shout out to this sista man. i try to be patient but low key it gets annoying in the locker room when as a black man i call out these racist white liberals and then black posters quote me talmbout, "oh man you some kinda maga trump supporting republican b? you watch too much tucker carlson c00n" *democratic dashikis all start e-high fiving each other*
lol and i try to be patient b. it's not really wise to be truculent & throwing around c00n willy nilly when i know damn well this is how we have been conditioned as black people. white conservative republicans = bad enemies of black people. white liberal democrats = good friends of black people. i realize #both sides is a relatively new wave of thought & everybody's journey is different
but you know what man it's getting to a point where i'm starting to think some of these nikkas just wanna be up under white mommy & daddy's nuts because they are terrified of being pro black. anyway shout out to nicole in this quote, the WHITE LIBERALS have gone hard in the paint with their anti black racism for years & we are finally waking up to the fact that they hate us just as much as republicans do
Aint nobody waking up to this bruh.
We already knew this!
Its just that we have been caught between a rock and a hard place.
On one hand, you got a group of white ppl that wanna strip all our rights, put us back in slavery and/or kill us.
Then on the other hand, you got a group of white ppl that dont mind us rising TO A CERTAINT POINT but only if its under their carefully guided hands because they feel they know what's best for the negroes better than we do, and they already slant to sexual deviance and all that junk so when they want to push certain narratives, they use their negro puppets to help do it. They don't mind us getting our rights AS LONG AS they are still the first class citizens over us and are able to tell us what to do.
Neither of those options are good and I'm of the belief that we, black ppl, need to get together and get away from ALL OF THESE DEVILS.
But with that being said, in the meantime we gotta look at the reality before our eyes and deal with the cards we've been dealt FOR NOW.
And that means that some of our interests (as far as just basic survival) often means that we align with the liberal white folks. It's not a matter of them being our friends. Its a matter of... white ppl are the dominant society in this country. One group of them is gonna be in charge.
Now which group in charge gives black ppl AT LEAST SOME opportunities to advance ourselves forward?
It's that simple.
But with that being said, all of them are devils and it's time for us to unite as a ppl and get away from these evil creatures.