not addressing this anymore, if you're really offended then just know that deep down inside the demon in me is going :umad: because I gives zero fuks about your feelings bro

I'm not even a muslim, and from my outsider perspective it looks as if he's describing Muhammad, however this could very well be because I don't have a cat in the bag and I'm not blinded by faith/indoctrination of something that says the opposite. I have nothing to give up or lose by acknowledging that he was describing Muhammad, Christians do. (and it could be affecting the way they respond/react to his thread)


- You guys say It's not Muhammad...It's "the holy spirit" which dwells through men/believers

- Muhammad is a man/believer of God so why couldn't it be him? Why is that not possible?

A christian has everything to lose by acknowledging that it could be Muhammad (and a new book to pick up) so I can understand the hostility.


I guess you mean sacred. But a whole lot of smoke to still not understand what I was saying. You being the non expert on either religion and thinking your going to find "solutions to the problems" dosent help. Religious people won't respect you unenlightened, uneducated opinion. But reply if you want. I don't want to contribute to this 1 star thread anymore than need be.
Jul 6, 2012
Sounds like Prophet Muhammad to me
If Church goers didn't do so much dancing, shouting, humming, cracker & juice eating, moaning and singing they probably would have noticed this.
@Mr. Somebody @Willstyles @FAH1223 @Ice Cold @Chris.B @Slaimon @bigrodthe1 @Dirty_Jerz @Ain't That @RadaMillzSomething @Tuaminator
In response to the spirit of truth being "the holy spirit/ghost" (1 of the 3 Gods that is "technically" supposed to represent just one GOD) and not Muhammad
Muhammad (pbuh) is "The Spirit of Truth" - YouTube

Dude, Jesus was talking to his disciples and he told them that he will send the councillor to them, his disciples...

Jesus' disciples lived and died 100's of years before Muhammad came long...The Bible was written and canonized way before Muhammad was born...

So, mathematically speaking that verse CANNOT possibly be referring to Muhammad, because he NEVER met Jesus's disciples and he NEVER was involved in the creation of Christianity...

When exactly did Muhammad declare anything to the 12 apostles ?

That passage also alludes to the Trinity...Jesus is saying that he is the one who will send the "counsellor" and that "counsellor" will be under his authority...

Jesus pretty much declared himself "God" in that passage, at the very least, Jesus is saying that nothing gets done in Heaven or on Earth without his authority, and everything that is God's is also his...

Therefore, the Quran was actually revealed by Jesus's authority, so every Muslim is essentially a Christian...

Allah and YHW and Jesus ARE NOT THE SAME god...
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Playa from the Himalayas #ByrdGang
Jul 9, 2012
No its fact bro... do some research. They have a different faith. I don't discriminate but they can't call themselves Muslims.

Then why do they? lol It's ok if its your opinion breh... just admit it. we all have them. I don't want to get into the exact definition of a muslim.

Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
I guess you mean sacred. But a whole lot of smoke to still not understand what I was saying. You being the non expert on either religion and thinking your going to find "solutions to the problems" dosent help. Religious people won't respect you unenlightened, uneducated opinion. But reply if you want. I don't want to contribute to this 1 star thread anymore than need be.

My perspective is the Islamic perspective, plently of muslims believe Jesus was describing Muhammad with that quote. If you feel like they're opinions are unenlightened and uneducated then I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm only presenting it and then giving my outsider opinion on it. I also admit I am not an expert on religion (who really is honestly?....however I have a human right to have an interest in it, regardless of how u feel). Also don't assume that just because one isn't a "believer" it automatically means that they can not be experts on the topic. The large majority of academic religious scholars happen to be atheist or agnostic.

Again, if you aren't going to stay on topic then suck a d1ck. You should be appreciative of the fact that we even have a slight interest in your fairy tales b, most people would just throw it in the bushes and label it a waste of time. I however don't think discussing the incompatibilities of 2 of the largest faiths on this planet is a complete waste of time. With that many people taking it so seriously we all should care or at least be interested in what each sides have to say.

I'm only providing the table for discussion, it ain't my fault if Muslims don't care enough to stand by their beliefs, if you don't like what I post then you're welcomed to lick my circumcised penis b (I'm serious, PM me if ur down)


Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
Dude, Jesus was talking to his disciples and he told them that he will send the councilor to them, his disciples...

Jesus' disciples lived and died 100's of years before Muhammad came long...The Bible was written and canonized way before Muhammad was born...

So, mathematically speaking that verse CANNOT possibly be referring to Muhammad, because he NEVER met Jesus's disciples and he NEVER was involved in the creation of Christianity...

When exactly did Muhammad declare anything to the 12 apostles ?

That passage also alludes to the Trinity...Jesus is saying that he is the one who will send the "counsellor" and that "counsellor" will be under his authority...

Jesus pretty much declared himself "God" in that passage, at the very least, Jesus is saying that nothing gets done in Heaven or on Earth without his authority, and everything that is God's is also his...

Therefore, the Quran was actually revealed by Jesus's authority, so every Muslim is essentially a Christian...

