Case # 22 on why I can't mess with MS Xbox Div right now

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
but this is NOT an update.. this is like buying madden and when you put in the disc it just has the afc teams cause they didn't want to "rush" putting in the nfc teams yet

you can decline updates.. you can't decline this

Why would you want to decline it? I hear you if this was 2004. But we in the age where peoples cell phones internet is fast enough. Whats this outrage about people with no internet? How do you post on this website if you don't have internet? Why would you be buying a $500 videogame system if you don't have internet?

The outrage is fake because if it was real? You'd say fukk that, then you'd go buy DriveClub. Are you going to do that? Who here is BUYING DRIVECLUB :popcorn:

When the systems launch, there should be more PS4's in the wild. Anyone think DriveClub will sell more than Forza 5, yes or no? And would they like to make a wager? Winner collects 1/14/14 $10,000 in Coli cash. Another $10,000 bet is for which game will be reviewed and considered the better game. We can collect on that in November. Now if nobody wants to take me up on those bets? :hula: anyone

I don't think there is anything left to talk about really :manny:
Yall have fun Neogaf jrz...

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Why would you want to decline it? I hear you if this was 2004. But we in the age where peoples cell phones internet is fast enough. Whats this outrage about people with no internet? How do you post on this website if you don't have internet? Why would you be buying a $500 videogame system if you don't have internet?

The outrage is fake because if it was real? You'd say fukk that, then you'd go buy DriveClub. Are you going to do that? Who here is BUYING DRIVECLUB :popcorn:

When the systems launch, there should be more PS4's in the wild. Anyone think DriveClub will sell more than Forza 5, yes or no? And would they like to make a wager? Winner collects 1/14/14 $10,000 in Coli cash. Another $10,000 bet is for which game will be reviewed and considered the better game. We can collect on that in November. Now if nobody wants to take me up on those bets? :hula: anyone

I don't think there is anything left to talk about really :manny:
Yall have fun Neogaf jrz...

i try to leave :whoa: ..... and they keep pulling me back in!!! i'll ask a basic question first for those who don't like reading

if you had the option to buy this game for $60 with no download to work.. or $60 with a download to work.. which would you do??? yea so why are you arguing that this is not the worst of the two options.. why doesn't every company do this?? IF YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD ANYWAY.. WHY EVEN BUY THE DISC VERSION

cause microsoft been pushing the no disc thing off top.. they say they dumped it.. but this is just a smaller push.. if this sells and no protest arise.. well now they have the model for pushing you to not even want discs and also give you a reason to buy digital and not even waste your time on a disc that you have to download anyway

i said a million times already... it's about principle and bad business.. this game is a product. i do not like the thought of companies now selling us products that are imcomplete out of the box

we can say whatever we like but the man who created the damn game said in plain english "THIS GAME WILL NOT WORK UNTIL YOU DOWNLOAD THE REST OF THE GAME"

that's fukking crazy.. period.. i don't care if my game is laggy.. has a glitch.. has some first day dlc.. the point is, i paid for it... it works.. THIS GAME DOES NOT FOLLOW THAT FORMULA.. you are paying $60 for a game that does not work out of the box..


and drive club.. i told you i'm no fanboy.. i'll frisbee that shyt right out the window in comparison to forza.. i'm no dummy

what did i say tho?? GRAN TURISMO.. you know... the greatest selling racing game in history not named mario kart... you want to put some money up on that considering that's what i said my alternative would be??? cause i'll bet right now anything in the world that forza will drop first, and GT6 will STILL beat it in sales with a 1,2 or 3 year head start
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Big Suge Knight

Runner of Thangs
Jun 14, 2013
Compton California
i try to leave :whoa: ..... and they keep pulling me back in!!! i'll ask a basic question first for those who don't like reading

if you had the option to buy this game for $60 with no download to work.. or $60 with a download to work.. which would you do??? yea so why are you arguing that this is not the worst of the two options.. why doesn't every company do this?? IF YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD ANYWAY.. WHY EVEN BUY THE DISC VERSION

cause microsoft been pushing the no disc thing off top.. they say they dumped it.. but this is just a smaller push.. if this sells and no protest arise.. well now they have the model for pushing you to not even want discs and also give you a reason to buy digital and not even waste your time on a disc that you have to download anyway

i said a million times already... it's about principle and bad business.. this game is a product. i do not like the thought of companies now selling us products that are imcomplete out of the box

we can say whatever we like but the man who created the damn game said in plain english "THIS GAME WILL NOT WORK UNTIL YOU DOWNLOAD THE REST OF THE GAME"

that's fukking crazy.. period.. i don't care if my game is laggy.. has a glitch.. has some first day dlc.. the point is, i paid for it... it works.. THIS GAME DOES NOT FOLLOW THAT FORMULA.. you are paying $60 for a game that does not work out of the box..


