It is IMPERATIVE that Black women concentrate on becoming employable and finding financial stability!! Do you know how hard it is for many Black men to find stable, legal work with benefits? Especially when they reach a certain age. I am old enough to know what Im talking about. Black women in their 20s must prepare for when they're in their 50s. She may very well become the primary breadwinner for her family. Of course there are exceptions. I am married to a wealthy Black man. We married in our 30s. I stayed at home for yrs until recently. However, I know of waaay more couples where the Black man cannot find good work. The wife HAS to work for the stability and the benefits. I wont even get into the amount of our men in prison.
This is what systematic racism did to the Black family.
To fight it, Black women have to accept a co-working family (sometimes the teens too) and Black men MUST GET MARRIED! I also STRONGLY encourage educated women to date blue collars too. They make stable income with benefits and plenty of them are Black.
If you have a child with a black woman you should definitely marry her. .
A whole board of BM told me I was ugly because I said your basic everyday Mexican wasn't as good looking as Ashanti. That's the state of BM right now. A lot of BM worship non Black women like gods. Most of ya'll guilty of it too..![]()
What CB is saying is very harmful to black women and it promotes the idea that it's black men fault.
I’m not saying it’s easy but I know from experience that families who stay together, children fair better in life. Raising children in a single parent home is stressful and far easier to allow the child to slip through the cracks of parental yeah cause couples/relationships are a straight easy path yeah?
some of the posts in here are straight up candy land bable
I’m not saying it’s easy but I know from experience that families who stay together, children fair better in life. Raising children in a single parent home is stressful and far easier to allow the child to slip through the cracks of parental supervision.
This is true but if you live in the real world and not just in the online matrix you’d know this doesn’t represent the average person offline.
I agree, but when something is in the media almost everywhere you look, some might start to believe that, that is the norm. That's how a lot of narratives are pushed.
This is critical. Sometimes people rush to start having raw sex without considering the outcomes.fam i know this,
just make sure the person you connect with fits you like a puzzle
alot of people find out the hard way when their main preference doesn't want them, its life
we have more education swirv, its 2019 and babies of all colors are having babies out of wed lock , humans gonna fuk regardless of educationThis is critical. Sometimes people rush to start having raw sex without considering the outcomes.
Need more education on how to actually be in a healthy relationship.
I think you have to be a super sheep or stupid to believe something you can actually see for yourself isn’t true. Maybe you disagree but going outside and those I’m close to I see mainly black couples damn near everywhere I go. Why would I then think tv is showing me the real over what I’ve saw irl dang near every place I’ve went? That’s why I think you have to be stupid and or don’t get out the house to say otherwise for those people that do.I agree, but when something is in the media almost everywhere you look, some might start to believe that, that is the norm. That's how a lot of narratives are pushed.