Allah and YHW and Jesus ARE NOT THE SAME god...

Interesting perspective. but I think Jesus being God would still be blasphemous in the eyes of a muslim.

Dude, Jesus was talking to his disciples and he told them that he will send the councillor to them, his disciples...

Jesus' disciples lived and died 100's of years before Muhammad came long...The Bible was written and canonized way before Muhammad was born...

So, mathematically speaking that verse CANNOT possibly be referring to Muhammad, because he NEVER met Jesus's disciples and he NEVER was involved in the creation of Christianity...

Now, I'm using religious logic here but according to religious text: human beings can live to be anywhere from 700 to a 1,000 yrs old (give or take) Muhammad showed up 500 yrs after Jesus so it's possible the councilor he mentioned could have very well been Muhammad since the disciples would have still been alive 500 years later (in religious lifespan logic)

but yeah I get what you're saying



Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
Sounds like Prophet Muhammad to me

If Church goers didn't do so much dancing, shouting, humming, cracker & juice eating, moaning and singing they probably would have noticed this.


@Mr. Somebody @Willstyles @FAH1223 @Ice Cold @Chris.B @Slaimon @bigrodthe1 @Dirty_Jerz @Ain't That @RadaMillzSomething @Tuaminator

In response to the spirit of truth being "the holy spirit/ghost" (1 of the 3 Gods that is "technically" supposed to represent just one GOD) and not Muhammad

Muhammad (pbuh) is "The Spirit of Truth" - YouTube

Peace be with you

so I just watched the video and that is even more proof, mashallah. There is no question that the prophet Jesus pbuh was speaking of the prophet Muhammad pbuh
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May 19, 2012
Dude, Jesus was talking to his disciples and he told them that he will send the councillor to them, his disciples...

Jesus' disciples lived and died 100's of years before Muhammad came long...The Bible was written and canonized way before Muhammad was born...

So, mathematically speaking that verse CANNOT possibly be referring to Muhammad, because he NEVER met Jesus's disciples and he NEVER was involved in the creation of Christianity...

When exactly did Muhammad declare anything to the 12 apostles ?

That passage also alludes to the Trinity...Jesus is saying that he is the one who will send the "counsellor" and that "counsellor" will be under his authority...

Jesus pretty much declared himself "God" in that passage, at the very least, Jesus is saying that nothing gets done in Heaven or on Earth without his authority, and everything that is God's is also his...

Therefore, the Quran was actually revealed by Jesus's authority, so every Muslim is essentially a Christian...

Allah and YHW and Jesus ARE NOT THE SAME god...

Dude is :troll:

John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

New International Version (©2011)
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

New Living Translation (©2007)
But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative--that is, the Holy Spirit--he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.

English Standard Version (©2001)
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit--the Father will send Him in My name--will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.

^^^^Jesus CLEARLY states who the Counselor/Comforter is, and it sure as hell isn't Muhammad. I don't understand why words are being twisted, I think if somebody twisted the words of the Qu'ran it would be just as shameful.


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
Dude is :troll:

John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

^^^^Jesus CLEARLY states who the Counselor/Comforter is, and it sure as hell isn't Muhammad. I don't understand why words are being twisted, I think if somebody twisted the words of the Qu'ran it would be just as shameful.

Peace be with you brother,

but the brother in the video posted in the OP proves the counciler is not the holy spirit.
Jul 6, 2012
Peace be with you brother,
but the brother in the video posted in the OP proves the counciler is not the holy spirit.

Exactly...It's VERY GOOD argument that the "Councillor" is not the "Holy Spirit"...

But dude did not provide an iota of evidence to support that the Councillor is in fact Muhammad...

In fact, the Muslim Brother is NOT considering the 100's of years of Christian History that occurred before and after Muhammad was born...

1) The Gospels were not written by any of Jesus' original 12 disciples...So, it's safe to assume that if the Gospels are true, then The Councillor already came to remind the later disciples of everything that Jesus taught them...

2) Many "Christian" books were written after Jesus, apparently went to heaven, and some of those books were not included in the Biblical canon for one reason or another...So, any of those authors could of possibly been or have met the Counsellor...

3) Any so called prophet that came after Jesus can claim to be counsellor, and they would have just as much right as Muhammad...

4) The apostle Paul can also be called the "counsellor," because he pretty much fathered Christianity, Jesus sent Paul to the original disciples, he professed that Jesus was Christ, he reminded the original disciples of what Jesus taught, he taught the original disciples new philosophies and etc...

I think the Apostle Paul has more of a claim of being the "Counsellor/comforter" than the prophet Muhammad...


All Star
May 2, 2012
fairytale or not

Eitherway God is not a man bro, you're actually more disrespectful to the creator for believing that than I am for being an atheist.

Imagine praying to God everynight but instead of God you call him Tyrone, thats exactly what u do when u praise Jesus name

you've been bamboozled, you've been lied to, hoodwinked

Islam is truth


If u smart enough to actually read Hebrew scriptures, you might learn that Israel described their Creator as a man.