Christians: Howcome u ignore Jesus's prediction of Prophet Muhammad?

Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
If u smart enough to actually read Hebrew scriptures, you might learn that Israel described their Creator as a man.

when I think of "man" i think of it in scientific terms

A species that is part of a larger group of species in the homo genus (which is under the great apes branch, which are under the primate species umbrella)
Homo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Claiming God is a man anthropomorphizes God imo. How can he be God if he's an animal and a product of evolution/natural selection like the rest of us?

but yeah, science and facts aside, i get what you're saying, sometimes it's hard for me to fully grasp these ideas and concepts because my mind is grounded in reality.



Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
Exactly...It's VERY GOOD argument that the "Councillor" is not the "Holy Spirit"...

But dude did not provide an iota of evidence to support that the Councillor is in fact Muhammad...

In fact, the Muslim Brother is NOT considering the 100's of years of Christian History that occurred before and after Muhammad was born...

1) The Gospels were not written by any of Jesus' original 12 disciples...So, it's safe to assume that if the Gospels are true, then The Councillor already came to remind the later disciples of everything that Jesus taught them...

2) Many "Christian" books were written after Jesus, apparently went to heaven, and some of those books were not included in the Biblical canon for one reason or another...So, any of those authors could of possibly been or have met the Counsellor...

3) Any so called prophet that came after Jesus can claim to be counsellor, and they would have just as much right as Muhammad...

4) The apostle Paul can also be called the "counsellor," because he pretty much fathered Christianity, Jesus sent Paul to the original disciples, he professed that Jesus was Christ, he reminded the original disciples of what Jesus taught, he taught the original disciples new philosophies and etc...

I think the Apostle Paul has more of a claim of being the "Counsellor/comforter" than the prophet Muhammad...

Peace be with you.

thank you for your reply, and may I add it is a brilliant one. But there are a couple of things I must tell you.

regarding #1 Jesus does not have to necessarily have to send the councillor to the disciples, he was probably talking about the world as a whole, and this is one reason I believe this is regarding the prophet Muhammad, because Moses and Jesus were both sent from God for a certain group of people. (Children of Isrsel) but the prophet Muhammad was sent for all of mankind.

2. If the councillor had been established it surely would have been added into the bible brother, but you have to remember, no disrespect but the bible that is today's bible is a European rendition, they would never admit an Arab man was the councillor, I mean they draw Jesus pbuh as a blonde hair blue eyes European.

3. Yes there were prophets sent after moses and Jesus and before Muhammad pbuh but they were often killed, the Prophet Muhammad pbuh was sent for such a huge task it gives him even greater right to be considered the Councillor.

4. See the thing about paul is. I'm not sure about paul. The Islamic belief is that the bible was changed from it's original message (partially) and when you say Paul taught new philosophies to the deciples it makes me question if he may be responsible for it. I am not sure what is said about Paul in Islam but I will have research it.

So I still believe whether you're Muslim or not it makes most sense for the prophet Muhammad to be the councillor because he fits the description in the bible pretty well. But you are free to believe in what you believe brother, that is what Islam teaches Muslims, let people believe in what they believe and we believe in what we believe.

peace be with you.

Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
3. Yes there were prophets sent after moses and Jesus and before Muhammad pbuh but they were often killed, the Prophet Muhammad pbuh was sent for such a huge task it gives him even greater right to be considered the Councillor.


deep down inside christians just hate islam and will look for any excuse not to acknowledge Muhammad as a prophet of God