and drive club.. i told you i'm no fanboy.. i'll frisbee that shyt right out the window in comparison to forza.. i'm no dummy

what did i say tho?? GRAN TURISMO.. you know... the greatest selling racing game in history not named mario kart... you want to put some money up on that considering that's what i said my alternative would be??? cause i'll bet right now anything in the world that forza will drop first, and GT6 will STILL beat it in sales with a 1,2 or 3 year head start
You ever here the saying "Ignorance is bliss"? Sure you have, because you seemed really happy with your ignorant ending there. Forza, not GT is the highest rated racing game on consoles and has been since Forza 2. GT6 doesn't look better than GT5 which doesn't look better than Forza 3. GT6 should easily sell more than Forza 5 because the PS3 has an install base of 50+million while the Xbox One isn't even out yet. And won't sell 50million system for a few years. That is why games like GrandTheftAuto5 is not a launch title. Because the install bases cannot match that of the last gen. So your last comment isn't saying anything :hula:

Now to the first part of your post, which would I rather do? My honest to god truth answer is its a non issue. One or the other isn't even something I thought about for one millisecond because the first thing I would want is to have ONLINE GAMING. And all the nice stuff we get from online like XBL. If there was no XBL, I wouldn't give as much of a shyt about the console period. So if I want to have XBL, what you are trying to complain about is irrelevant. Your trying to create a problem where there is none. No, I wouldn't want Forza 5 if there was no online. Do you even know what a driveatar is? You are downloading that when you get the game, and if there is other stuff they can add along with that download? I'm supposed to be upset they giving me more content :what:

How the fukk are you even replying unless you are ONLINE right now? I'd rather have the best games. And if that means I have to get a one-time download from XBL to enjoy it? GREAT, because I was getting on XBL anyway. And since this bums you out, the XBOX ONE has to do the same thing. It has to get online ONCE so the changes can be applied to the system. I guess some gamers will be alienated. All 62 of em' :dead:
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May 6, 2012
that probably wouldn't be true if the system isn't designed to play off the disc. in other words, the data on the disc could be compressed, or otherwise formatted so it must be installed to the HDD first anyway... along with the online content

and what you think it "should" be is really only based on the tradition of how console games were sold

AKA sold fully playable without needing anything else. I rest my case.


The Illustrious
Apr 23, 2013
Man yall nikkas stan the fukk out of they get payed for it. :wow:

I love Forza, but the game being pushed unfinished is whack by Microsoft. Spin it as "extra content" if you want, the devs are clearly saying it's the rest of the content that's planned to be in the game but Microsoft doesn't want to give them the extra time to put it in before shipping for launch.

Again tho, if the game is dope then :manny:

I just hope Microsoft doesn't make a habit of this.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012

AKA sold fully playable without needing anything else. I rest my case.

I can play a board game without electricity. does that mean there's something inherently bad about games that require electricity, a television, and a console?

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
You ever here the saying "Ignorance is bliss"? Sure you have, because you seemed really happy with your ignorant ending there. Forza, not GT is the highest rated racing game on consoles and has been since Forza 2. GT6 doesn't look better than GT5 which doesn't look better than Forza 3. GT6 should easily sell more than Forza 5 because the PS3 has an install base of 50+million while the Xbox One isn't even out yet. And won't sell 50million system for a few years. That is why games like GrandTheftAuto5 is not a launch title. Because the install bases cannot match that of the last gen. So your last comment isn't saying anything :hula:

Now to the first part of your post, which would I rather do? My honest to god truth answer is its a non issue. One or the other isn't even something I thought about for one millisecond because the first thing I would want is to have ONLINE GAMING. And all the nice stuff we get from online like XBL. If there was no XBL, I wouldn't give as much of a shyt about the console period. So if I want to have XBL, what you are trying to complain about is irrelevant. Your trying to create a problem where there is none. No, I wouldn't want Forza 5 if there was no online. Do you even know what a driveatar is? You are downloading that when you get the game, and if there is other stuff they can add along with that download? I'm supposed to be upset they giving me more content :what:

How the fukk are you even replying unless you are ONLINE right now? I'd rather have the best games. And if that means I have to get a one-time download from XBL to enjoy it? GREAT, because I was getting on XBL anyway. And since this bums you out, the XBOX ONE has to do the same thing. It has to get online ONCE so the changes can be applied to the system. I guess some gamers will be alienated. All 62 of em' :dead:


May 6, 2012
I can play a board game without electricity. does that mean there's something inherently bad about games that require electricity, a television, and a console?

Nope. There's nothing wrong with a game that requires the aforementioned because the game console itself which it runs on requires a TV and electricity. This game we're talking about requires internet also to even work. Thanks for proving my point. :stopitslime:

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012

Nope. There's nothing wrong with a game that requires the aforementioned because the game console itself which it runs on requires a TV and electricity. This game we're talking about requires internet also to even work. Thanks for proving my point. :stopitslime:

daze be trolling both sides and y'all not even knowing :russ:


All Star
Resting in Peace
May 3, 2012
Man yall nikkas stan the fukk out of they get payed for it. :wow:

I love Forza, but the game being pushed unfinished is whack by Microsoft. Spin it as "extra content" if you want, the devs are clearly saying it's the rest of the content that's planned to be in the game but Microsoft doesn't want to give them the extra time to put it in before shipping for launch.

Again tho, if the game is dope then :manny:

I just hope Microsoft doesn't make a habit of this.

Why will it be a habit, its not like a new console gets released every time a new game come out.

Nope. There's nothing wrong with a game that requires the aforementioned because the game console itself which it runs on requires a TV and electricity. This game we're talking about requires internet also to even work. Thanks for proving my point. :stopitslime:

What point proven? :dwillhuh: XBL req the internet. PSN req the internet, Etc. Games are becoming connected whether you like it or not on both systems.


May 6, 2012
Why will it be a habit, its not like a new console gets released every time a new game come out.

What point proven? :dwillhuh: XBL req the internet. PSN req the internet, Etc. Game are becoming connected whether you like it or not on both systems.

:yeshrug: :flabbynsick:


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012

Nope. There's nothing wrong with a game that requires the aforementioned because the game console itself which it runs on requires a TV and electricity. This game we're talking about requires internet also to even work. Thanks for proving my point. :stopitslime:

but if a meteorite comes through my roof and takes out my TV I can still play Minesweeper



May 6, 2012
You ever here the saying "Ignorance is bliss"? Sure you have, because you seemed really happy with your ignorant ending there. Forza, not GT is the highest rated racing game on consoles and has been since Forza 2. GT6 doesn't look better than GT5 which doesn't look better than Forza 3. GT6 should easily sell more than Forza 5 because the PS3 has an install base of 50+million while the Xbox One isn't even out yet. And won't sell 50million system for a few years. That is why games like GrandTheftAuto5 is not a launch title. Because the install bases cannot match that of the last gen. So your last comment isn't saying anything :hula:

Now to the first part of your post, which would I rather do? My honest to god truth answer is its a non issue. One or the other isn't even something I thought about for one millisecond because the first thing I would want is to have ONLINE GAMING. And all the nice stuff we get from online like XBL. If there was no XBL, I wouldn't give as much of a shyt about the console period. So if I want to have XBL, what you are trying to complain about is irrelevant. Your trying to create a problem where there is none. No, I wouldn't want Forza 5 if there was no online. Do you even know what a driveatar is? You are downloading that when you get the game, and if there is other stuff they can add along with that download? I'm supposed to be upset they giving me more content :what:

How the fukk are you even replying unless you are ONLINE right now? I'd rather have the best games. And if that means I have to get a one-time download from XBL to enjoy it? GREAT, because I was getting on XBL anyway. And since this bums you out, the XBOX ONE has to do the same thing. It has to get online ONCE so the changes can be applied to the system. I guess some gamers will be alienated. All 62 of em' :dead:

:childplease: No, I would never hang up and call my girl back if I heard her fukking on the phone. If I called and she picked up by accident and I heard her getting her ribs touched I'd probably just play Uncharted while listening. :ld: