Chris broussard speaks on the importance of dating black women


May 15, 2014
I can ride with most of this but all this black women cant be like other groups of women get all the way the heck outta here. That’s excuse making stuff right there. Every black woman can’t find a dude y’all claim to want in her 20’s but the ones who are in college and or not around ain’t nothing cats can have better odds at finding someone in their 20’s. My parents met at college and many other people I know met their spouses at stuff younger 20’s people do like meetup groups and things like that. The whole everybody can’t get married excuse doesn’t hold weight because like any situation everybody can’t ball aka win. That’s life even if the numbers were the same.

Breh I have 3 count them 3 nephews that are 25 and under. Every one of them is married and all of them met their Black Wives in College.

shyt I just was in the wedding of my oldest nephew who married his wife earlier this month.

Then I got a 4th nephew who is 23 and just got engaged to his black girlfriend this past Christmas. Guess where he met her too.....yep in college.

Probably 70% of the married black people that I know as a professional met their black spouses while in college.

Yet folks will give you every damn excuse to not date while young. The shyt is the ultimate hustling backwards shyt I have ever seen.
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Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Breh I have 3 count them 3 nephews that are 25 and under. Every one if them is married and all of them met their Black Wives in College.

Probably 70% of the black people that I know as a professional met their black spouses while in college.

Yet folks will give you every damn excuse to not date while young. The shyt is the ultimate hustling backwards shyt I have ever seen.
Basically and the truth is folks think they missing something should learn from the tons of mid 20’s and up folks that are pissed about still being on the dating scene thinking it would get better later. Thing most don’t think about when you’re younger you don’t necessarily need your stuff together because you’re just starting out. Once you’re mid20’s and up folks looking for finished products. Add that to by that point folks start to become jaded about dating from past fukk ups. It’s better honeslty to get with somebody when you’re younger and or someone that doesn’t have a lot of dating baggage that gets harder to find when you get older.


Oct 17, 2015
*The majority

And if I recall correctly only one person said anything about how a group of BM and BW were quick to shyt on a BW for preferring the look of BW.

So imma stand by what I said. It's cool to sit in a circle jerk and say you all love BW but when the opportunity presented itself people showed their true colors. It is what it is. Don't shoot the messager.
You seriously Gon sit here and twist what had happened.:russ:

You ain't shyt:mjlol:


May 15, 2014
Basically and the truth is folks think they missing something should learn from the tons of mid 20’s and up folks that are pissed about still being on the dating scene thinking it would get better later. Thing most don’t think about when you’re younger you don’t necessarily need your stuff together because you’re just starting out. Once you’re mid20’s and up folks looking for finished products. Add that to by that point folks start to become jaded about dating from past fukk ups. It’s better honeslty to get with somebody when you’re younger and or someone that doesn’t have a lot of dating baggage that gets harder to find when you get older.

Breh these people slow. How the fukk you gonna have time to find a mate when your older? You have a job / career, work 8 hours a day and maybe 1 houre each way to commute.

Then you have other responsibilities. Hell you still need to sleep. When is there time to meet folks.

When you are young you have very little responsibilities and plenty of time. Most of your peers are still developing like you. Then if you are in school you have plenty of liked minded folks to meet and talk with. Plus in school you deal with them everyday. So you can easily find all the dirt on them.

At my oldest nephew wedding...his wife said she had peeped him awhile back on campus and saw he had a good head on his shoulders and was an overall good person. So she purposely made an attempt to meet him and date him in so many words. My nephew was a regular old book worm, but a good dude and everyone always had good things to say about him.

Anyway my nephew's wife mentioned that her goal was to get a degree while in college. But also go to college to find a mate because "What better place to find a mate than at college".

Now this is straight from a 24 year old black woman's mouth....

What else needs to be said.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Breh these people slow. How the fukk you gonna have time to find a mate when your older? You have a job / career, work 8 hours a day and maybe 1 houre each way to commute.

Then you have other responsibilities. Hell you still need to sleep. When is there time to meet folks.

When you are young you have very little responsibilities and plenty of time. Most of your peers are still developing like you. Then if you are in school you have plenty of liked minded folks to meet and talk with. Plus in school you deal with them everyday. So you can easily find all the dirt on them.

At my oldest nephew wedding...his wife said she had peeped him awhile back on campus and saw he had a good head on his shoulders and was an overall good person. So she purposely made an attempt to meet him and date him in so many words. My nephew was a regular old book worm, but a good dude and everyone always had good things to say about him.

Anyway my nephew's wife mentioned that her goal was to get a degree while in college. But also go to college to find a mate because "What better place to find a mate than at college".

Now this is straight from a 24 year old black woman's mouth....

What else needs to be said.
I mean you have time to find a mate or moreso make time but with how a lot of people are nowadays it’s like eh. You either mainly meeting people at a club type environment, out and about, or a meetup group most likely. The club is fair or not going to be looked at as more of a hookup thing. Meeting someone out and about is cool from a physical standpoint but you then have to hope your personalities mesh. Meetup groups are cool but being realistic it’s more non blacks than blacks at the ones I’ve went to and this was even for stuff like co Ed basketball and flag football. I’m not even against ir dating but if that’s not you that’s another hurdle. Think about it how do most black people link up dating wise after college? I don’t romanticize whites or anybody but I will say they in general are more pro active than us as a whole on finding a mate. Even doing the co Ed sports groups for fun a few white jawns was setting traps but they just wasn’t my speed looks wise but I give them credit for trying. Not saying black girls don’t try just that we limit ourselves at times in dating situations esp after college.

Your nephews wife was smart and right. One of my sisters about to graduate law school and been with her dude since sophomore year. They’re about to get married next year.


May 15, 2014
Most of these dudes here haven’t either but they will claim some cat they hang with says that shyt all the time when every man I’ve ever been around don’t even talk like that about women. Cats hear a few silly dudes online say that stuff and project from there. We really worried about what maybe 5% of dudes saying irl?

Breh I remember in college we were all in a room suite chopping it up talking about sports, politics, women and everything. Like 12 brothas in this suite that we had in a dorm. Nothing but brothas.

Anyway we use to hang with this one weird brotha. Just seemed like an uptight kat. But he was a freshman like us so we hung with him.

Well anyway we are all talking in the suite and we start talking about women. So we are talking about how different sistas on campus are fine and about the finest sistas on tv, movie and music.

The uptight brotha out of nowhere says he doesn't like black women and that they are ugly and look nasty.

Man you could hear a pin drop in the suite. Kats then turned to him and started grilling his ass on why he thinks black women are ugly and nasty. You can see this dude sweating and getting nervous...:mjlol:

All of a sudden like 3 of the brothas grab him and throw him out the suite calling him a sell out. :russ:

Ever since then we didn't even speak to that fool on campus.:lolbron:

And when we addressed him (mentioning his name) we always used sell out in the front of his name...:mjlol:

"Say man I got a class with sell out Tony"

"You see sell out Tony over there with them white broads"

"Guess who works at Walmart now....y'all boy sell out Tony"

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Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
Not that I disagree. Just going off topic a lil. Why is it always the least black (i.e. light skin or mixed) are the most pro black and the most black likely to c00n? It's always this way
Feb 5, 2016
Conversations like this are useless. Nobody is going to admit to what is really going on truthfully. All you will get is a bunch of posturing and finger pointing.

Let me know when it's time for some BRUTAL honesty and I mean brutal.


Books i was gonna tag u.

I need the long paragraph of brutal honesty

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
It's still dikk watching. At any rate the majority of folks are with folks of their own race.

Also difference between who one sleeps with having fun and who one settles down with.

Finally I feel he legit comes from a concerned place. Many of the posters here are jealous creepy dikk watching clowns. :mjlol: You're not really concerned you just need outlets for your life frustrations. Big damn difference.:stopitslime: