That's a whole other topic how SEX crimes are looked at as the absolute worst crimes in the world. I think that's the biggest trick ever played on the human populace
Folks be more mad that a girl got raped than they would be if she got murdered smh.
I think it's a jealousy component in there when it comes to men. Men be mad at other men for getting women that they really want. Plus men think that if they cape for a woman that she will somehow want them.
I think there's some complex psychological stuff going on with the majority of men when we are willing to look the other way when someone gets killed, while screaming and crying to high heavens if someone gets raped.
My feelings are murder > rape in every situation.
The law says I'm not a Rapist, I got guns back at the crib in the states legally owned and I got a passport and chilling in Colombia now. But If I say I got arrested for rape that's all a nikka got to hear.
That's another thing women are low key greatful that a nikka didn't turn a rape into a murder other than super clout chasing shea butta's That no one ever tried to rape most victims don't approve of the death sentence for rapists. One is because like one of Russell Simmon's accusers she really liked Russell and the other obvious reason is because they'd rather not be killed.
That's the reason why they took kidnapping off the capital offense list.