Catholics of The Coli (if you exist) Explain Praying To The Virgin Mary?

Snitchin Splatter

Working With The Feds
Dec 18, 2012
Confidential Informants
Jesus=God to you, but not all Christians, including Christ, himself, as I've already demonstrated.

And now you're switching shyt up. In the OP you clearly say "Catholics of The Coli (if you exist) Explain Praying To The Virgin Mary?"

So how am I "trying to word it"? That's what YOU typed. Verbatim.

Your whole story is sounding maaaaadddd suspect right about now. :hov:

You using one out of context quote, demonstrated nothing. There is no denomination of christianity that does not believe Jesus equals God. You can try to spin that all you want but I didn't write the rules. Since you want to use bible quotes. How long are you going to act clueless in here?

John 14:6 "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
its just Paganism in Christian clothes. They did it so that the Greeks and Romans could relate to Christianity and convert. The idea of the Trinity came centuries after Christianity itself.

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
You using one out of context quote, demonstrated nothing. There is no denomination of christianity that does not believe Jesus equals God. You can try to spin that all you want but I didn't write the rules. Since you want to use bible quotes. How long are you going to act clueless in here?

That's fine. But I know I've talked to a lot of Christians who have told me a lot of different things and they all assure me they're right just like you are.

Sounds to me like yall need to get together and get your stories straight.

If this was an interrogation yall alibis wouldn't be worth shyt. :ufdup:

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
You using one out of context quote, demonstrated nothing. There is no denomination of christianity that does not believe Jesus equals God. You can try to spin that all you want but I didn't write the rules. Since you want to use bible quotes. How long are you going to act clueless in here?

Jehovas Witnesses dont think Jesus is god.


Snitchin Splatter

Working With The Feds
Dec 18, 2012
Confidential Informants
That's fine. But I know I've talked to a lot of Christians who have told me a lot of different things and they all assure me they're right just like you are.

Sounds to me like yall need to get together and get your stories straight.

If this was an interrogation yall alibis wouldn't be worth shyt. :ufdup:

But this isn't an interrogation, this is a topic on a message board.

People can act confused but the bible lays out very clearly step by step what you have to do be a Christian. Whether people follow those steps are another story

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
The one thing all Christians have to believe is that Jesus was resurrected after he died.

Snitchin Splatter

Working With The Feds
Dec 18, 2012
Confidential Informants
Yes, they are, if they claim they are. Dont be misled.

Is the Jehovah's Witness religion Christian? | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

The answer to the question is, "No. It is not Christian." Like all non-Christian cults, the Jehovah's Witness organization distorts the essential doctrines of Christianity.
It denies the deity of Christ, His physical resurrection, and salvation by grace. This alone makes it non-Christian. To support its erring doctrines, the Watchtower organization (which is the author and teacher of all official Jehovah's Witness theology), has even altered the Bible to make it agree with its changing and non-Christian teachings.

Typical with cults that use the Bible to support its position is a host of interpretive errors:

Taking verses out of their immediate context.
Refusing to read verses in the entire biblical context.
Inserting their theological presuppositions into the text.
Altering the Biblical text to suit their needs.
Latching onto one verse to interpret a host of others.
Changing the meanings of words.
Proclaiming some passages to be figurative when they contradict their doctrines.
Adding to the Word of God.

Additionally, the Jehovah's Witness organization requires of its members regular weekly attendance at their "Bible Study" meetings where they are repeatedly indoctrinated with anti-Christian teachings. This is done by reading the Watchtower magazine, following along with what it says, reading the questions it asks, and reciting the answers it gives. In other words, the Watchtower Organization carefully trains its members to let the Organization do their thinking for them. For confirmation of this, please read Does the Watchtower organization control the JW's thinking?

The Witnesses are told they will be persecuted when they go door to door teaching their doctrines. They are further told that this is simply the enemy fighting against God's organization because they are in "the truth." So, when someone disagrees with them, they are conditioned to reflect on what the Watchtower has told them. They then feel confirmed in being in God's true organization on earth (like all cults claim). They are strongly encouraged to have friends and acquaintances that are only JW's, thereby keeping outside examination to a minimum. They are told to shun those who leave their group, for in this way there is no way to see why someone has left and no way to find out that they are in error from those who have found the truth in Christ. They are conditioned to shy away from any real biblically knowledgeable person. An example of this is frequently found on the Internet. I was once banned from a Jehovah's Witness chat room after I not only answered their objections to the Trinity and deity of Christ, but challenged them in return. Subsequently, my name was passed around to all other Jehovah's Witness rooms where I was banned from them as well. This is a frequent occurrence on the Internet where the Jehovah's Witnesses are alive and well. It is obvious that critical examination of their doctrines is not encouraged by the Watchtower Organization.

The Jehovah's Witnesses consider themselves to be Christians because they believe they are serving the true and living God. Like many cults, they think they are the only true church on earth. Yet, they deny the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the personhood of the Holy Spirit, Jesus' physical resurrection, and salvation by grace through faith.

The Jehovah's Witnesses are discouraged from looking into Jehovah's Witness history or old Watchtower literature which is replete with contradictions, altered doctrines, and false prophecies. Instead, they are indoctrinated repeatedly against basic Christian doctrines (Trinity, deity of Christ, etc.) and into the notion that they alone are the true servants of God and that all others are either in "Christendom" or simply unbelievers.

Primarily, the Jehovah's Witness organization is a mind-control organization that uses its people to pass out literature and send in "donations" to the headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.

"Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible."1

The Watchtower organization of the Jehovah's Witnesses is a non-Christian organization that uses its people to promulgate false doctrines, and collects "contributions" for distribution of a multitudinous amount of literature, and expand its grip into the lives of its members and their families.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
Exactly this dude is acting like he is the ultimate authority in all things Christian. Meanwhile, Jehovah's Witnesses are probably saying he's not Christian.

Christians do that. Funny thing is, he's suggesting that you have to follow what the bible says in order to be Christian, yet the bible says "Judge not lest ye be judged first" meaning since he judged, disobeying the bible, he is not a Christian. Truthfully not a soul on this planet actually listens or believes in the bible or Jesus and I can prove that shyt easy.

Snitchin Splatter

Working With The Feds
Dec 18, 2012
Confidential Informants
Christians do that. Funny thing is, he's suggesting that you have to follow what the bible says in order to be Christian, yet the bible says "Judge not lest ye be judged first" meaning since he judged, disobeying the bible, he is not a Christian. Truthfully not a soul on this planet actually listens or believes in the bible and I can prove that shyt easy.

There is no judging involved in anything I've said. Jehovas witnesses are not christians, but a spin off cult. There is nothing judgemental in that statement. They deny the basic building blocks of christianity, so they are not christians. You're trying to spin the wrong person's words buddy like I said earlier I didn't write rules

Johnny Kilroy

79 points in 1 quarter
May 3, 2012
the midrange
There is no judging involved in anything I've said. Jehovas witnesses are not christians, but a spin off cult. There is nothing judgemental in that statement. They deny the basic building blocks of christianity, so they are not christians. You're trying to spin the wrong person's words buddy like I said earlier I didn't write rules buddy

Using your same retarded logic, you follow a spin-off cult of Catholicism.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
Using your same retarded logic, you follow a spin-off cult of Catholicism.

The whole shyt is stupid. These niccaz made a religion worshipping a mufukca that was a Jew. Someone explain how that works. A guy IS A JEW, and they make a religion around dude that believed in some shyt other than the religion they made up... :rudy: