Charles Barkley” we need to stop that defund Or abolish the police crap”

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
I don't disagree with that, but policing is not for serving the people and community. It's for serving the elites and property owners. Its why Brianna Taylor's killers were only charged with destruction of property and not of her life.

That's why you have to take away a significant portion of their funding.

this is what literally happened in Atlanta. A white cop got sick of it.

Will the the uneducated read it though?
The cop who quit instead of helping to gentrify Atlanta
Oct 22, 2017
Golden Era/Drama free Zone
No one said it was only everyone else's fault. But you seem to be ignoring all of the outside factors. Do you believe black people are more predisposed to killing each other than other races?

LOL @ just move. Like escaping generations of systematic inflicted poverty is just a fukking moral decision.
ah mazing


Apr 30, 2012
The issue is literally the word defund...

not sure what catchy slogan can be created for reallocation of funds to community support activities.

cops clearly aren’t preventing or stopping crimes for the most part they arrive after the fact. So why do we need so many? Wouldn’t that funding be better utilized for other forms of support?

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Hmmm . . . what would have been better?
And are these phrases like officially made in a board room with focus groups and things?
I thought it was more spontaneously done while in the moment of protest.
I hear you because a lot of dumb and disingenuous people either don't understand or are being purposely misleading but how could it have been done differently?

Maybe "reform the police"? It doesn't drive home the urgency like defund but it also doesn't scare regular people and lead to ads from Republicans depicting a dystopian society without police.

Defund the police was done spontaneously. BLM is an actual corporation so everything is more calculated from the font they use to the messaging, etc. They actually have people in six figure roles in charge of shyt like messaging, media outreach, etc.

People said the same thing about "Black Lives Matter" when it started. People that don't care about the substance aren't going to regardless, and is mostly concern trolling.

Like I said, I personally have a problem with it because it's too soft. But I recognize the genius in it because it's a balance. I'd prefer something like "Black Power" but that scares even liberal cacs. Using "matter" lowers the bar but it also points out he hypocrisy of the other side. Cacs can't even admit our lives matter without getting upset.

"Defund" is terrible from a marketing perspective and anyone saying otherwise is being obtuse.
Jun 23, 2014
Police brutality is the extension of centuries of state sponsored terrorism against black folks of course we are pissed. Black on black crime is a problem as well but that doesn’t mean we should not focus on police brutality

What I dont understand about those that bring up Black-on-Black crime as a focal points is that its very short sighted. We solve or drastically minimize Black-on-Black crime...and then what? That is not going to stop those that hate, dislike or have ambivalence about your well-being from having those mindstates, that is just a tool and excuse to possess that psychological state. It's just psychological driving used to create a socio/psychopathic society or at minimum at society that doesn't care about the next person. By being in proximity and immersed in a culture that has this type of outlook on people and life, it requires a lot of diligence and discipline to not be consumed by the miasmic nature of such psychology.
Jun 23, 2014
Also we have to be cognizant of whom we look up to as leaders in these movements, a lot of which are started on seemingly good premises in regards to addressing our needs, but either co-opted or formed with malicious intent to mislead and cause division. For instance here is one of the founder's of BLM talking about her and another of the founder's are trained Marxist.


NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Also we have to be cognizant of whom we look up to as leaders in these movements, a lot of which are started on seemingly good premises in regards to addressing our needs, but either co-opted or formed with malicious intent to mislead and cause division. For instance here is one of the founder's of BLM talking about her and another of the founder's are trained Marxist.

BLM is more an ideology than a figurehead movement...the very reason why you had to go out of your way to identify her. Most folks don’t know her

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
so to summarize....

the high homicide rate in our communities is everyone else's fault except our own, right?

and that way of thought is pretty much exactly why nothing will ever change

to anyone reading this exchange and this thread, if u got some money, just move, save yourself the stress. Do what white people been doing for years

black flight, and don't look back

keep your family safe


If you got money just move to a more affluent black community. Not much crime where we live and cops aren't here:ehh:

People in those poorer, higher crime communities who just want to work and provide are the real victims by the ignorant individuals in those communities and over policing because of those said individuals. The sad part is that only a small percentage of people in those communities are up to no good but they end up representing those areas. And contrary to popular belief, those ignorant individuals typically get away -

Police are much less likely to solve homicides when the victims are black

But in some cities, the disparities are even worse: in New York City, for example, 86 percent of homicides involving a white victim were solved, compared to 45 percent of those involving a black victim, according to an analysis of 2013 data by the New York Daily News. And David Kennedy, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, told Mother Jones that in minority communities, clearance rates for murders and nonfatal shootings can get "pathetically low. They can easily fall down to single digits."

One possible explanation, Mother Jones found, is minority communities are a lot more likely to have bad relationships with police. That makes it less likely that people will come forward when a murder happens, which in turn makes it more difficult for police to quickly act on a killing. That's important: a study published in the National Institute of Justice Journal found that murders are a lot more likely to be solved when cops are faster at securing a scene, notifying homicide detectives, and identifying witnesses.

And failure to solve these cases can actually lead to more violence, making police's job harder. "People know what happened," Kennedy told Mother Jones. "So if the criminal-justice system isn't taking care of this, the likelihood that you'll get your friends and a gun and take care of this goes up."

The individuals who commit ignorant shyt don't care about social programs they might start if they allocate police funding. They do ignorant shyt because they're ignorant:yeshrug:

Politicians will say shyt people want to hear to get votes. But these politicians have been saying the same shyt in these communities for how long now?:francis:

Be safe out there brehs. You know who the ignorant individuals are. Keep them at a distance because they're gonna invite other ignorant individuals or overaggressive corrupt police:francis:
Jun 23, 2014
BLM is more an ideology than a figurehead movement...the very reason why you had to go out of your way to identify her. Most folks don’t know her

I get that from an ideological standpoint. But when you have a organization founded and spearheaded based on said ideology and have people like her and the other founders, using donations, funding (largely from subversive actors) and working with groups like Antifa to muddy the waters, we cant be suprised when the media outlets run with the image and the corrupted ideology espoused by them. Which in turn the message gets diluted and latched onto by the idiots, low intelligence and racists via media framing. It's a carefully curated package of propaganda that is disseminated to the public by all forms of media, with very few whom has the reach or the integrity to counter the falsehoods or weaponization of information.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
I get that from an ideological standpoint. But when you have a organization founded and spearheaded based on said ideology and have people like her and the other founders, using donations, funding (largely from subversive actors) and working with groups like Antifa to muddy the waters, we cant be suprised when the media outlets run with the image and the corrupted ideology espoused by them. Which in turn the message gets diluted and latched onto by the idiots, low intelligence and racists via media framing. It's a carefully curated package of propaganda that is disseminated to the public by all forms of media, with very few whom has the reach or the integrity to counter the falsehoods or weaponization of information.
If you get it from an ideological standpoint, whats wrong with leaving it there since thats mostly the case? 95% Of the people who are for black lives mattering don’t know who this woman is, period. Who cares beyond that?