Part of the problem with competing with China is that they HAVE TO HAVE THE INDUSTRIAL CAPACITY to provide for 1 BILLION OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE.
That would happen under communism, capitalism, or their Authoritarian Capitalism thing they're doing.
So even if China wasn't threatening Taiwan/India whoever, even if it wasn't run by Xi Jinping, even if it wasn't a repressive regime - China as an industrial power would still be a major economic threat.
But they are an authoritarian state. Because they have that type of political power - they can get things done. Quickly.
They dominate a lot of the technologies invented by Americans.
My DC Policy cats don't seem to get that.
If America wants to make cheap drones - they need to throw every 11th grader in AP chemistry right now into battery research, and scoop up all the unemployed chemistry majors that are doing something else.
You can read them talk about how bad the market is themselves
You can look up the data. I think starting Chem salary is like 40k.
Difficult to do Chemistry, all that work, and you're making Uber Driver money...
No wonder so many of them go into pharmacy.
But these aren't serious people.
Whatever issue you want to talk about
- Rebuilding industry
- Climate Change
- Racial Justice
- National Defense
- Tax policy
- etc
They don't want to do anything.
They say their hands are tired...until it comes to dealing bad cards to black people....