Page 13-15, 36-40 of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court opinion.Receipts.
Page 13-15, 36-40 of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court opinion.Receipts.
I wasn't commenting on the case I was commenting on this fake ass woke nikka trying to shyt on another nikka to get his job back.You all would fail a law school course if you think this is what happened.
He wasn’t released because he’s innocent.
Think giving chicks bendrayl and a drink before sex is rape brehs - 104821740139246918.pdf?cb=1
The case is right here
He stated he gave the women the drug and alcohol, and that he engaged in sexual intercourse with them after their consumption of the drugs and alcohol.
Because you can't consent while incapacitated - that is rape.
The only thing he admitted to was supplying Spanish Fly, and these idiots took that as an admission of guilt. Supplying drugs and drugging someone are 2 completely different things.
I'm curious if he goes that route. Legally, I would think he has a case. However, he also just dodged a bullet. Him might want to lay low. Besides, the man is 83 years old. He ain't no spring chicken and should live these next years in peace.
Sounds like you didn't read it....dumbazz
This is bigger than Bill Cosby.
This exposes how prosecutors bring bullshyt cases for political means and how basically any woman can accuse any Man or rape and get away with it.
We already got nikkas in the thread relitagating the case but one thing we know for certain after the alleged rape that he was convicted of the chick didn't act like she was raped years after the fact.
Personal attacks asideDo you only make special appearances in rape threads, to shyt on black men who beat trial or no?? I mean, you seem to have an issue with all three.
At no point in the transcript did he admit to sexually assaulting the women.
I want you to pay attention to the questions put towards Bill. At no point did she have a problem creating an entire story to go with the question; this occurred to the chagrin of Cosby's lawyer.
When it came to the question of supplying quoludes with the intention of sleeping with the women, consent did not feature into the question. Why?
It is fact that the drug is taken as a downer for some of the harder drugs people take. It is fact that the drug was commonly used in the 70s and 80s.
Should men who drug and sexually harass women go to jail? Even if they cut deals with prosecutors?
Read the Penn. Supreme Court decision - CTRL + F for “quaaludes,” “consent,” and “sexual assault.”Receipts.
He never even said Spanish fly. But he just said he kept drugs on deck for women.
One of the things that keeps my body count low is the fact that these hoes want drugs and alcohol (neither of which I partake in)
But if I was about that life, trying to smut these hoes, I know that I would need to keep something on deck, at the least weed. That gives them plausible deniability when they really just wanna be a ho.
That's all Bill did. He was giving these hoes hard dixk and bubble gum and he knew he had to keep them drugs on deck cause that's what THESE HOES WANTED.