That depends on whether you're at the bottom of society (Farmer, mill-worker, etc.)
Feifei Wang's answer: Everything started with this guy, Deng Xiaoping. He saw the chaos of Mao’s shytty-ass interpretations of communist politics and decided, you know what, fukk it. We’re going capitalism. That’s where the black cat, white cat debate came from. His principle is very simple: whi...
I can agree with her that America has zero plan to fix any of its issues. It's high-key pathetic.
At least the Chinese have economic goals and plans to achieve said goals
And the best part is they aren't secret about it. You can literally look up their five year plans and you can read what xi jinping wants to do. The ngga literally wrote a book about his plans and beliefs
shyt is all there in point format and they're doing the shyt they say they're going to do meanwhile in America they just signed a bill to put propaganda in schools to make even the concept of communism something you can't teach unless you say it's bad.
Yet this is the country that doesn't censor and has free speech right? Note how there's no bill focusing on the evils of FASCISM but banning communism is fine. I wonder which class and race benefits from that?
Other countries are upholding their laws to keep corporations and the rich accountable. They're punishing people who violate the laws harshly to make an example of them. They are investing heavily in education to make sure as many people as possible are educated. Opponents of democracy--which includes the founders of this country understood that an uneducated public will destroy democracy by electing people who don't value it.
If you're an authoritarian country you believe the same shyt. The Chinese plan is to make sure they have as close to 100% literacy rate as possible and the overwhelming majority is educated and informed before they start seriously experimenting with democracy. They're watching how democracy dies and learning lessons.
Meanwhile we over here with no public university. No public Healthcare. Falling behind in tech since the companies aren't being run by scientists anymore, but instead management consultants who care more about the stock price than what the company actually produces. We've got a population whose life expectancy is shrinking because of diminishing returns on wages, forcing people to work longer and forgo medical assessments and treatments. We're letting silicon valley run wild with algorithms that make people aggressive and stupid in equal measure. We are letting corporate owned news do the same to the population. MFs watching news and feeling just as uninformed as when they tuned in. They're building vertical farms and investing in farmland in other countries to secure food supply lines for their people. Meanwhile we're letting agribusiness put shyt in our food that the EU, China and Canada would never allow.
We've got leaders trying to use white supremacy to hold back the potential of black people and anyone else who isn't white. Rather than focusing on whether our kids can compete in science, math, and can become the educators for the next generation, we've got politicians focusing on what genitals they have and what their pronouns are as if it's on the same level of importance as the existential threat of climate change. You've got other countries investing heavily in solar, geothermal, wind, tidal, and nuclear power to get carbon neutral while we're giving government subsidies to the coal and arms industry. And it goes without saying the arms industry isn't innovating either because their consultants are focused on raising their stock prices and securing bonuses.
This country is speed running its destruction and the terrifying thing is the implications it will have for world stability. America will back *itself* into a corner and like the irrational man saying "get out of my face!" While walking
toward a person, America will lash out against the rest of the world, blaming them because it didn't care about investing in its air, land, young people, and industry. They let capital fukk everything up and instead of blaming capital they'll blame literally anyone or anything else.
I just pray that the EU, China, Africans and Latin America will be able to build strong partnerships and draw up defense pacts so when America does finally decide to lash out, the technology will be advanced enough to prevent nuclear war. Either through sustained cyber attacks that disrupt the chain of command and make it impossible for the military to coordinate an attack, or sophisticated defense technology that can shut down drones, jets and missiles while they're in the air and stop air craft carriers from advancing in the sea.
I suspect that the defense has already begun and social media itself and the greed of American companies has been weaponized to keep Americans so divided and angry at each other we can't come together to do anything substantial to harm our potential or actual adversaries.