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This entire thread is quite comical.

Depends on your definition of god since all god models are imaginary/concepts.
How about a unicorn. Can I call a dog a unicorn since a unicorn is imaginary?
Youve already defined it as a dog.
Trying to redfine words isnt going to help you, neither is hand waving.
But it is good that you put yahweh and unicorns in the same category
Christianity already had a definition prior to JW and mormons as well.
Christianity had a definition before the trinity was introduced. Study up. The trinity developed as a concept and doctrine well after christianity was established.
Christianity as a church was not done establishing and hammering out the details as to the belief structure early in the history of the church. Most of the new testament is centered around letters to various churches putting to rest various things. While the trinity is not called the trinity in the bible the references are there. The word trinity is used to describe what God is, it is a created and manufactured word used to summarize that which is already outlined in the Bible. The "concept" of the trinity is inherent in the bible.
Those concepts being that Jesus is God, the holy spirit is god and God is god.
Calling that relationship "The Trinity" is nothing more than a label; the concept remains.
Can you explain to me how Jesus is God? Who was Jesus praying to if he was God?
God the father
Christianity as a church was not done establishing and hammering out the details as to the belief structure early in the history of the church. Most of the new testament is centered around letters to various churches putting to rest various things. While the trinity is not called the trinity in the bible the references are there. The word trinity is used to describe what God is, it is a created and manufactured word used to summarize that which is already outlined in the Bible. The "concept" of the trinity is inherent in the bible.
Those concepts being that Jesus is God, the holy spirit is god and God is god.
Calling that relationship "The Trinity" is nothing more than a label; the concept remains.
So is it ok to pray to just God or just the father or just the son...
What if a person only prays to the Holy Spirit? Isn't that the same as praying to God?
When you pray to one you pray to all.
When you pray you pray to God the father, through or in the name of the Son, by the power of the spirit...as described in the bible.
When you pray to one you pray to all.
When you pray you pray to God the father, through or in the name of the Son, by the power of the spirit...as described in the bible.
So you don't have to pray to Jesus then?