CBS Big Brother 26 (July 17th ) thread


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Wasn't there some kind of racial dust-up where T’kor came to Angela respectfully and then Angela got all defensive.
Oh I know what you talking about. I think it was week 3ish when all the black houseguests were chilling in the backyard. Angela seen it through the backyard door. Went back to Quinn and told him something along the lines of “come here I want you to see something”. She showed him the group (of black houseguests) in the backyard and said something like “THAT’S the group”.

Quinn thought he could use that to paint a target on Angela by twisting Angela’s intentions up to T’Kor (he knew it wasn’t racially charged, he admitted on the episode). Probably to garner a little bit of trust from T’Kor as well. It ended up being a mixup because from what I’ve heard/read on multiple different sources. Is that she’s done that before to other groups of people prior to that. She’d go to Quinn and say “that’s the group”. She didn’t mean she wanted to target them, or to be wary of them. She told Quinn that because around that time they were discussing how they needed to find an alliance to join.

I still think it was a little sketch. But Quinn’s confessional that episode kind of made most people just move on from it. T’Kor didn’t think much of it either it seemed (outside the initial reveal of what Angela said).


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
when I said all these weeks that T’Kor is a extremely overrated player. Her conversation with Leah (if you want to call it that) just confirmed I was right. Leah basically just told her the free ride she’s been getting is over (she didn’t really say it like that lol). T’Kor was speechless. Literally speechless. They were staring at each other for minutes on end. T’Kor is socially awkward, and it gets even worse when she actually has to start gaming.

She didn’t even try to say something to change Leah’s mind. She didn’t throw anyone under the bus or nothing. Just silence, and staring. Her social game was always a myth. She only knows how to talk to Kimo, and Rubina when it comes to game.


Whole conversation was basically like that.

EDIT: Leah’s talking to Angela about her convo with T’Kor, and how she doesn’t want to be the one to put her up. Everyone is like wth :why: I hope Angela stands her ground. Idk why the hell Leah acting shook all of a sudden. Angela is actually being smart right now. A big difference from week one Angela. I hear she’s even trying to pull Kimo in. To create a Leah/Kimo/Angela trio:ehh: I don’t like Kimo as a game player. But bringing him in to form a new trio makes sense. He’s kind of (and I mean kind of) been going independent lately, and bonding with Leah.
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Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Tonight was the best night of the feeds in the backyard so far. Game talk, 1 on 1’s, fun pranks, and the continuation of the Cam, Chelsie, MJ love triangle…MJ has absolutely no awareness. It’s insanely unbelievable she doesn’t know Chelsie likes Cam. And Chelsie is extremely pissed. EXTREMELY PISSED, she’s trying to keep it together but she can barely hide it now. Leah tried to warn MJ. But again she lacks awareness of what’s right in front of her.


That clip wasn’t all of it at all. At one point I believe Cam said “I’m a start being mean back), and Chelsie replied “you already have). All the flirting, touchy feely, cuddling etc. It was brewing in the pot last night. After the clip, MJ started looking legitimately confused (kind of tried to laugh it off), and clearly wanted to talk to Chelsie because she seemed upset. I think MJ is finally starting to realize that Leah was right about Chelsie liking Cam.

I didn’t even know Chelsie followed Cam on TikTok before the season started. She claimed to T’Kor, and Rubina that Leah told her that Cam said he thinks MJ & Chelsie is going to gang up, and cut him. Chelsie is mad about that too. Because he’s “sharing information with Leah now” and not her. I’m not even sure the conversation Chelsie said she had with Cam is 100% accurate. Because she claims they discussed whatever it is they are, will happen after the show.

But I’m starting to believe Chelsie interpreted whatever was said the wrong way. Because Cam doesn’t act like Chelsie is a love interest really. He does with MJ, and even Leah more than with her. I just hope Chelsie doesn’t let her personal feelings about Cam cloud her judgement in the game. She’s beginning to look like an obsessed ex gf. In my personal opinion. There not even compatible like that.

I believe Chelsie has insinuated she’s a virgin. I assume she’s saving her virginity for marriage (religious). He’s setting expectations I think is unfair to breh. He’s told stories about his previous one night stands and shyt back when Cedric was in the house. Either he was exaggerating (lying to make himself sound more player than he really is). Or telling the truth. If he’s telling the truth. I don’t think it’d be smart for her to be wanting a player to be her first (she was in the room when he told the stories I think)

Someone posted this on Reddit:

Not them saying Cam is being so middle school lol

This could all be cleared up with two simple conversations. She could tell Cam it makes her feel some type of way seeing the flirting, and that she has feelings for him. And could be nicer to him so maybe he’d actually wanna be around her lol.

Then she could talk to Makensy and say something like “you know, I know I said there’s nothing there and I’m not bothered, but to be honest, I have feelings for him and seeing how close you two get can be upsetting”

But no sit in a corner and shyt talk people like a mean girl when they think everything is fine between yall
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May 3, 2012
Eagle, Colorado
I might have missed it, but did Chelsie already tell MJ she didn't feel Cam like that? She seems to always be complaining about Cam not picking up after himself. I hate it when people expect others to be mind readers when they've said the opposite.


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
As of right now T’Kor is going to jury. Angela and MJ are locked votes. Cam is down to vote T’Kor out. Chelsie is telling MJ, and Cam “ :yeshrug:I’m going with the house”. She didn’t fight for T’Kor at all :dead:(I’m exaggerating a bit, and she most likely will give a push back tomorrow). All they need is three votes for Leah to break the tie. It’s looking like they’re more than all set to boot her overrated ass out. But you know how this season is. You never know. A true expect the unexpected journey it’s been.

Makensy told Chelsie that Rubina asked if Makensy would be willing to vote out Leah. Makensy said she would if she had to. Chelsie told Makensy that she would put up Angela, Kimo, and Rubina up before she even touches Leah. Makensy agreed.

Chelsie said that she doesn’t think Leah would take Cam far and that she would have put Cam up if it wasn’t for the deal. If they play it smart then they can take it all the way to the F2.

Makensy said that T’kor needs to go this week then Kimo next.

People have to put some respect on Leah’s game if T’Kor goes this week, and if what Chelsie is saying is true. Leah won HoH when her back was against the wall (I think it’s been confirmed she got her period midway though too), won a veto, kept a smile on her face this whole week (a real social player unlike T’Kor) strengthened her bond with MJ, Cam, and Kimo greatly, has Angela on her side, and apparently has gained Chelsie’s trust. What seemed like it could’ve been a dud week is beginning to look like a huge win. Leah still can’t win the game (bitter jury, and she still has a long road ahead to get there). But I must say she’s gained my respect. Me and my folk thought she was a lil thot and would be found out and gone them early weeks.

I also want to give some props to Cam, and MJ as well. These players passed my expectations. They’re beginning to have a mind of their own, and I was wrong because I never thought they’d make it this far.

Also, one small thing I hate about Jankie week is we don’t get any of Chelsie’s talks to the camera (us). Would really love to have seen her rant about some of the things that happened this week, and speak about her thoughts on the vote. This twist slowed the season’s momentum but i don’t feeds were too bad. Just frustrating because the lack of game talk. That first day or two was terrible though.
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May 3, 2012
Eagle, Colorado
As of right now T’Kor is going to jury. Angela and MJ are locked votes. Cam is down to vote T’Kor out. Chelsie is telling MJ, and Cam “ :yeshrug:I’m going with the house”. She didn’t fight for T’Kor at all :dead:(I’m exaggerating a bit, and she most likely will give a push back tomorrow). All they need is three votes for Leah to break the tie. It’s looking like they’re more than all set to boot her overrated ass out. But you know how this season is. You never know. A true expect the unexpected journey it’s been.

Makensy told Chelsie that Rubina asked if Makensy would be willing to vote out Leah. Makensy said she would if she had to. Chelsie told Makensy that she would put up Angela, Kimo, and Rubina up before she even touches Leah. Makensy agreed.

Chelsie said that she doesn’t think Leah would take Cam far and that she would have put Cam up if it wasn’t for the deal. If they play it smart then they can take it all the way to the F2.

Makensy said that T’kor needs to go this week then Kimo next.

People have to put some respect on Leah’s game if T’Kor goes this week, and if what Chelsie is saying is true. Leah won HoH when her back was against the wall (I think it’s been confirmed she got her period midway though too), won a veto, kept a smile on her face this whole week (a real social player unlike T’Kor) strengthened her bond with MJ, Cam, and Kimo greatly, has Angela on her side, and apparently has gained Chelsie’s trust. What seemed like it could’ve been a dud week is beginning to look like a huge win. Leah still can’t win the game (bitter jury, and she still has a long road ahead to get there). But I must say she’s gained my respect. Me and my folk thought she was a lil thot and would be found out and gone them early weeks.

I also want to give some props to Cam, and MJ as well. These players passed my expectations. They’re beginning to have a mind of their own, and I was wrong because I never thought they’d make it this far.

Also, one small thing I hate about Jankie week is we don’t get any of Chelsie’s talks to the camera (us). Would really love to have seen her rant about some of the things that happened this week, and speak about her thoughts on the vote. This twist slowed the season’s momentum but i don’t feeds were too bad. Just frustrating because the lack of game talk. That first day or two was terrible though.
this really makes all the caping T’kor did got Chelsie look really bad in hindsight. Tucker, imo, would have been way more loyal to all of them. Quinn would have been more loyal to them. But she was so pressed to keep Chelsie in the game and try to work with her.