CBS Big Brother 26 (July 17th ) thread


Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Is it going to be
her HOH or Chelsie’s HOH?
I would say her own HoH, for now at least. But the way MJ doesn't even know what's best for her own game sometimes. Shyt, by the end of this week. We might be saying She might as well have given the HoH key to Chelsie, and just kept the HoH bed, and robe.

She's planning on putting up Kimo & Angela with Angela being the target. She told Rubina, and Leah they're safe this week. She told Cam, and Rubina she doesn't want to be the one to put up Leah because of Jury management. I still don't trust MJ fully to not be persuaded by Chelsie to backdoor Leah. It's like she shows so much potential sometimes. But other times it's like she's stuck in her ways of making her route to the end harder for herself. She's a terrible player at heart..but has heart (if that makes sense lol).

A great player would know they're in a fantastic position right now, and should ride the middle. I know Angela has been a wildcard and got Matt out. But her, and Leah are legit on her side, like how Cam, and Chelsie are. Screwing any of these two duo's over on your own HoH would be stupid. Just target the third/weakest duo. Specifically Kimo because Rubina would take MJ to final 2 as long as Chelsie is out before then.

I don't think MJ completely gets this and probably never will. Ideally MJ's should want her path to be:

Kimo gone this week (easy),

someone else to get out Chelsie next week during the double (she'd just have to pray that Leah wins).

Then all she needs to worry about is getting either Angela or Leah out (easy).

Final four Cam, Rubina, MJ, Angela/Leah. I believe they would all take her to final 2 as long as she shuts up about her comp wins. And she'd have the resume to win. Unless T'Kor and Chelsie (and Rubina) try to play the POC card in jury. Or if it's MJ and Cam final 2 they give the win to Cam, after preaching they wanted a girl to win all season.
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Aug 25, 2012
Paterson/Passaic, New Jersey
Couple random things:

This explains A LOT about Leah. Chelsie should probably ease up on the insults a bit. I’m sure she didn’t know (nobody really knew). But like I said, the long talking, oversharing, interrupting people talking etc. It all makes sense now.

MJ introducing Cam to her family post season: