Case # 22 on why I can't mess with MS Xbox Div right now


The Illustrious
Apr 23, 2013
how is it "unfinished" if it works at launch?

It doesn't until you download the rest of the game. You don't DL that content, you not playing Forza 5 whatsoever(which is why I kinda think comparing it to patches is kind of a reach, but I understand the line of can still play games that have Day One patches offline).

It's not a patch, or on-disc DLC that's locked's the rest of the game that has yet to be turned in because they want extra time to work on it...because it's not done.

Again, if that's what they wanna do, cool, as long as the game is dope, IDC how they deliver it. Forza is among my favorite series to play as a racing fan. It's still funny to ship an unfinished game, no matter how nikkas wanna spin it. I hope it doesn't become a trend with Microsoft's first-party studios though.


May 2, 2012
If they really are putting out an unfinished game then thats bullshyt, sounds like microsoft is rushing it which is bad, if its not ready, its not ready.

However, if this is them developing extra content to work on after the game is pressed then its a win for xbots

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The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Can't remember the last ps4 game I bought that didn't have a day one update.:manny:

but this is NOT an update.. this is like buying madden and when you put in the disc it just has the afc teams cause they didn't want to "rush" putting in the nfc teams yet

you can decline updates.. you can't decline this


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
but this is NOT an update.. this is like buying madden and when you put in the disc it just has the afc teams cause they didn't want to "rush" putting in the nfc teams yet

you can decline updates.. you can't decline this

:usure: do you know exactly what content will be downloaded?

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
You dumb fukk, yes I called you a dumb fukk. How is this a issue? The X1 already req a internet connection the 1st time you use it to update itself. If you don't think the Ps4 is not going to have a day one update you fooling yourself. Once again Sony Stans don't have shyt to talk about their boring ass system so they troll the X1. X1 launch games kills the Ps4 launch games its kinda sad really.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute... you mean microsoft came out with that "it no longer requires internet" line.. then fukked around and said, "you can't play it day 1 without the internet"

YES WE ARE ARGUING PRINCIPLES... if i'm paying $500 for a system, plus an extra controller, plus a game... you better damn well believe i better trust that this company isn't gonna fukk me over in the long run... you know.. by doing backhanded shyt to get my money, putting out a shytty product that i have to send back 3 times, releases games that ain't even finished..

as a 360 owner all this shyt mounts up to a lot of worry.. i mean we do know this is microsoft.. they been doing shady shyt in business on PCs for decades now.. so i can only judge them on that. every single thing they've done since they said the words "xbox one" has been a nightmare

so in the future do you expect things to get better or worse?? it's called branding... the little things they are doing are making xbox look like a horrible brand

i'll put a little "time to kill" to work here... imagine a system dropped with a major launch title.. people been waiting on this series for a while and can't wait to get it... the hype builds up.. they show it off at e3... you want it bad.... then you go to the store and buy the system and the game you wanted..... you rush home.. saying fukk the setup and the internet.. i just want to play RIGHT NOW... you turn on the system... and you can't play.. not till you update and set it up... you go to play the FULL game... it isn't there..................................................

now imagine it was killzone on ps4 :demonic:

you motherfukkers would be in here with a 150000 page thread right now going in on sony


May 6, 2012
the disc and the online content come together like Voltron to form the game breh

obviously if there's "some storm" and you lose internet (and probably power), you'll be inconvenienced in many ways

like I've said a few times, take the disc out the picture, and there's no issue. that's shyt's old school. it's like getting something delivered back in the day and having to wait "6 to 8 weeks". we off that. it's fukking data breh. I don't need anyone to put in on a piece of plastic, put it in a plastic box, cut down some trees and print a label, put it some global-warming causing plain, train, and automobile, just so some greasy rapestop employee can not let me leave the store without committing to buy another $60 piece of plastic

Nope. It's a disc and even though it's data, it should a 1:1 copy of a digital version. If I take the disc out the picture, then we wouldn't be having this discussion. There is no refuting that the game is incomplete as is on the disc whether you buy it day 1 or day 324. You have no internet, you cannot play the game at all.
*doesn't care either way about Forza*

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Games like this ALWAYS have content available for download. In this case they are giving you the first pack free.

How is this a bad thing again?

you're trying to spin this homie... games have content to download... yes EXTRA content.... but from the horse's mouth.. from the people who are making the game

“[But] that is required content to play the game. We basically have designed the game to work with all that content no matter how late is coming in, in order to make the biggest game possible.”

please name ONE game... EVER IN HISTORY... that REQUIRES you to download content TO PLAY THE GAME... his exact words

i don't want to hear how easy it is... what it's gonna be like.. this... that..

i want to know if this is so common, why is no one else doing it?? why have we NEVER heard of this practice ever before in life.. THIS IS NOT DLC.. THIS IS NOT A PATCH.. THIS IS NOT AN OPTION.. you have bought a...... wait, lets go back to the source...

After that, Greenawalt said, Forza 5 is like your refrigerator. “You have to fill it up with food the first time,” he explained. “And from then on, you connect whenever you want when you want to update your food. The Drivatars are as fresh as they are. It’s not like they’re going to degrade, but when you’re looking for new stuff – fresh stuff…it’s going to keep evolving. That’s the nature of this Drivatar system.

you have bought a fukking fridge????? does microsoft even know what good pr sounds like... you know what a fridge is when you buy it... EMPTY

if you can't see why this is bad business practices.. then i don't have anymore to say


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
you're trying to spin this homie... games have content to download... yes EXTRA content.... but from the horse's mouth.. from the people who are making the game

“[But] that is required content to play the game. We basically have designed the game to work with all that content no matter how late is coming in, in order to make the biggest game possible.”

please name ONE game... EVER IN HISTORY... that REQUIRES you to download content TO PLAY THE GAME... his exact words

i don't want to hear how easy it is... what it's gonna be like.. this... that..

i want to know if this is so common, why is no one else doing it?? why have we NEVER heard of this practice ever before in life.. THIS IS NOT DLC.. THIS IS NOT A PATCH.. THIS IS NOT AN OPTION.. you have bought a...... wait, lets go back to the source...

After that, Greenawalt said, Forza 5 is like your refrigerator. “You have to fill it up with food the first time,” he explained. “And from then on, you connect whenever you want when you want to update your food. The Drivatars are as fresh as they are. It’s not like they’re going to degrade, but when you’re looking for new stuff – fresh stuff…it’s going to keep evolving. That’s the nature of this Drivatar system.

you have bought a fukking fridge????? does microsoft even know what good pr sounds like... you know what a fridge is when you buy it... EMPTY

if you can't see why this is bad business practices.. then i don't have anymore to say

:heh: all this text and y'all be talking about courtdog.

Plenty of games require downloads to play, some have been usless/glitchy without an update.

You name a game with a dynamic web based A.I. system?

The drivatar system is dynamic and it changes everyday all day. It wouldn't make sense for them to put it on the disc because the data would be outdated by the time it gets to you.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012

Nope. It's a disc and even though it's data, it should a 1:1 copy of a digital version.

that probably wouldn't be true if the system isn't designed to play off the disc. in other words, the data on the disc could be compressed, or otherwise formatted so it must be installed to the HDD first anyway... along with the online content

and what you think it "should" be is really only based on the tradition of how console games were sold

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
:heh: all this text and y'all be talking about courtdog.

Plenty of games require downloads to play, some have been usless/glitchy without an update.

You name a game with a dynamic web based A.I. system?

The drivatar system is dynamic and it changes everyday all day. It wouldn't make sense for them to put it on the disc because the data would be outdated by the time it gets to you.

1. i never complain about court.. you and him are the only xbox stans i actually like cause you bring up real points and facts and link real articles.. me having both systems, it wouldn't make sense to stan shyt

2. i typed about 2 paragraphs.. i like to break up sentences and add spaces cause people don't like big blocks.. the rest was quotes.. from someone who made the game.. i'm beginning to think nikkas on a message board don't like reading which is weird in itself

3. you just said what i just said.. damn near every game starts off with a patch.. not any in history starts off with a useless disc.. buying a game you can't use without the net is like buying a car full price and having to go someone else and get an engine... or like the creators said.. buying a fridge

4. i'm done.. i'll just cop gt 6 when that drops or need for speed or something.. principles


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
1. i never complain about court.. you and him are the only xbox stans i actually like cause you bring up real points and facts and link real articles.. me having both systems, it wouldn't make sense to stan shyt

2. i typed about 2 paragraphs.. i like to break up sentences and add spaces cause people don't like big blocks.. the rest was quotes.. from someone who made the game.. i'm beginning to think nikkas on a message board don't like reading which is weird in itself

3. you just said what i just said.. damn near every game starts off with a patch.. not any in history starts off with a useless disc.. buying a game you can't use without the net is like buying a car full price and having to go someone else and get an engine... or like the creators said.. buying a fridge

4. i'm done.. i'll just cop gt 6 when that drops or need for speed or something.. principles

1. Ok


3. The disc isn't usless. It can be played from the jump. This is basically an online game. If you don't have the Internet you shouldn't buy the game. And plenty of online games are usless without downloading updates/patches

4. Your loss :scusthov:


All Star
Resting in Peace
May 3, 2012
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute... you mean microsoft came out with that "it no longer requires internet" line.. then fukked around and said, "you can't play it day 1 without the internet"

YES WE ARE ARGUING PRINCIPLES... if i'm paying $500 for a system, plus an extra controller, plus a game... you better damn well believe i better trust that this company isn't gonna fukk me over in the long run... you know.. by doing backhanded shyt to get my money, putting out a shytty product that i have to send back 3 times, releases games that ain't even finished..

as a 360 owner all this shyt mounts up to a lot of worry.. i mean we do know this is microsoft.. they been doing shady shyt in business on PCs for decades now.. so i can only judge them on that. every single thing they've done since they said the words "xbox one" has been a nightmare

so in the future do you expect things to get better or worse?? it's called branding... the little things they are doing are making xbox look like a horrible brand

i'll put a little "time to kill" to work here... imagine a system dropped with a major launch title.. people been waiting on this series for a while and can't wait to get it... the hype builds up.. they show it off at e3... you want it bad.... then you go to the store and buy the system and the game you wanted..... you rush home.. saying fukk the setup and the internet.. i just want to play RIGHT NOW... you turn on the system... and you can't play.. not till you update and set it up... you go to play the FULL game... it isn't there..................................................

now imagine it was killzone on ps4 :demonic:

you motherfukkers would be in here with a 150000 page thread right now going in on sony

See this is the issue I have with people who praise Sony. Just because Sony doesn't say shyt does not mean it wont happen. If you honestly believe you going to go home and play that shiny new Ps4 without a day one update you are dreaming.

Yes MS fukk up in the beginning with the 360 issues but they have long since corrected that and if you have been paying attention the new X1 is built like tank with airflow in mind. The Ps4 is the one I would be worried about if if overheating is concerned.

don't care.. i bought a game for $60 damn dollars, it better have ALL the content

It will have the most up to date content or do want content the is 2 months old?

Games like this ALWAYS have content available for download. In this case they are giving you the first pack free.

How is this a bad thing again?

Its not a bad thing. Its this fake ass outrage, bytching over nothing, So a game req A ONE TIME DOWNLOAD.

Nope. It's a disc and even though it's data, it should a 1:1 copy of a digital version. If I take the disc out the picture, then we wouldn't be having this discussion. There is no refuting that the game is incomplete as is on the disc whether you buy it day 1 or day 324. You have no internet, you cannot play the game at all.
*doesn't care either way about Forza*

Im sure this is just for the initial pressing of the the Forza 5 discs. The later pressings will have the full game data. But once again anybody who is buying the systems on day one will have the internet so the issue is moot.

you're trying to spin this homie... games have content to download... yes EXTRA content.... but from the horse's mouth.. from the people who are making the game

“[But] that is required content to play the game. We basically have designed the game to work with all that content no matter how late is coming in, in order to make the biggest game possible.”

please name ONE game... EVER IN HISTORY... that REQUIRES you to download content TO PLAY THE GAME... his exact words

i don't want to hear how easy it is... what it's gonna be like.. this... that..

i want to know if this is so common, why is no one else doing it?? why have we NEVER heard of this practice ever before in life.. THIS IS NOT DLC.. THIS IS NOT A PATCH.. THIS IS NOT AN OPTION.. you have bought a...... wait, lets go back to the source...

After that, Greenawalt said, Forza 5 is like your refrigerator. “You have to fill it up with food the first time,” he explained. “And from then on, you connect whenever you want when you want to update your food. The Drivatars are as fresh as they are. It’s not like they’re going to degrade, but when you’re looking for new stuff – fresh stuff…it’s going to keep evolving. That’s the nature of this Drivatar system.

you have bought a fukking fridge????? does microsoft even know what good pr sounds like... you know what a fridge is when you buy it... EMPTY

if you can't see why this is bad business practices.. then i don't have anymore to say

nikka blah blah blah! To answer question this is a system launch with deadlines so yes sometimes some games have to be rush to make a certain date its just the nature of business. Will this be the norm of course not. Of course Sony doesn't have to worry about this because as of now the launch line up is looking :flabbynsick:

:heh: all this text and y'all be talking about courtdog.

Plenty of games require downloads to play, some have been usless/glitchy without an update.

You name a game with a dynamic web based A.I. system?

The drivatar system is dynamic and it changes everyday all day. It wouldn't make sense for them to put it on the disc because the data would be outdated by the time it gets to you.

This the first of its kind (Driveter) at least MS and Take 10 are trying to push new boundaries. Sony on the other is pushing games people love to hype but forget about as soon they are launched aka Killzone.

1. i never complain about court.. you and him are the only xbox stans i actually like cause you bring up real points and facts and link real articles.. me having both systems, it wouldn't make sense to stan shyt

2. i typed about 2 paragraphs.. i like to break up sentences and add spaces cause people don't like big blocks.. the rest was quotes.. from someone who made the game.. i'm beginning to think nikkas on a message board don't like reading which is weird in itself

3. you just said what i just said.. damn near every game starts off with a patch.. not any in history starts off with a useless disc.. buying a game you can't use without the net is like buying a car full price and having to go someone else and get an engine... or like the creators said.. buying a fridge

4. i'm done.. i'll just cop gt 6 when that drops or need for speed or something.. principles

Yea have fun with GT6 while Im playing the godly Forza 5 :win: