Chris broussard speaks on the importance of dating black women

mortuus est

May 26, 2012
Funny you say that. When I had my second child my bm wouldn’t give the child my last name because we weren’t married. That is what she was taught by her mother.

I refused to sign the birth certificate because of that. She stated that to me before the child was born however.

but would you have married her ?


Yall nikkas hate everything but Tariq Nasheed
Feb 4, 2016
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
black women gotta stop getting this thing twisted. Brothas have an aversion to divorce and the effects of what happens if the marriage doesn't work out. The ramifications are huge. the "men scared of committment" shyt is tired

Now this is actually enlightening... I wonder if its true or just amongst a certain sect of Black men (the successful). I will say men in generally aren't heard enough. Yall might be the most silenced group in terms of emotional expression and even natural response to societal pressures to some extent (meaning some shyt is just thrown on men and you never really get to hear if they're ok with it or not, its just expected to be their responsibility).

The point remains tho, Black men need to marry. Black women are certainly willing and waiting. How we collectively make marriage attractive to both may the next step. I have honestly never heard a Black man say its the divorce he fears and not the marriage. But again, I acknowledge yall aren't always given the space to talk freely without accusations and judgements.


Yall nikkas hate everything but Tariq Nasheed
Feb 4, 2016
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
oh gosh, why not just wait to connect with someone on the same wavelength?? , i see what you're saying but life aint like that

When I say "find a Black woman" I mean one you can marry. I would never encourage people to marry just anybody. Marriage is a partnership before anything else. You literally share every single thing you'll ever care about with this person.


Jun 8, 2012
Now this is actually enlightening... I wonder if its true or just amongst a certain sect of Black men (the successful). I will say men in generally aren't heard enough. Yall might be the most silenced group in terms of emotional expression and even natural response to societal pressures to some extent (meaning some shyt is just thrown on men and you never really get to hear if they're ok with it or not, its just expected to be their responsibility).

The point remains tho, Black men need to marry. Black women are certainly willing and waiting. How we collectively make marriage attractive to both may the next step. I have honestly never heard a Black man say its the divorce he fears and not the marriage. But again, I acknowledge yall aren't always given the space to talk freely without accusations and judgements.
it is the divorce that all men fear on the low. sure some dudes literally aint ready to give up multiple women. we're not talking about those types. we're talking about a dude that knows its time to settle down but he's shook. he's shook because he knows anyone can slip up and do the wrong thing. and he's afraid if he slips up its over. its one thing to end a GF/BF relationship but at the end of the day notice. the F on those names FRIENDS. thats all it really is. our problem is adding in sex to the equation. no one is going to have real issues with losing a GF or BF after a while. but get a divorce or be in the midst of getting one and see how you feel about things. It's Wayyyyyyyyyyy Different. Dont have kids too. Now she gone take kids. or even if the custody is 50 50. if you dont live close, that wont work. the kids need a stable setup. so they are going to stay with the dude or the mama. it will never be WHOLE again in that regard. and there's something about that, that scares the ish out of men. It may frighten women too but women are literally DESIGNED to be with someone and to bare their children and to raise those kids. It's all up and down in your DNA. You can't help but to want to be someone's wife and someone's mother. Guys are not necessarily built like that biologically. Which is one of the reasons why there are more dead beat dads then their are mothers. this is why i also say its much harder for a man to play the role of a father and good husband than it is for a woman to play the role of a good wife and good mother. they are both very hard to do. but there is something Bioligically different about men and women that helps women in that marriage/family arena. and that is something women do not understand. they think if you show them this. that these words are a cop out. their not. this is 100% truth/#Facts.


Judge me by my heart not my hairline
Jan 5, 2017
What are the various reasons? Because honestly, none of them are stopping bw from getting with bm lol.. I think most bw are just extremely picky. I know all races operate on this but I feel bw are the most extreme: no one wants to be with who wants them. Bw are willing to wait extremely long hoping that the dude that’s digging their guts out will suddenly give them commitment, but will ignore the dude who hasn’t even gotten a whiff of the p*ssy but genuinely loves her for who she is. But I don’t say that to make it seem like bw aren’t choosing out of spite. If bw are being picky I can see and understand completely.

But understand, 90% of bm can’t be your Tupac in a business suit, or whoever you see in Power, or Insecure, or in social media memes, all at once. We really cannot be these perfect caricatures that you all ideally see us as. Not only do we have to learn how to survive being black men, we also need to learn how to live doing our own thing.

Underrated post.


Jun 21, 2012
black women gotta stop getting this thing twisted. Brothas have an aversion to divorce and the effects of what happens if the marriage doesn't work out. The ramifications are huge. the "men scared of committment" shyt is tired
Add to that, as quiet as it is kept... that many of these black women arent “marriage material” themselves. Having a degree and a basic level job doesn’t make someone marriageable. You can’t have children by other men, and/or have been ran through by 20-30 guys, make 100k and demand that your man make double and “spoil you”. It doesn’t work that way. And this is normally left out of the convo when women talk about BM being “averse to marriage”...because there are women out there who bring another set of problems to the table.

And I’m not referring to hood rats either. I’ve come across a number of women who’ve had their priorities in order, but still had a lot of these issues going on


May 15, 2014
I respect the message but I don’t believe that 28 percent number. I need some proof on that.

I am not sure about the number as well. I remember it use to be that 41% of black women will never be married. But black men stats were similar like 44%.

I think Chris means currently it is 28% who are married at this very moment. NOT who have never been married.

But that stat that Chris stated is deceiving because the stat is probably the similar with black men.

Overall the whole marriage issue with black people in america overall is that black men and women feel that marriage is for well off folks. Or somehow they have in their mind that they need to make a certain salary before getting married.

All of that shyt is unrealistic and why folks will live together and play house / common law marriage and make up every excuse not to be married to one another.

Then you have those black parents who don't encourage their kids to marry anymore. Or even tell their kids to not worry about dating and finding a mate while in college....just worry about getting your lesson......which is dumb ass advice.

Every economist will tell you marriage is one of the best ways to raise kids and create wealth.

Anyway this shyt ain't a black man or black woman thing its a black people in america issue....period. From families, parents and so on (and slowly becoming an issue with all ethnic groups if you look at the data).

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Stop it, you used to be heavily simped under your old username and with some of the pics you posted while using that username.

Yeah until I say a non Black women isn't as good looking as a Black woman, then I became the ugliest person in the world. The true colors were shown. Many of ya'll love pale skin more than you love yourselves. It is that it is. If a board of BW did the same thing you'd all call them bedwenches so I am just extending the courtesy and calling it like I see it.


™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
This aint true at all

Every circle/setting/group I'm in amongst black men, we NEVER talk like this or express this type of sentiment. This is ridiculous babble

"Bro, did you see Jessica Alba in that dress at the Emmys last night?"
Yeah right:camby:

Ya'll probably don't talk about your feelings either but that doesn't mean you don't have them.


™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Nah your game is just junk. I’ve gotten the same stuff on here and elsewhere and never judged a whole group over it. Try again. It’s just stupid period but like most people you don’t want to admit that stuff makes no sense and wouldn’t fly nowhere. Go outside and tell people you judged a whole group off of random people with names like dookieshootjones and see if they agree with that madness.

You're right colorism and white supremacy doesn't exist and has no affect on BP whatsoever. You are absolutely right. Thank you for letting me know.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Plenty of black men admired your beauty and complimented your looks in that thread,like we do many of the women that post here. Saying "a whole board" is dangerous and also the state of black women. Having blinders on to the positive things that good brothers are saying,while paying attention to the negative things said by bitter black men,or men trolling just to get some female interaction.The black men on this site tend to do the same thing when posting these random hateful twitter comments from black women. This consistent act of keeping the blinders on is going to make more good natured black men and women just remain silent. Why defend black men or women,only to be grouped in with the bitter individuals speaking ill on their own men/women?

For anybody thinking that way,just know being quiet because you aren't getting "credit" for it is not the right thing to do. People will remember one day when their emotions come to a calm,after they've been staring at a candle for hours:respect:

*The majority

And if I recall correctly only one person said anything about how a group of BM and BW were quick to shyt on a BW for preferring the look of BW.

So imma stand by what I said. It's cool to sit in a circle jerk and say you all love BW but when the opportunity presented itself people showed their true colors. It is what it is. Don't shoot the messager.