Lets talk about this "holy spirit"
First off, can we define spirit? From what I understand from when I was a sheeple, the spirit is some inner you shyt that is detached from the body. Basically "you" without the body.
Now, believers claim this god character doesnt exist in the physical. Thus the only way for yahweh to even exist would be what we consider a spirit. So the "holy spirit" would be, if any of this was actually real, the spirit of a spirit
So the trinity consists of two spirits and a human. One of the spirits is actually the biological father of the human, except one of the spirits was already the biological father of the human before he became human. *break in the action*
You know how creationists try to promote creationism by saying that a "creation requires and suggests a creator"?
Well, wouldnt a "father" and "son" also require and suggest a "mother" using that same 'logic'? Of course it does. This is just some left over shyt from the Greek/Roman gawds that had sexual relations with humans and fathered/mothered children, half human and half gawd. Without a gawd mother, this shyt makes no sense even in their own context. But alas yahweh actually had a wife, Asherah, they just decided early in Judaism (Christianity's pappy) that women were evil and dumb so they edited any divinity of women out of their doctrines. The religion is literally on some fakket shyt.
but wait theres more...
this nicca jebus, because somehow he is the father, actually fukced his own mama
who is by all accounts supposed to be in her early teens
, in order to create himself. You may say, "nah jebus didnt fukc his own mama" well then I ask you, why even go through this whole horse and pony show with an earthly mother? yahweh is already as described as a having a di
ck, this is obvious in the fact they claim he is male. He either fukcs betches with his di
ck or he pisses. is this doctrine of conception somehow more miraculous than simply making a nicca appear on earth outta the blue like he supposedly did with Adam and Eve? One of those two examples has an alternative possibility. Maybe Mary was a fast little slut that was fukcin everybody in the tribe, wasnt no DNA tests then (how convenient for yahweh, think how verifiable this shyt would be today) so there is a very viable answer outside of this myth of a virgin birth (which is a mistranslation anyways, the actual writing said "young girl"), a nicca appearing out of nowhere has no other explanation than some powerful or advanced being.
I could smash these niccaz all day